chapter 904

an immediately understood what he meant."if you don't get to the root of the problem in this way, you can't get drunk every time." What she said behind her, it got stuck in her throat."it's better tha...Chapter 904

she felt dizzy.

is it necessary for them to send messages to each other now that they are sitting together

after sending a message to Qin Anan, Fu Shiting clicked on a small group during the interval of her reply.

Sheng Bei: Li Xiaotian's wave is too fierce! What kind of overbearing line is that When I usually see a TV show like this, I will definitely scold the screenwriter for being crazy, but when Sweets says this, I think it's so sweet.

Zhou Ziyi: get to know Sweets correctly! Do we have to give red envelopes to Zhong Zhi

Shengbei: this is a big profit!

Zhou Ziyi: Mike asked me to pull him into the group. Should I bring him in

Sheng Bei: since you ask, you must want to pull. Pull! Let him in and hand out red envelopes!

system hint: Mike enters the group chat.

after Mike joined the group, he sent out a meme made of his handsome photo, which is so coquettish that no one can match it.

Fu Shiting: [red envelopes]

Sheng Bei: [red envelopes]

Zhou Ziyi: [red envelopes]

Mike did not expect to join the group, they all handed out red envelopes to greet themselves. Suddenly overjoyed, overjoyed, overjoyed!

he happily opened the red packet one by one and grabbed it!

Zhou Ziyi: **! Who told you to get the red packet! This is issued to the right! @ Mike

Mike looks incredible: huh! I got it. It's mine. You send it to him separately! You three bosses, chief financial officers and assistant presidents of the group are not so stingy, are they @ Fu Shiting

Fu Shiting: [red envelopes]

Mike: he is really a little expert at peeling melon seeds, and the speed of sending red envelopes is also leveraged! [thumb] I just don't know if it's so fast in bed [br >]

system hint: group member-1

Mike was mercilessly kicked out by Zhou Ziyi.

Mike was kicked out of the group and was furious, so he sent a message to Qin Anan: Ann, they have set up a small group to discuss you in it!

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Qin Anan saw the news and immediately looked at Fu Shiting.

Fu Shiting accepted her eyes, so he put down his phone and looked back at her.

on the stage, Li Xiaotian and he Junzhi stared at each other with glued eyes.

people thought that he Junzhi would be taken away by Li Xiaotian soon, but the reality is different from what everyone imagined.

"Li Xiaotian, why should I go with you! If you say you regret it, you regret it. What do you think I am " He Junzhi Aojiao said, "when we were together, I listened to you for everything, but that doesn't mean you were right about everything!" Because I love you, even if you have made a mistake before, I will praise you for doing the right thing! "

"then continue to love me!" Li Xiaotian said this sentence with a sore nose.

there was a small burst of laughter from the audience.

"Li Xiaotian, look at you now!" You are still so arrogant, and you still don't take my dignity seriously! " He Junzhi shook her hand away. "you had to divorce me, but you wouldn't listen to me no matter how much I begged you." Now if you say a word, let me erase your mistake No way! "

"Sorry!" Li Xiaotian cried bitterly, "he Junzhi, I apologize to you!" Can't I apologize to you "

Qin Anan listened to Xiao Sweets' cry, and her heart gripped tightly.

at this point, her phone screen lights up again.

is Fu Shiting's message to her: I can also apologize to you publicly.

Qin Anan's cheeks were burning and her fingers were beating quickly on the screen: do the humiliating things yourself, don't hold me.

she is not ashamed of he Junzhi and Li Xiaotian now. Everyone has different ways of dealing with problems. The degree of acceptance is also different.

she doesn't like to spread out her private affairs in front of her friends and relatives for everyone to watch.

he Junzhi took the microphone from the next emcee.

"Li Xiaotian, if we get back together, will you divorce me in the future"r as soon as we see eye to eye, and we don't care so much about the mess! "(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});Qin Anan was sent to the elevator by the nurse and left the nurse busy.the...