Chapter 2375

d me to say first that it was from my grandmother, because my mother was embarrassed. "Lesser Cold's cold little face, there is a trace of temperature.10: 00 p. M.Wanjing Hotel.A beautiful shadow appe...Chapter 2375

after Zhou Ziyi had lunch, he found Fu Yechen's number and dialed.

Fu Yichen received a phone call from Zhou Ziyi and was very happy: "I knew my uncle was not so heartless!" I knew he wouldn't leave my dad alone! Anyway, my father is his eldest brother.

Zhou Ziyi felt sick in his stomach and almost vomited the lunch he had just eaten.

"where is your father now Let's talk about it when we meet! "

Fu Yechen: "my father is in the hospital. I'll send you the address. "

Zhou Ziyi: "good."

hung up the phone, Fu Yechen quickly sent Zhou Ziyi a location.

after taking a glance at the location, Zhou Ziyi went to the destination with the right person.

the hospital where Fu Han is hospitalized is a community hospital with poor medical standards.

it can be seen that Fu Yechen really did not have the money to treat Fu Han, so he placed Fu Han in this hospital.

the car stopped at the gate of the community hospital, and Zhou Ziyi saw Fu Yechen standing at the gate of the hospital.

the way he looks forward to it is quite different from the one he saw at the door of the hotel yesterday. Today, he looks a little more!

seems to think that pie is beginning to fall in the sky.

Zhou Ziyi pushed open the door, got out of the car, and walked up to Fu Yechen.

Fu Yechen's eyes fell on the man around Zhou Ziyi.

"this is." Fu Yechen doesn't think this man is a bodyguard.

"doesn't your father need money to save his life My boss is certainly not a heartless man. For the sake of Mrs. Fu, my boss has found a channel for you to borrow money. " Zhou Ziyi raised the corner of his mouth slightly. "Let me introduce you. This is Boss Gu." If you ask him to borrow money, he will charge you interest according to the bank loan standard. "

the expression on Fu Yechen's face froze: "Assistant Zhou." Is that what my uncle means "

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"that's what my boss means. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask. " Zhou Ziyi said, "Let me tell you what will happen if you don't pay back when you are due." You can choose to repay on a monthly basis so that you have less pressure. If you don't pay it back every month, if you default three times, boss Gu will take you away and try every means to get you to pay back the money. Boss Gu is very experienced in this field, so don't think about default. "

Fu Yechen turned pale with fear and felt remorse in his heart.

"No. No need. " Fu Yechen suddenly didn't want to treat his father.

"Why not Didn't you say your father was the only one left If you think you can't repay if you borrow too much, you can borrow less first. " Zhou Ziyi said, "maybe you first add the contact information of Boss Gu. In case you are in urgent need of money in the future, you can contact Boss Gu at any time."

Fu Yechen clenched his teeth and looked livid.

this is completely different from what he imagined! He felt that he had been played.

"Master Fu, here is my business card. Please keep it." Boss Gu said jokingly, "if you want to borrow money, call me at any time." For Boss Fu's sake, I can borrow as much as you want, as long as you have your life to pay it back. "

Fu Yechen was threatened by his last word. Without even thinking about it, he threw out his business card!

"I won't borrow it!"

after roaring angrily, Fu Yechen strode towards the hospital.

if he doesn't borrow money, his father dies at most.

if he borrows money and fails to pay it back, he will die.

between his father's death and his death, he chose his father to die.

Zhou Ziyi saw Fu Yechen's back disappear in front of his eyes, turned around and took out his cell phone, found Fu Shiting's number and dialed it.y Star Moon Hall.Mike stood at the gate of the Star and Moon Hall to entertain the the moment Zhou Ziyi appeared, Mike locked on him at a glance."come out! Let's talk! " Zhou Ziyi reached ou...