Chapter 1365

you. It is already your ancestral grave emitting green smoke!""Don't be shameless!""the most important thing is that no one asked you to come. What are you doing as a country bumpkin""this place is a...Chapter 1365

at this time, several Taekwondo black belt eight section of the great country master finally can not help it!

the next moment, three people darted out into the air and smashed one foot into Ye Hao's face.

"if I kill you, I will lose my life to you!"

obviously, these three Taekwondo masters are ready to lose their lives to Ye Hao at the worst.

as long as you can kill Ye Hao, it's all worth it.

while Jin Sansheng watched this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't stop it, because he also wanted Ye Hao to die.

before the three men jumped in front of Ye Hao, Ye Hao heard a few "snaps" as soon as he swung his right foot. The bodies of these guys flew out across the sky, smashing to the ground as if they were spitting blood, embarrassed to the extreme.

"Ah poof"

the three of them struggled to get up at the same time with an incredible look on their faces.

they are all masters of taekwondo black belt, but they never thought that they could not even stop a move in the face of Ye Hao.

the trio still want to stand up, but Ye Hao has come directly to them and throws his right foot out again.


this time, the sternum of the three men was directly broken, and all of them rolled on the ground one by one, howling like a pig.

when Park Donghui and others watched this scene, they were all creepy and their faces were ugly to the extreme.

Ye Hao is much hotter than they imagined.

the faces of the three taekwondo masters are all frightened at the moment. They are all masters and sweeps in the baseball country, but now they can't even pass a move in front of Ye Hao

their original grievances against Ye Hao disappeared, but now all they have is fear.

none of the remaining dozen taekwondo black belt masters dare to act rashly. They just stare at Ye Hao and gnash their teeth.

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"Don't you want to roll Do you want to wait for me to kill him " Ye Hao spoke faintly.

"I'm just here to ask for debt today, not to ask for money, so you're in luck!"

Ye Hao spoke of this fact in a flat tone.

these taekwondo black belt masters feel in a trance that if Ye Hao wants to, he can kill them all in a minute.

"get out of the way! everybody out of the way! Let him go! "

even the mighty Jin Sansheng swallow his anger at the moment: "but Ye, remember!"

"if the mountains don't turn, and the green hills don't change, we'll have a chance to meet again!"

this sentence, Jin Sansheng with the smell of gnashing teeth.

obviously, he vowed to take revenge and bring shame on him.

"asshole! Damn summer man! So what if you talk so much You dare not kill me! "

at this time, Li Zecheng, lying on the ground, stared at Ye Hao's back with a look of resentment.

"I know why!"

"because from ancient times to the present, you have never defeated our great country in the war, and your great summer has always been a dependency of our great country!"

"so no matter how strong you are, you dare not kill me!"

"because, you know, the consequences of killing me are extremely serious!"

"Ye, this is the biggest difference between Bao Guo and you in summer!" In the eyes of our great country, you Daxia people are pussies. At most, you can only beat me and break my hands and feet, but you don't dare to kill me! "

"because you can't afford to fall out with Bang Guo in the summer!"

"and I, as long as you give me a chance, I dare to kill you, kill your family! There is absolutely no need to worry about any consequences! "

"you can fight again, because you are a weak country in summer, so your bones are soft!"

:. :n the other hand, turned and squinted at Kim Chun-young as if he knew his son for the first time, with meaningful relief in his eyes.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});as for Mo Chou-ta...