cap. 553

on this trip, don't bother me next. " Fei Tianqi took a sip of tea."OK, thank you. I bear in mind your great kindness. ""Don't put a high hat on me. If it hadn't been for your medical skills, I would...Chapter 553

she choked: "I'm leaving the hospital."

he dared not provoke her, so he turned to see a doctor.

"Miss Qin, it's OK if you insist on leaving the hospital, but you must have an examination first." If there is no big problem with the examination, I will give you a hospital order right away. "

soon, after a series of tests, the doctor gave her a discharge order.

when she got home, she locked herself in her room.

before she was discharged from the hospital, she had a color ultrasound, which showed that her child was two weeks younger.

means that her child stopped developing after she came to the country, which is a very bad sign.

the doctor advised her to abort the child, but she couldn't accept the result.

"Why don't we find her a psychiatrist" Mike stood in the living room and discussed with Fu Shiting. "the doctor said that she was so depressed that it was not entirely the child's factor." I think the doctor is right. What happened to her at the Silver King was enough to destroy her mind. "

Fu Shiting looked at the direction of her room and said, "Let's give her some time." I'm sure she can get out. "

"all right! The baby in her belly. "

" if she wants to have a baby, then give birth. "

Mike frowned: "but what if the child is not healthy" What if he is a fool.

Fu Shiting looked at Mike and his eyes were red: "what if he is a fool"

Mike pursed his lips and stopped talking.

the door suddenly opened and Qin Anan came out of the room.

their eyes fell on her face together.

"I want to see Brother Wei." Her eyes drooped and her voice was cold.

she is still very weak. Although she can walk by herself, she seems to be about to fall down at any moment.

"I'll take you there." Fu Shiting walked quickly up to her and supported her arm.

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she pushed his arm away and looked up at him: "Fu Shiting, if our child is really a fool, I will not let him implicate you." I will raise him by myself. "

Fu Shiting was stunned. Did she hear the conversation between him and Mike just now

he didn't say that the child was stupid, so he didn't want such words. Why did she use the word "implicated"

seeing that the atmosphere between them froze, Mike immediately walked up to Qin Anan and said, "Ann, I'll take you to Brother Wei."

Mike grabs her hand and leads her out.

on the way to the hospital, Mike looked at her secretly several times and was hesitant to speak.

"I heard what you two said in the living room." She broke the silence.

"Oh, he didn't say no kids."

"I know." Her eyes were sour and she looked out of the window. "when I first met Yin, Yin had no identity and no friends. Fu Shiting built her a fairy tale kingdom, but there was only one person in it."

Mike seems to have realized something. "

" he never revealed his relationship with Yin, nor did he want Yin to be known. He seems to be fond of chanting, but I don't see his respect for Yin as a 'human'. " Qin Anan's tone, there are no waves, "if our child has a problem, give him to raise, that will be the second chanting."

"Ann, don't be so pessimistic. There may not be something wrong with your children. Maybe it's very healthy! " Mike comforted her, "Don't be sad in advance because of problems that haven't come yet."

"if he thinks like you, he won't let me abort the baby." She could not forget his indifference.

Mike was shocked and said, "did he let you abort the baby" she went to the detention center to see her accomplice" Lesser Cold's fundus is cold and unexpected."she got up early yesterday morning, and when I woke up, she had already gone out with Fu Shiting....