chapter 855

e kids Did you say why "Qin Anan shook his head: "he has depression. As long as I think that he is sick, I persuade myself to take it easy. ""what a pity." Zhang Yun sighed, "so what if you have money...Chapter 855

she used to care nothing about the Tang family's property, she just wanted to be respected and recognized by her family, but now, she doesn't need anyone to look up to her, she just wants the whole Tang family!


Today is the first day of work.

No one expected that Fu Shiting, as the soon-to-be bridegroom, came to the company early.

but since he came to the company, he has been in the office and didn't come out.

the red envelopes for starting work are distributed by the vice president and the treasurer.

employees certainly won't miss this opportunity to gossip close to the truth.

"Vice President, is our boss really going to marry Tang Qian Why can't the boss get over it "

the vice president was embarrassed: "I really don't know about this." Why don't you ask the treasurer "

Sheng Bei looks funny: "how can I know about the boss's private affairs" I didn't know about it until the news broke. If you want to know so much, you can go to his office and ask him himself! "

the employees waved their hands again and again, saying that they dared not.

"Chief Financial Officer, you have such a good relationship with your boss, don't you give him a hand"

Sheng Bei: "I know you care about your boss, but don't be so pessimistic." The law stipulates that men and women can get married or get divorced! "

everyone suddenly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

after handing out red envelopes, the vice president privately asked Sheng Bei, "when will the boss get divorced"

Sheng Bei: "he is not even married. How do I know when he will get divorced"

"I thought the boss told you all his plans."

"what's the plan Why didn't I know he had a plan "

Vice President: "not that the boss married Tang Qian in order to share with Xinhe Capital." Do you want to cooperate "

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Sheng Bei can't laugh or cry: "even if it is deep with Xinhe Capital." Join the cooperation, but also Xinhe Capital uses us to make money! And the 5.2 billion bride price was not the figure in the press release, but was actually transferred to Don Qiaosen. "

Vice President: "it seems that the boss has something in the hands of Don Johnson."

Sheng Bei is noncommittal: "it's a pity that some people will not sympathize with him for this."

"who do you mean" The vice president was puzzled and asked.

Sheng Bei picked up his eyebrows and did not speak.

"Oh, oh! Do you mean Qin Anan " The vice president understood, "in fact, if Qin Anan were to marry another man, our boss would not be able to respect and understand and wait silently." The boss didn't mention the knife to kill the man. I take your last name. "

Sheng Bei is speechless.


Children's room. Rilla lay on the bed, her eyes open and her mouth whispering, "Brother, I don't believe Dad is a bad guy." He didn't blame me the last time I lost his things. "

rilla, it was like a flash of lightning.

A white light appeared in Lesser Cold's mind.

is it possible that Fu Shiting suddenly decided to marry Tang Qian because his belongings were taken away by the Tang family

although Xiao Han resented Fu Shiting in his heart, Lesser Cold felt bad when he saw his mother and sister hurt by his behavior.

isn't his scandal that he is mentally ill

he was so face-saving and so afraid of being known about it, only to be controlled by the Tang family because of it.

Lesser Cold didn't want to get involved in his affairs, but he was really upset to see the Tang family being so arrogant. well, it will be over in about an hour or two, which will not affect her going to see Fu Shiting tonight.she breathed a sigh of relief at the thought."Qin Anan, I heard your husband died." Zhuang Xu...