cap 232

t!in this world, there are kind-hearted people who don't ask for anything in return, but they don't happen to be met by the same time, Qin Anan's cell phone rang.she opened her cell phone and s...Chapter 232

half an hour later.

Qin Anan rushed to Fu's house.

she made her way into the living room without hindrance.

but the living room was empty.

Qin Anan was stunned for a moment.

"rilla!" She let out a cry.

for a moment, came rilla Jiao's voice: "Mom!" I'm here! You come and save me! The scumbag is going to hit me! Whoo! "

Qin Anan followed the sound source.

dining room.

rilla hid under the table with a frightened look on her face.

it was only after seeing Qin Anan that his vigilance was relaxed.

rilla! Why are you hiding under the table Come on out! " Qin Anan went to the dinner table, squatted down and led her daughter out.

rilla threw herself into Qin Anan's arms, red eyes, and complained to her, "he's going to hit me!" I was terrified. So I hid! Luckily I ran fast and he didn't catch up with me. If he catches up with me, he will definitely shoot me! "

of course, Qin Anan didn't believe what her daughter said.

how could Fu Shiting hit a child

he didn't know rilla was his daughter.

"rilla, uncle won't hit you." Qin Anan coaxed.

Fu Shiting: "I really wanted to hit her just now."

Qin Anan suddenly raised his eyes to his cold vision.

he was wearing a gray nightgown with a prominent scarlet tooth mark on his neck.

"rilla, why did you bite your uncle" Qin Anan saw his anger in the eye, and she had to give him an explanation.

the last time Lesser Cold bit him, it was because he took Lesser Cold home without permission.

but this time, rilla came to his house on her own initiative.

rilla reached out and rubbed her red eyes and said, "he hugged me!" I don't want him to hug me. He insisted on hugging. I'm so angry! "

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"Oh, even so, you can't bite!" Qin Anan taught her daughter, "look, you've bitten and bled your uncle's neck. Apologize to your uncle."

rilla bulged her cheek and said stubbornly, "I'm not apologizing to him!" If I apologize to him, my brother will laugh at me when I go back. "

there is nothing Qin Anan can do about her daughter.

"Qin Anan, let's talk alone." Fu Shiting sank his face and spoke in a dumb voice.

Qin Anan handed rilla to Mrs. Zhang and followed him out of the dining room.

as soon as she left the dining room, Fu Shiting asked her, "how do you usually educate your children" They both hate my guts, you know "

Qin Anan shook his head blankly: "I didn't speak ill of you to them."

"that's what Mike said." Fu Shiting's Adam's apple rolled up and down and ridiculed, "you two children, you took a bite on my neck. Would you like a bite, too"

Qin Anan blushed and said apologetically, "I'll get the medicine kit."

Fu Shiting strode to the sofa and sat down.

Qin Anan came over with a medicine kit.

he tilted his head slightly, his slender neck and sexy collarbone fell on her eyeground.

she was distracted, taking care of his wound while looking for a topic: "did you go to my birthday party yesterday"

"No," Fu Shiting's eyes were deep and resentful. "I am the one who is not invited."

Qin Anan was stunned for a moment: "Oh. Maybe Mike thinks we're divorced. "

" haven't you seen the guest list " He still cares about it.

"No. I didn't know until yesterday that Mike had given me a big birthday arty. "r " Yun Xiaoxiao is a little restrained.although Lesser Cold is younger than her, Lesser Cold exudes an air of maturity that does not belong to his age.she hasn't met Fu Shiting, but she feels that ma...