Chapter 3114

ing a cold light in the's too obvious!Fu Shiting is here tonight for Qin Anan.if Qin Anan hadn't been here, he certainly wouldn't have come."Why don't you two go sit on the sofa Aren't you t...Chapter 3114

Xiaohe understands her mother's feelings: "Oh, will you tell me in advance"

Qin Anan: "of course. You still have to be safe over there. "

Xiaohe: "I know. Mother, don't worry! "

Qin Anan: "Hmm."

hung up the phone and Qin Anan came out of the bathroom.

it's night in the country now.

Qin Anan just called Xiaohe and specially went to the bathroom to make a call.

Qin Anan, worried, went to the side where Ting slept in Fu Shi and patted Fu Shiting.

"Darling, wake up." Qin Anan turned on the bedside lamp. "Xiaohe won't come back for the time being."

when Fu Shiting heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and sat up: "Xiaohe won't come back"

"No. I'm not coming back for a while. She said she would come back when Lesser Cold got married. Because she found that she was in love with that kid Xiao Lingnight. "

Fu Shiting immediately frowned: "Why has she suddenly changed" Is that the boy who gave our daughter.

Qin Anan: "Don't be paranoid! It's definitely not what you think! Xiaohe said she found out today that Xiao Lingye did her a big favor three years ago. She just found out today. "

Fu Shiting: "what's the big favor"

"I didn't ask. Honey, we have to send someone over to have a look. "

Fu Shiting: "I'll go directly!"

"if you go there, you will only expose your daughter's identity." Qin Anan pressed Fu Shiting, who was ready to move, "besides, we are going to organize a wedding for Lesser Cold now. After Lesser Cold's wedding, if Xiaohe refuses to come back, we will go to the country again."

"wife, it is absolutely impossible for me to agree that Xiaohe will marry and go to the country. Even if Xiaohe wants to be with that son of a bitch, it can only be that boy who comes to China. "

"I think the same as you." Qin Anan replied, "I believe Xiaohe can also understand us."

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Xiaohe and Xiao Ling have dinner together.

Xiao Lingye thought this was the last dinner with Xiaohe, so after eating, Xiao Lingyi said, "have you bought a present from your family"

Xiaohe shook his head: "I haven't bought it yet!"

Xiao Lingyi: "will your cousin pick you up later"

Xiaohe: "I should go back by myself." It's not far from the hotel where I'm staying. It only takes me half an hour to walk back. "

Xiao Lingye: "leave early!" Otherwise it will not be safe when it gets dark. "

Xiaohe: "the downtown area should be all right!" There are street lights on the street at night! "

Xiao Lingye: "whether it is safe or not has nothing to do with street lamps."

Xiaohe thought for a moment and said, "if you're worried that it's not safe for me to go back, you can send me off!"

Xiao Lingye:

Xiaohe: "you should have nothing to do but work overtime and play games at night, right"

Xiao Lingyi: "you really want to be taught a lesson when you speak."

Xiaohe blushed and smiled and asked, "am I wrong" After a pause, he continued, "I made a decision today that I'm not leaving for the time being."

Xiao Ling frowned at night: "Why don't you go"

Xiaohe: "because I think I like it here!" And you are also very kind to me.

Xiao Lingye: "what do you mean You don't want to stay in my house, do you

Xiaohe: "not really. I know I'm not a good cook. Actually, I can work in your company. You've read my profile, and I think there's a lot I can do for you. "

Xiao Lingyi: "what on earth do you want"

Xiaohe couldn't help laughing: "you are a big man, are you still afraid of me as a little girl"yi stayed at Qin Anan's house for two hours until Qin Anan came back.Qin Anan had adjusted her mood before entering the after seeing Zhou Ziyi, she immediately burst into a gentle smile:...