Chapter 448

nd said," are you and Qin Anan getting married soon If Qin Anan knew that you were not Master Fu, but a little bastard from gangsters and drinking girls, would she be disappointed in you "Qin Anan thr...Chapter 448

she took out her cell phone awkwardly and distracted her attention.

Sheng Bei glanced at the big screen and then looked down to see the change of heart rate on Fu Shiting's wrist.

good boy!

his heart rate value, motionless, as steady as Mount Tai!

causes Sheng Bei to wonder whether there is something wrong with this bracelet, or whether he has six clean pieces and no desire.

he Junzhi also stared at the bracelet on Fu Shiting's wrist.

"the bracelet should be good. When it was put on just now, the value fluctuated."

Shengbei gossip: "what's the result of Qin Anan's challenge"

he Junzhi glanced at Qin Anan's side.

Qin Anan's face was expressionless, but Li Xiaotian glared at him fiercely.

he Junzhi withdrew his eyes and replied, "she has successfully challenged." If the heart rate is too high, this bracelet will call the police. But when she challenged, I didn't hear the bracelet call the police. "

Sheng Bei answered and looked up behind him in the direction of Qin Anan.

Qin Anan bowed her head, played with her mobile phone, and ran away obviously.

after the first video ends, the second video begins.

the second video shows a cool-dressed mature beauty posing in front of the camera.

both body language and facial expressions are very seductive!

someone whistles excitedly!

there are also people peeking at Fu Shiting to observe his reaction.

Fu Shiting's eyebrows frowned and his face was dignified.

he is obviously looking at a beautiful woman, but his expression is like going to the grave.

as for his heart rate. There are still some fluctuations.

after all, he is a living person.

it's just that the fluctuation is very weak, which is probably related to the speed of his breathing.

"he doesn't seem to like women! Give him a handsome guy! " Lisa closely watched Fu Shiting's reaction and saw that he was completely unresponsive, so she opened her mouth to the person who cast the screen.

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soon, the face of a handsome foreign guy appeared on the big screen.

the handsome guy not only has flowing blond hair, but also has lean muscles.

Fu Shiting's expression changed from dignified to gloomy.

because Mike's face appeared in his mind.

Lisa wanted to cry when she saw that his brow frowned as if it could kill a fly.

obviously, he doesn't like men either!

"play the video that the tough guy must watch."

A few seconds later, a cute little face appeared on the big screen.

there was a burst of laughter in the living room.

is basically sent by men.

look, men really like watching Mengbao videos.

look at Fu Shiting again--

his eyebrows are not as tightly frowned as before.

however, his heart rate is still very stable.

has been around eighty, floating up and down no more than five.

Sheng Bei sat next to him, watching the Mengbao video on the big screen and laughing triumphantly, "this game is so unchallenging!"

Lisa has conceded defeat in her heart.

but she was not reconciled to it.

"I haven't met a man who is not interested in anything."

"otherwise, why would someone else succeed Because he is only interested in money. "

"all right! The game is not over yet! I can't give up yet! "


on the big screen, start playing hot kissing scenes and beds again. A collection of plays.

just then, Qin Anan's thin body was sent to Fu Shiting.

Qin Anan: ".

is Li Xiaotian crazy! Unexpectedly pushed her to Fu Shiting's side!aid he was inexperienced. It's like he didn't ask me to marry him, so I agreed to marry him. Aren't we a little stupid Ha ha!Li Xiaotian: although you two have no experience in holding weddings, you t...