Chapter 257

u Queen, she laughed, "my little darling!" Why are you so symmetrical with a mark on one side of your face It's really turned into a kitten. Haha! ""his fingernails are obviously not long." Qin Anan d...Chapter 257

but it was hard for her to let go of her prejudice against him.


"Boss, let's go back!" The bodyguard advised, "your clothes are all wet. If you don't go home and change, I'm afraid you'll catch cold."

has entered early autumn, and even though the sun is in the sky today, the temperature is much lower than it was some time ago.

"I'm not cold." Fu Shiting's voice was calm and calm.

the bodyguard saw that he was so stubborn that he knew he wouldn't change his mind.

had to stand by and wait with him.

after a while, a red Cayenne came slowly and stopped beside Fu Shiting.

the window fell and Mike poked his head out.

"Hello!" What are you doing here " Mike said, shocked to see him wet all over, "is it raining here"

the bodyguard stared at him angrily: "it was Lesser Cold that son of a bitch watered it!"

Mike: "Oh, oh. My cold brother is hanging! Always do what I want to do but dare not do! "

the bodyguard killed him with his eyes.

Mike coughed and got out of the car. "how stupid you are standing there like that!" Let me take you in! "

Mike swaggered toward the front door of the villa.

Fu Shiting hesitated for a few seconds and then strode to catch up.

Mike type in the password to open the door.

Zhang Yun saw Mike leading Fu Shiting into the room and said nothing with a straight face.

"Auntie Yun, I'll take him to change his clothes, and then you'll kick him out. I won't stop him." Mike discussed it with Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun nodded.

Mike takes Fu Shi Ting up to the second floor.

Lesser Cold and rilla heard footsteps and immediately ran to the door of their mother's room and stood there!

they will protect their mother to the death!

never let a scumbag dad come near!

when Fu Shiting went up to the second floor, he saw two children standing in front of a room.

the little expression that looks like death in the eyes betrays the key information.

Fu Shiting knew about Qin Anan's room, but he didn't go there.

"Fu Shiting, your assistant has gone too far!" Mike took Fu Shiting into his room and said, "and your CFO!" What is it! Two people hit me together! I just recovered from the wound on my face, and I hung up again today! "

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the brother and sister breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Fu Shiting enter Mike's room.

opened the master bedroom door and the two slipped in.

Qin Anan kept sweating after taking antipyretic medicine.

the more you sweat, the colder you get.

obviously covered with a quilt, but it seems to be in the ice and snow.

rilla and Lesser Cold went to the bedside and saw their mother's body trembling. The two children changed their faces with fear.

Lesser Cold reached out and touched his mother's face.

it's so hot!

"rilla, you stay here and watch Mom! I'll call Grandma! " Lesser Cold confessed and ran out of the room quickly.

he ran downstairs and led Zhang Yun upstairs.

Zhang Yun turned pale with fear when she saw Qin Anan's state.

"Mike!" Zhang Yun came out of the room and called Mike, "Ann has a fever!" We have to get it to the hospital! "

Mike walked to the door immediately when he heard the words.

Fu Shiting is faster than him!

when he arrived at the door of Qin Anan's room, Fu Shiting pulled the Mike aside and entered the room first.

Qin Anan has lost his head.

when Fu Shiting lifted her out of bed, she had no idea what had happened.

my head hurts and my body is heavy.

Why do you still feel so bad after taking medicine

"what's going on I called her in the morning and she was fine. " Mike followed Fu Shiting downstairs. "Auntie Yun, you stay at home and watch the baby. I'll drive Ann to the hospital!"

Zhang Yun: "you drive carefully on the road!"

Zhang Yun walks them out.

Fu Shiting held Qin Anan in his arms and put on a black Rolls-Royce.

his bodyguard immediately drove the car out!

Mike left outside: "" What does


did Fu Shiting steal people away answer Sheng Bei's words clearly.the phone slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground.she was so cold that she clasped her knees in her hands and allowed the darkness to engulf herself.about two...