Chapter 1280

emonic on the road.if not, the strongest thing on the road is definitely the Dragon Gate.from this point of view, it is enough to show the weight of a branch president of Longmen.but what happened tod...Chapter 1280

Ye Hao looked back at Zhen Yushu, frowned and said, "which onion are you" Can't you see I'm talking to my wife Which side is cool and which side is squatting! "


Zhen Yushu, who gritted his teeth angrily, stood up now and sneered, "come on, when you finish your last words, I'll send you and your wife on the road together!"

"No, I'm going to keep you alive for a while, watch me put your wife to bed, and then I'll send you on your way!"

Zhen Yushu sneered, but he didn't want to let Ye Hao go.


Ye Hao slapped Zhen Yushu directly in the face with his backhand, and said coldly in the incredible eyes of everyone, "I don't care who you are!"

"but you remember that!"

"this is Yangcheng and the dragon. You give it to me!" It's a tiger. Get down! "

"and don't you dare scare my wife. I'll give you three seconds to get down on your knees and apologize!"

"otherwise, your life will be lost here!"


at this time, Zhen Yushu's goons were all angry. they all pulled out their firearms from their waists and pointed directly at Ye Hao. As long as Zhen Yushu gave the order, they would fire directly.

"it's over!"

those Dihao executives are on the verge of peeing.

they would never have thought that Ye Hao, a door-to-door son-in-law, dared to slap Zhen Yushu in the face!

this is a **ing death wish!

just forget it if you want to die on your own. In this case, you are ready to pull them on your back! At the thought of

, these executives all want to cry without tears.

Ye Hao looked extremely cold when he saw this.

Firearms are tube products, and it is impossible for the people to have them.

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but Mudu Zhen's family is so arrogant that he carries a firearm with him, which is simply indifferent to Wang Fa.

think of the sergeant fighting hard at the front, protecting this group of guys who can only bully men and women. Ye Hao's eyes are all murderous.

if it were not for fear that these people would open fire and hurt Zheng Maner, he would have done it by now.

by this time, Zhen Yushu had already responded.

he touched his face and looked stunned: "how dare you hit me" My dad never hit me! How dare you hit me! "

"Kill you!" I'll kill you! "

the next moment, Zhen Yushu snatched the firearm from a thug and nailed it directly to Ye Hao's forehead. The scene of

made Zheng Maner scream, while Ye Hao squinted his eyes slightly.

just as he was about to do it, Zhen Yushu's secretary reacted. He suddenly snatched the firearm in Zhen Yushu's hand and whispered, "Young Master, calm down, you are a man of all world. this door-to-door son-in-law is a bad life, and he has no value for you to do it yourself!"

"We have plenty of ways to kill him!"

"besides, isn't he a driver of Ye Shizi If we kill him here now, we will offend Ye Shizi to death! "

hearing the secretary's words, Zhen Yushu calmed down a little bit. After staring at Ye Hao brightly for a moment, he slowly said, "son of a bitch, don't think that with a Ye Shizi behind you, you can do whatever you want!"

"the purpose of our Modu Zhen family's visit to Yangcheng is to occupy a place in Yangcheng!"

"I'll give you three days to sign the contract, wash your wife and send her to your door, otherwise you'll suffer the consequences!"

with that, Zhen Yushu made a gesture of cutting his neck at Ye Hao and turned away with a big thorn.just to remind you that that island man must have something to do with it!"Ye Hao opened his mouth noncommittally."you'd better move your positions first, otherwise something will happen later, and I'...