Chapter 289

ddenly, there was a roar above my head.Mrs. Fu looks up!A drone appeared in the air!just when she wondered how a drone could fly, the drone began to spray. Shoot the red liquid!when the red liquid spl...Chapter 289

"I'd love to! My ex and I are still good friends! "

Qin Anan has nothing to say.

"Ann, maybe they will really get married." Li Xiaotian continued the topic. "Shen Yu won the favor of Mrs. Fu." And Fu Shiting seems to have made up his mind. I speculated with he Junzhi that if Yin Yin's second operation went well next spring, he would definitely marry Shen Yu. "

Qin Anan said faintly: "bless them."

"you have to move on, too!" Li Xiaotian worried about her, "you are so young, your mother takes care of your two children, and they are already in school, so you don't need to worry too much." You can totally enjoy life. "

"I'll enjoy it." Qin Anan said with a smile, "can you not look at me with pity" Is it against the law to be single "

"I think you are unhappy." Li Xiaotian said gloomily.

"Don't overuse your brain. If you are really busy, plan your wedding in advance! "

"Oh! Then you will be my bridesmaid. "

"I have two children, how can I be your bridesmaid"

"who rules that women who have married and had children cannot be bridesmaids I can make whoever I want to be the bridesmaid. " Li Xiaotian said eloquently, "it just so happens that your two children are flower girls for me."

Qin Anan can't laugh or cry.

when the phone rings, she picks up the phone, sees that it's Officer Li, and immediately answers it.

"Miss Qin, didn't Wang Qitian decide to appeal I just got the Spring Festival schedule of the Supreme Court. Wang Qitian's case will be heard again in a year's time. So you have a good Spring Festival first. "

"OK. Thank you for your hard work! "

"Don't worry, his appeal is all about stalling for time, and there will be no change in the outcome of the trial."

"well, I have confidence in the administration of justice in our country."


in the evening, Qin Anan came home with big and small bags.

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as soon as she entered the room, the two children came up and picked up the shopping bag in her hand.

"Mom, what did you buy Can you take me next time you go shopping with Aunt Sweets " Rilla has already had her winter vacation.

"it's too cold outside. It will freeze you to death. " Qin Anan touched her daughter's little head.

"No way! I have a hat and a mask! " Rilla took out the new clothes and shoes in the shopping bag, and gradually joy took the place of discontent.

Zhang Yun came over and discussed with Qin Anan: "your uncle asked us to go back for the Spring Festival." If you don't want to go, I'll go back alone. "

"I'll ask Mike if he will return home for the Spring Festival."

"I asked, and he said to stay here. China does not celebrate the Spring Festival. " Zhang Yun Dao.

"Oh, then go back to your uncle's house alone." You can take your children if you want. "

Zhang Yun shook her head: "No kids." Now they know you have money, so they take the initiative to contact me. They have never called me before when I was abroad. Your grandmother died and didn't even inform me. "

"Why don't you go" Qin Anan felt bad when she saw that her mother was sad.

"definitely going. I'll go to your grandmother's grave. "

Qin Anan hugged her mother: "Mom, you must take good care of your health." Or I won't have any family. "

"what are you talking about When I leave, you still have two children! "

"different. Can I act coquettish with you, can I act coquettish with my children " Qin Anan took a breath.

after dinner.

two children are playing with Mike in the living room.

Qin Anan was holding a mobile phone and accidentally scanned a piece of news.

-- Group President Fu Shiting showed up at the jewelry store with his girlfriend to buy sky-high wedding rings!

below is a secretly photographed picture.

you can tell from the tall figure of the man in the picture that this is indeed Fu Shiting.

and Shen Yu beside him, with a ring in his hand, smiled sweetly! Shiting watched her stride into the emergency room, clenching his fingers!she clearly saw the message he sent her, why didn't she listen to himhasn't she learned who Kim Kaili is during this period o...