chapter 635

anging up, Qin Anan stood up.she wants to find Lesser Cold as soon as possible and not let Fu Shiting come forward.otherwise, if Jin Kaili knows that Lesser Cold is here, there is no guarantee that Ji...Chapter 635

"Bad!" Lesser Cold is in danger! " Mike exclaimed, "Ann, you stay in the car!" I'll find him! "

he quickly pulled over to the side of the road, pressed the emergency light, and ran into the subway station.

Lesser Cold had a holiday today, and the special car of the summer camp sent them to a large shopping mall near the subway station.

Lesser Cold bought a gift for his mother at the mall. When he paid the bill, he found someone staring at him.

he came out of the mall and came to the subway station. Who knows, the man followed him to the subway station.

so he made sure he was being followed.

Qin Anan has no way to sit quietly in the car and wait.

after Mike got off, she got off, too. Stride towards the subway station.

the bodyguard supported her and advised: "Boss, watch out for the fetal movement!" If it starts now, are you going to have a baby on the street "

originally, Qin Anan had no feeling about his stomach, but when he was said by his bodyguard, his stomach ached vaguely.

she stopped and put her hand on her stomach: "you hurry to find Lesser Cold!" How can Mike do it alone What if he is also in danger! "

it is impossible for the bodyguard to leave her. "there are a lot of security officers in the subway. They will be fine."

"No, I have to go in there!" She took the bodyguard's arm and continued to walk into the subway station.

at this moment, Mike came out with Lesser Cold in his arms.

the moment Qin Anan saw the two of them, she hung her heart and fell down.

"Ann, didn't I tell you to stay in the car" How did you get out " Mike walked up to her and gasped, "get in the car first!"

after getting on the bus, Qin Anan immediately leaned over and hugged Lesser Cold: "Honey, are you all right" I blame my mother for not picking you up earlier. "

" Mom, I'm fine. I accidentally pressed the button on my watch. " Lesser Cold said, taking out the gift she bought from her bag. "when I was buying a gift, I accidentally pressed it."

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Qin Anan accepted the gift and said with lingering fear, "Don't lie to your mother." This has never happened before. "

"I've never bought a gift alone before." Lesser Cold raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a rare smile.

"I'm glad it's okay. Mom will take you to a big dinner. "

"mm-hmm. Mom, you open the present. "

Qin Anan immediately opened the gift. Inside was a moving butterfly hairpin, which was very lovely.

"Mom loves it." She said, putting a hairpin on her hair. "did you buy it for rilla"

"mm-hmm. It's in the schoolbag. "

"Mom is so happy to have you."


in the evening, after Qin Anan returned to his room to have a rest, Mike entered Lesser Cold's room.

he locked the door and said bluntly, "you can just lie to your mother, but you still want to lie to me" Come on, what's going on "

Lesser Cold: "I told you, don't tell my mother."

"of course! Don't you trust me " Mike stood in front of him and asked, "are you in trouble"

"when I was investigating Nuo, I found that she had visited a strange web page. I clicked in and found that it was a dark net." Lesser Cold whispered.

"what kind of dark net"

"there are some things I don't understand, and some are population. Deal. " Lesser Cold said here, paused for a moment, "I blew up this dark net, and I was accidentally tracked to part of the information."

Mike said solemnly, "you are so impulsive!" You should have told me first. "

". I was frightened by the contents. " Lesser Cold still feels terrible when she thinks of it now. "I'll find a way to solve it. You mustn't let my mother know."t.because Fu Shiting said he would pull Jin Ronger."I'm a little tired from taking pictures." Lesser Cold casually made an excuse, "it's more boring than shopping."he doesn't like shopping, but if he...