chapter 822

er bag and left quickly..Group.Zhou Ziyi took a phone call and took a deep breath!is the world crazyhis boss, Fu Shiting, went to the hotel and went crazy.he not only let his bodyguards drive away all...Chapter 822

his breathing is a little heavy and he seems to be thinking about it.

"in a few days."

if she hadn't asked, he wouldn't have thought about it at all.

"Oh. You can go out and play if you can't sleep. " She was afraid that he would be bored. "if you think it's boring to go out alone, you can have Mike take you out."

"do you think I can play with him" He sneered and asked, "aren't you sleepy" Am I interrupting you "

she took a breath: "I'm really sleepy. I just think of you around."

"Why don't I go" He didn't want to interfere with her rest.

"where are you going" She whispered, "it's not because you're around that you can't sleep." It feels like there is still a contradiction between us, but I can't tell if there is any contradiction at the moment. "

"Qin Anan, if you always think about unhappy things, you won't fall asleep tonight." He patted her on the shoulder. "turn around."

"what are you doing" She was puzzled, but she turned her back obediently.

"Don't think about anything. Close your eyes and go to sleep." His big palm came to her back and gave her a gentle press.

I heard that this whole piece will be very sore after a woman gives birth to a baby.

he can't help her endure the pain, he can only help her to relieve it.

his warm fingers are like magic. Get rid of all her fatigue. She felt like she was floating in the clouds and her body was more relaxed than ever.

she wanted to ask him who he learned from, but because she was so comfortable, she forgot to ask.

after a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

after she fell asleep, his arm took her in his arms.

he craves her familiar smell, misses her soft body, misses her voice and smiling face. Even if she is aggressive, he wants to stay with her.

another room.

Mike and Zhou Ziyi are playing video.

"I suspect your boss is using a beauty trap!" Mike leaned back in his chair and said eloquently, "you said he hit hard. He's not bleeding." You said he was not serious, and he bulged such a big bag! As soon as Qin Anan saw his injury, he was immediately allowed to sleep in the main bed. Tut-tut, what a clever man! "

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Zhou Ziyi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "would you stop speculating on my boss with your dirty mind" Isn't it good for the two of them to make up You mustn't play tricks. "

"do you think I dare Even if I don't look at your face, I dare not act rashly. Qin Anan should not care too much about him! " Mike was sour. "Don't talk about them, tell me about you!" Did your parents urge you to get married

"what do you think" Zhou Ziyi held a little girl in her arms. The little girl was about two years old. She stared at the Mike on the screen without making any noise or making any noise. "not only did she urge marriage, she was born directly." This is my cousin's daughter, isn't she cute "

"Let your parents try to have another one!" Mike joked, "you're mine anyway."

"are you sick If I tell my parents that, they will break my legs. " The mood of Zhou Ziyi was suddenly intense.

Xiao Mengbao in his arms gave a frightened 'wow' and began to cry.

Zhou Ziyi immediately put down her cell phone and held the baby to find snacks and toys.

Mike watched Zhou Ziyi disappear into the camera, but the video didn't hang up, and the voice over there came clearly--

"Ziyi, please give me the baby! Didn't I say I would introduce you to a girlfriend last time I called the girl here, so go and meet her! " A female voice came.

Zhou Ziyi refused: "cousin, no need."

"nothing, all the girls are here. You are just too shy! "

Mike's face broke down.

Zhou Ziyi, a little coward, dared not disclose their relationship, so he had to do it himself!

the next day.

during breakfast time, Fu Shiting told Qin Anan the news of Mike's return.s phone, the atmosphere turned on."Boss Fu, that Miss Qin downstairs seems to be the boss of Qin Group, right""it's her. There was a picture of her on the Internet, and it came out as soon as I search...