Chapter 1201

ed.have you made up your mindThunder Tiger said coldly."me. We won't call the police! ""We pay back the money, but we can't come up with so much money now in the middle of the night. Can you put it of...Chapter 1201

Tianri Group.

Ye Hao is checking the relevant information sent by Xia Yun about the Tang family in the United States.

at this time, Tang Rentu made a phone call.

"Chief, something big has happened!"

"Mr. Zhong didn't board the plane, and the airport was already checking and monitoring, but no one could be found for a while."

Tu, a Tang Dynasty, was obviously a little excited, because Mr. Zhong Beishan had treated an unknown number of sergeants at the front before, so the people in the army all admired him.

now that Zhong Beishan is missing, the people in the army are the most nervous.

Ye Hao's face also changed: "I personally sent the person to the airport. Nothing can happen on the way. The only possibility is that after I left the airport, someone forcibly took Zhong away!"

"check the video of that time period immediately and don't miss any clues."

Tu of the Tang Dynasty was ordered to go, and soon sent back the news: "Chief coach, found it, it was a group of people who took away their old age and got on a Toyota Elfa."

"I have asked people from Yangcheng Police Station to cooperate to find out where the car is going."

Ye Hao nodded slightly and changed his clothes.

soon, Tang Rentu called again.

"Chief instructor, found out that the car was parked at the people's Hospital. It is said that an overseas Chinese sent someone to bring Mr. Zhong back from the airport."

Domain name of this site

"overseas Chinese"

Ye Hao frowned slightly and said coldly a moment later, "I'll take care of this myself."



in the hospital operating room.

after carefully examining Tang Norton for a moment, Zhong Beishan frowned and said, "Mr. Tang, your son's condition is very special. He has already been injured in the brain, and it seems that someone has given him a medicine during his hospitalization."

"this has caused severe damage to his brain stem, and the current condition is not suitable for surgery."

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"I'll tell you what, let him go to Yanjing with me for hospitalization and observation."

"but I estimate that this process will take three to five years, and I can't guarantee that he will recover. Even if he is sober, his intelligence is likely to be equivalent to that of a three-or five-year-old child."

"what! Do you mean that even if my son recovers, he will become a fool " Master Tang looked shocked.

"there is a high probability that this will happen." Zhong Beishan said seriously.

hearing this, a smile flashed through the eyes of the Yangcheng Tang family, who had been a little nervous.

this is the best result.

Tom Norton is able to save life and become a fool who won't expose what they've done.

but in front of Master Tang, the Tang family dared not be too obvious. Mrs. Tang said with a sad face, "how can Mr. Tang Norton become a fool" Mr. Zhong Beishan, you must restore him to a normal person no matter what! "

after Zhong Beishan frowned for a moment, he said slowly, "I'll do my best!"

Master Tang took a deep breath and said slowly, "that is to say, is there a chance that my son will return to being an ordinary person"

"Yes, but the probability is not high." Zhong Beishan said seriously.

third Master Tang said coldly, "in that case, you can stay in Yangcheng. When can my son recover and when can you leave"

"and in the meantime, you can't go to anything, you can't receive any patients, you can only treat my son."

"he can recover. I thank him with ten million meters of gold. If he can't recover, just stay with him all the time."

Zhong Beishan said coldly, "it's impossible. All my patients are waiting for me!"

Master Tang said faintly, "you can refuse, but I can't guarantee that the head of your assistant who just connected the severed hand will fall off!"re surging.""I'm afraid the men we sent were unlucky."Jin Zhiyu's wine glass fell directly on the table, with a look of amazement on his face.obviously she had no idea that even Zhen long's people suf...