Chapter 264

wouldn't be so tired."Zhang Yun: "you can't say that. If it hadn't been for Professor Hu Qing, our family Anan wouldn't have grown so fast. It is her duty to save people. Although she has worked a lit...Chapter 264

he released it for 20 years without a problem.

but why is it gone now!

after he found that the box was missing, he took down all the books in the third row of the shelf.

because the bookshelf is fixed to the wall, it can't have fallen into the gap.

in a moment, he moved all the books on the whole shelf to the ground. After the

bookshelf was empty, he looked for it again among the piles of books!

still no!

his eyes are scarlet and his fundus is full of murderous spirit! Who is


who came to his study and took his things!

he vaguely remembers that he had glimpsed the box not long ago.

about a month ago

he dialed the number in the control room: "pull up all the surveillance for the last month!" Someone has been in my study! "

the bodyguard was too frightened to shout, "all right!" I'll pull up the surveillance right away! "

"transfer all the manpower that can be transferred and check the monitoring!" He snapped at the tension in his heart.

"all right!"

when Mrs. Zhang returned to the living room with Yin from the backyard, she saw Fu Shiting's gloomy face at first sight, and her heart tightened.

"Sir, is something wrong"

Fu Shiting: "someone took something from my study."

Mrs. Zhang's face changed so much that she was too surprised to speak.

"make a list of people who have been at home in the last month and give it to me as soon as possible!" Fu Shiting gave orders to sister-in-law Zhang, took hold of Yin's hand and took her back to her room.

chanting is a little frightened.

after returning to her room, Fu Shiting shook her hand and asked her, "Yin Yin, have you ever been to your brother's study"

Shake his head timidly.

"nothing. My brother is just asking. "

"Brother, what have you lost I'll find it for you. " After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth.

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Fu Shiting smiled a wry smile: "Brother will find it." Don't worry. "

"I didn't take it." Yin suddenly lowered his eyes, a little aggrieved.

"Brother knows you didn't take it." Fu Shiting helped her to sit down by the bed.

the mind of chanting is very sensitive. Feeling, fragile, because she does not have a sound psychology, she can not self-regulate like a normal person.

so he must find a way to cure her.

"Yin Yin, you tell your brother what you want for your birthday, and your brother will buy it for you." Fu Shiting changed a relaxed subject.

the tension on his face disappeared.

"I want Lesser Cold. Play with me. " She thought for a moment and said what she wanted as a gift.

Fu Shiting frowned and felt awkward.

but he didn't want to disappoint his sister.

after all, this is not entirely impossible.

after making a list, sister-in-law Zhang came to the room.

"Sir, I have put the list in your study." Sister-in-law Zhang said, "I'll take care of Yin."

Fu Shiting came out of the singing room and strode to the study. The names on the

list are all familiar to him.

among them, Shen Yu, Qin Anan, Mike, Lesser Cold, rilla, attracted his attention.

the box was on the shelf all the time before they came to the house.

he held a pen in his hand and crossed out Qin Anan's name first.

it is impossible for Qin Anan to take his things.

he doesn't know why he trusts her so much, just as he believes in himself.

then the tip of the pen fell on Mike's name.

Mike was escorted into the living room by two of his bodyguards.

he didn't go upstairs, let alone go into the study and take the box. origin of the child. So please do me this favor. If things are done, I will certainly treat you well. "the babysitter found a figure flashing at the door.walked out of the door immediately."Miss Shen...