chapter 724

silence!Zhou Ziyi awkwardly handed the mobile phone to Qin Anan.Qin Anan turned on her phone and put it on the table."Hello, Boss Fu."hearing Qin Anan's official greeting, Mike smiled and Zhou Ziyi wa...Chapter 724

at the same time, Fu Shiting blew a cold wind on the balcony of the hospital.

after searching for him for a long time, Zhou Ziyi finally found him.

looking at his lonely back in the cold night, Zhou Ziyi felt very unhappy.

"Boss, why are you here alone" Zhou Ziyi calmed down and said, "it's time for dinner."

"can't eat." His tone was cold and hoarse.

Ziqiu needs a change of blood, but because of his special blood type, he hasn't found a suitable blood source yet.

this is one of the sources of pain.

the second source of pain is that he knows that the chanting blood type may match Ziqiu.

but he can't talk about it.

he can't let Yin Yin donate blood to Ziqiu.

it took him 20 years to transform Yin from a mentally handicapped into a normal person who can gradually take care of himself.

he only hopes that Yin Yin can always maintain his present state and live a normal life.

how can he ask Yin Yin to donate blood for Ziqiu What if something happens to Yin Yin because of donating blood

but let him watch Ziqiu die of anemia, how can he be ruthless

his pain can only be digested by himself, unable to speak to outsiders.

"even if you can't eat, don't stay out." It's cold outside, so be careful not to catch cold. " Zhou Ziyi said, "now Anan is still in the month, she and the child need your care."

Zhou Ziyi's words made Fu Shiting wake up.

they are heading for newborn pediatrics.

the doctor saw that Qin Anan didn't look well, so he advised her to go home and have a rest first.

"Miss Qin, you are still a patient. If you hadn't insisted on leaving the hospital, you would still be in the hospital." The doctor said seriously, "if you don't have a good rest now, be careful that you get to the root of the disease." The experts invited by Mr. Fu will watch Ziqiu 24 hours a day. As soon as we have a blood source, we will immediately give Ziqiu a blood transfusion.

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Fu Shiting stood not far away to see this scene, immediately quickened his pace and walked up to Qin Anan.

he didn't speak to her, because no matter what he said, she wouldn't listen.

he picked her up and carried her towards the elevator.

"I'm not going home!" Her eyes were red, she clenched her fist and beat him on the chest. "I want to be here with Ziqiu!"

"if you are tired, who will accompany rilla and Lesser Cold" He didn't stop. "Qin Anan, don't punish yourself with my fault!"

she almost thought she had heard it wrong.

he said it was his fault

he finally admitted that it was his fault! After

entered the elevator, she struggled to get out of his arms.

"what's the use of saying it's your fault now The baby has been born, he is already a life, if he dies, we will never see each other again! " Her eyes sparkled with tears and uttered these words of determination.

if Ziqiu is not born prematurely, there is a chance that she will be born as healthily as Lesser Cold and rilla.

and until now, Fu Shiting refused to punish the culprit of preterm birth!

Why did Tang Qian dare to be so presumptuous It is because of his connivance!

Qin Anan saw through! Even if she gave him three children, it would not be worth Tang Qian's company with him for more than ten years!

because of everything here, she will always remind her that she was forced to conceive Ziqiu by this unkind man, and because of the repeated persecution of that crazy woman in Tang Qian, Ziqiu died prematurely!

he stared at her blankly, his thin lips ruffled for a moment, but said nothing after all.

she looked at him angrily. When she saw the tears in his eyes, the elevator 'Ding' sounded, and then the elevator door slowly opened.

"I'll go home by myself. I don't want you to see me off." She took a deep breath, held her bag tightly, and walked into the cold wind of the winter night. up and said, "I didn't mean to come to you. I really can't help myself. The child always kicks me now, and every time she kicks me, I want to tell you. She is already a healthy and lively life, she w...