chapter 925

w he and his only eldest brother have completely torn their faces.means he doesn't have a home.if someone else is Fu Shiting's current situation, I'm afraid there will be psychological problems.Auntie...Chapter 925

he must be very happy, right

it's just that her family probably didn't welcome her so much.

but they are all decent people, so they should not drive her away.

the car passed a flower shop and she pulled over.

she picked out a bunch of fresh carnations in the store. After paying the bill, she entered the car with flowers in her hand.

the car is back on the road. Go two more traffic lights ahead, then go straight for about two thousand meters, and you'll get to Yun's house.

she hummed and drove her car to Yun's home with the green light all the way.

the car stopped outside the Yunjia yard.

she got out of the car and looked at the locked courtyard gate and the closed gate of the villa. It doesn't look like people live here.

she frowned, pulled out her cell phone, found Yunfu's phone and dialed it.

she prepared for the worst. Maybe Yunfu has blocked her number.

but the phone called, but it got through.

"Mr. Yun, I'm on your doorstep now. I see your door is closed. Aren't you at home" Qin Anan gulped nervously.

"Miss Qin, I'm sorry! My family is traveling abroad now. I'm afraid I can't go back to receive you! " Yunfu's tone could not hide his arrogance and arrogance. "if there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up first." By the way, my son is fine. You don't have to worry. "

"wait!" Qin Anan snapped, "Yunmo has just finished the operation and needs to rest!" How could you take him on a trip Not even if he wants to travel! Aren't you afraid that something will happen to him during the journey "

Yunfu snorted coldly, "Miss Qin, I seem to have settled your operation fee for you, right" I don't need you to tell me what to do in front of me. It's very unqualified! "

he finished and hung up the phone.

Qin Anan clasped his fingers tightly as he listened to the sound of "doodle" disconnection on the phone.

this old man has gone too far!

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she really saw his true face today! He doesn't care about Yunmo's life or death!

it's just that she can't figure it out. Since he doesn't care about Yunmo's life or death, why would he spend a high price to cure Yunmo

Yunmo is better now and has not been treated well.

what on earth is this old man thinking

she clutched her cell phone and walked to a nearby villa.

the courtyard door of the villa was open. When Qin Anan entered the yard, a dog immediately ran out and barked at her.

she stopped with fear.

fortunately, when the hostess heard the dog barking, she quickly came out and called the dog away.

"Hello, I'm your neighbor Yunmo's doctor. My name is Qin Anan." Qin Anan introduced himself, "I am visiting Yunmo's physical recovery today, but they are not at home."

"Oh, I know you! You're so good! " The hostess said enthusiastically, "but my neighbors have moved." I moved it the day before yesterday. If you had come the day before yesterday, you would still have seen them! "

Qin Anan was stunned.

what Yunfu just said echoed in her mind.

"I called him just now and he said that his family had gone on a trip. Are you sure they moved "

"Yes! I saw them carry out the luggage one by one. Who travels with so many things! " At this point, the hostess lowered her voice a little, "Dr. Qin, you have less contact with this family." This family is very strange. "

"is it weird What's weird about it "

"they are a mysterious family. We have been neighbors for so many years, they never talk to us. Do you think it's weird " The hostess said and wondered, "they have lived here for a long time and suddenly moved out, and I don't know why."

Qin Anan had a foreboding in his heart.

always feels that there is a huge net behind her, waiting for her to jump into it! just now." But I want to eat Hot and Sour Rice Noodles now. "he hasn't eaten Hot and Sour Rice Noodles out, but this simple snack can be made in most restaurants.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | [...