Chapter 1094

"Poor guy, do you know what a silver card is I suggest that you pretend to be more like it in the future. If you take a silver card, people will believe you, or even hack a gold card Bah!" Jiang Wanli...Chapter 1094


Tang Jia.

Tang Laojun, Yun Qihai and Luo Chengkun bowed their heads and stood.

as a first-class family in Yangcheng, the appearance of these three represents that something big has happened.

not far in front of them, a figure in a Mao suit stood with his hand turned negative, gazing at his left hand.

he had an unspeakable demeanor, and he didn't do anything on purpose, but this demeanor made Old Lady Tang and others look dignified and dared not even breathe.

after a long time, when this man put down his left hand, the old gentleman of the Tang family took a breath of courage and said, "second young master, I don't know which gust of wind has blown you from Hong Kong City!"

"you don't have to give me advance notice so that I can wait to meet you."

Ye went sick and said faintly, "if I don't come, all your four first-class families will fall."

hearing this, Tang family old lady Jun and others all looked slightly changed.

Ye is angry to get sick.

at this moment, these three ordinary people dare not say anything at this moment.

"I've been away for a while. I asked you to deal with a mere Ye Shizi. Not only did you not succeed, but you also lost a Su family. You are really capable." Ye went sick and looked indifferent.

hearing this, the crowd trembled even more and dared not speak at all.

Ye Kui, looking deeply ill, suddenly changed the subject and said, "you will all go to the defense-changing ceremony of the head of the Lingnan army, right"

"Yes!" The old lady of the Tang family and others dare not deny that they are afraid that Ye will not allow himself to attend this ceremony.

after all, in the eyes of Ye Kui, the four first-class families in Yangcheng were just servants.

"feel free to attend. I have no problem with it, but before that, I have a task for you." Ye goes to the disease path.

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"I will do my best at the request of the second young master."

Ye Kui had a strange smile on his face. He said slowly, "Ye Hao, son-in-law of the Tang family, you all know that, right"

"I know! This son has repeatedly spoiled the great event of our Tang family. If it hadn't been for him, we Tang family would have become the head of the first-class family in Lingnan now! "

the old gentleman of the Tang family opened his mouth subconsciously.

"this guy is very annoying!" Ye went sick and said faintly, "I have found out that this son is Ye Shizi's agent and has some energy in his hand."

"I have a special status and it is not convenient for me to do so, so I want you to deal with this son before the defense change ceremony!"

Yun Qihai frowned and said, "dare to ask the second young master, since this son is Ye Shizi's agent, how many resources does Ye Shizi have"

"not much, but strong enough, so you three may need to work together to get rid of him once and for all." The leaf goes to the sickly light way.

the old gentleman of the Tang family sneered and said, "I see. The second young master really woke up the dreamer!" 33 novel Network

"before, I always wondered why I was repeatedly sabotaged by this son when I targeted a small Baiyun company!"

"it turns out that he is Ye Shizi's agent!"

"in this way, he has some energy!"

"fortunately, the second young master reminded us that otherwise, our Tang family might still suffer at his hands!"

"but now that the second young master has orders, our three families will definitely make this son's life worse than death!"

"I will stall Ye Shizi so that he can't do anything. You three families will resolve this son as soon as possible. After this, I will not restrict anything of your three families!" The leaf goes sick and opens its mouth said.Zheng Maner frowned and said, "it's not completely impossible. At present, while this video hasn't completely spread out, let's find the school leaders of Mordu University and ask them to remo...