chapter 676

the Xiao family is undoubtedly a good he just needs to be patient and bide his Group."Boss, is something bothering you You've been sad all day. Is there any crisis in...Chapter 676

"Boss, I watched the video again, and then I enlarged and printed a screenshot of the woman's belly button in the video!" Zhou Ziyi took out a piece of color printing paper and gave it to Fu Shiting. "you must know what Qin Anan's belly button looks like, right" Please compare it. "

previously, when they watched the video, they only focused on the woman's appearance, voice and bulging belly, but no one noticed the shape of her belly button.

they ignored this. The shape of everyone's belly button is different.

people who imitate Qin Anan can imitate her appearance, voice and appearance, but because Qin Anan has never exposed her body in public, the person who imitates her cannot imitate her belly button exactly like her.

Zhou Ziyi especially admires rilla.

Children's observation in some ways is easy for adults to ignore.

Fu Shiting glanced at the color printing paper handed over by Zhou Ziyi and put it down.

"how's it going, boss" Zhou Ziyi thought he had something in mind.

but his eyebrow locked tightly and asked, "Why do you think I would remember what her belly button looked like"

even if he slept with Qin Anan, who would pay special attention to each other's belly button

"do you remember what Mike's belly button looks like" He asked, looking at Zhou Ziyi's face.

Zhou Ziyi coughed awkwardly: "I remember." Because his belly button is very sexy.

Fu Shiting:

the atmosphere is a little subtle at this moment.

"she has a scar on her abdomen that was delivered by C-section." After a brief silence, Fu Shiting said, "I am always attracted by this scar, so I didn't pay attention to her belly button."

Zhou Zi nodded understandably: "it's a pity that the woman in the video is covered by cash under her belly button." But, boss, if you go to Qin Anan and see for yourself, won't you know the answer "

Fu Shiting's fingers were curled up, and a cold light appeared in the fundus of his eyes: "do you think she will show me" Are you too confident in me, or don't you know much about her "

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Zhou Ziyi's lips pursed into a line.

he knows that they broke up over the video, but now that there is a clue, Qin Anan can use this to prove his innocence, why not solve the mystery as soon as possible

"there is no need to prove it," Fu Shiting's voice came a moment later. "I believe rilla."

rilla said that if the woman in the video is not her mother, then it is not her mother.

rilla can't lie.

Xinghe Bay Villa.

Qin Anan has been watching the live broadcast.

Jin Sinian's head was a little dizzy when she saw Jin Si-nien mention herself.

if there is no video incident, she doesn't mind that the outside world knows she is rilla's mother.

she is not psychologically prepared to let the child know about it now.

Ke Jin Si-nien talked about it in the studio without consulting her at all. Not only that, he showed rilla that kind of video!

she was so angry that her blood pressure rose, took her cell phone, exited the studio and dialed Jin Sinian's number.

Jin Sinian saw her call and immediately left in front of the live camera.

"Jin Si Nian! What are you doing! " Qin Anan took a deep breath and could not help asking loudly.

Jin took a look at rilla and whispered, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand."

"that's not it. Why did you show her that kind of video She's so young! Jin Si-nien, you have become more and more presumptuous these days! You rely on rilla to like you, so you do everything first! " Qin Anan complained.

she's right.

Jin Si-nien relied on rilla's love, so he no longer discussed everything with her.

because of the consequences of discussing with her, it is likely to limit his thinking.

he wants to help her. If he had consulted her, she would not have asked him for help.ould be very angry and might let her bodyguard kick her out.Pei Xiaomo shook his head when he thought of this.she can't expose her identity.Qin Zihan is someone she can't afford to offend.but let her...