Chapter 3028

mal date"Miss Qin, please uncover this dish yourself." The waiter pointed to the fifth course and spoke to Qin Anan.Qin Anan sniffed the words and lifted the lid of the fifth course.this is a lotus cr...Chapter 3028

Qin Anan finished, and beside him, Pei Xiaomo's face was flushed and hot.

"We are all embarrassed to hear you say that." Pei mother lamented that as Qin Anan and her daughter said, there was no shelf at all, and the whole person was full of enthusiasm and vitality, not like a wealthy family at all.

"what is there to be embarrassed about Xiao Mo is really a very nice girl!" My whole family likes her very much. " Qin Anan said, Pei Xiaomo brought a chair and sat for her.

Qin Anan sat down and looked at Pei Xiaomao: "Xiaomao, Lesser Cold didn't go home to sleep yesterday. Was he in the hospital with him"

Qin Anan asked to determine how far his son and Pei Xiaomo had developed.

Pei Xiaomo shook his head immediately: "No. He said there was a house near the hospital. He must have gone to live there. "

Pei Xiaomo can't lie.

if you don't tell Qin Anan where Qin Zihan slept last night, Qin Anan will certainly have wishful thinking and may even go back and ask Qin Zihan.

so Pei Xiaomo simply told Qin Anan to let Qin Anan feel at ease.

"he does seem to have a house near the hospital. I almost forgot if you didn't tell me! " Qin Anan laughed, "Xiaomao, you see he even told you this, indicating that he did not take you as an outsider."

Pei Xiaomao's face is even redder.

I wonder how Qin Anan would react if she knew that she and her mother were also living in that villa.

"my son has been bored since he was a child, especially in his relationship with outsiders, he is not very flexible. But he is very clever, but he doesn't like to deal with interpersonal relationships. Xiao Mo, I can see that he still likes you a little bit. If you can take the initiative, maybe you two can make it! " Qin Anan took Pei Xiaomo's hand and pinned her hopes on her.

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outside the ward.

Qin Zihan came to see his mother Pei with her daughter in her arms.

because when I spoke to my mother on the phone last night, my mother said that she would come to see Pei's mother on the day of the operation, and Pei's operation was scheduled for tomorrow, so Qin Zihan didn't think her mother would come today.

he took his daughter out of the elevator and strode to the intensive care ward.

he was so focused on his daughter that he didn't notice the bodyguard standing outside the ward door.

or the bodyguard saw him and took the initiative to shout: "Boss Qin."

Qin Zihan sounded familiar and immediately looked at the bodyguard.

"what are you doing here" This is mom's bodyguard.

normally, where mother is, her bodyguard is there.

the bodyguard confirmed Qin Zihan's guess: "your mother is in there." After a pause, the bodyguard looked at the little girl in Qin Zihan's arms and asked, "who is this"

Qin Zihan:

Qin Zihan held her daughter in one hand and took the bodyguard to one side in the other.

"Don't tell my mom you've seen me." Qin Zihan told the bodyguard, "this child is also mine, but they don't know yet." I haven't figured out what to tell them yet. You're not allowed to tell them anything until I tell you, do you hear me "

the bodyguard nodded abruptly at Qin Zihan's serious face.

the task of the bodyguard is to protect the safety of Qin Anan. The bodyguard dare not talk casually about the family affairs of his family.

after telling the bodyguard, Qin Zihan immediately left with the small fruit in his arms.

Qin Anan stayed in the ward for about an hour and then left.I was a child." Do you remember what I looked like when I was a kid I'm actually a little different from when I was a kid. When I was a child, my facial lines were softer and I looked better. "" Ha! E...