Chapter 2369

but he didn't reply.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []) .ush ({});he doesn't know how to reply.he hasn't slept for more than 36 hours.his psychological line of defense has been weakened little by...Chapter 2369

an hour later, Qin Anan and Fu Shiting left the hotel for the airport.

the place where they are going is in the country. The country is a neighboring country, and it takes only three hours for the plane to fly there.

because of its unique geographical advantages, its tourism industry has always been quite popular.

many of Qin Anan's classmates and friends have visited the country, but Qin Anan has never been there.

"have you ever been to a country" She asked Fu Shiting.

"No. It's usually a place where couples used to go on vacation. "

"that seems to be the case. The sea over there, the picture is very beautiful, in fact, I have always wanted to play, but never had a chance. " Qin Anan is looking forward to this trip, "and there is no jet lag between there and the country." I really don't like jet lag. I have to be confused all day every time. "

"jet lag is really hard, but the country's sea is not so beautiful in the world." Fu Shiting has never been there because he has no regard for the country's tourist attractions.

"would you mind not spoiling the scenery We are going on our honeymoon now! "

"I'm happy to spend my honeymoon with you anywhere. I'm not going to see the scenery." Fu Shiting said this sentence, Qin Anan felt that the whole person was immersed in the honeypot.

"Darling, can you not make a face for Si Nian in the future" Seeing that he was in a good mood, Qin Anan took the opportunity to say, "Si Nian will stay in our house these two days and help us take care of the children." I've always treated him like a brother. "

" I know you think of him as a brother, but he doesn't think so. " Fu Shiting did not doubt Qin Anan's feelings for himself, but Jin Sinian's thoughts were not pure, so he did not have a good face towards Jin Sinian.

"maybe he didn't think so before, but now he must have given up on me! Both of us seldom get in touch with each other. If we hadn't invited him to our wedding this time, we would have contacted him on a blind date. "

Qin Anan's words made Fu Shiting feel a little relieved.

"then I'll be nicer to him in the future."

"mm-hmm. He's actually very simple. Because I saved him, he has a filter for me. He may not be able to tell whether he is grateful for my feelings or that of men and women. " Qin Anan said.

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"he can't tell, so you have to help him."

"he knows the difference now. He didn't come to me like he used to. Honey, now that the whole world knows that I am your wife, don't worry! "


Hotel, Ballroom.

although Fu Shiting and Qin Anan have left, the guests are still here.

it's New Year's Day's holiday. How can it end if we get together and have fun without drinking

"Xiaoxiao, originally, I didn't allow Shengbei to drink alcohol. After all, you two have to stay away from alcohol and medicine for at least three months to get pregnant. But today your brother is married, Shengbei has no way not to drink. I'm sleepy now. I have to go back. Remember to send Shengbei home later. If he's drunk, it's okay for you two to spend the night outside! " Sheng mother spoke earnestly and explained to Yun Xiaoxiao.

Sheng mother's words, on the one hand, are distressed for her son to drink so much wine, and the other is to remind Yun Xiaoxiao not to forget to have a baby.

"Mom, I see. Go back and have a rest with your father! " Yun Xiaoxiao wants to see them out.

"Don't send it off. If you get sleepy later, follow Shengbei first." Mike, they can entertain guests, too. " Sheng mother whispered.


after the Sheng family left, Li Xiaotian teased Yun Xiaoxiao: "your mother-in-law is giving birth!"

"this will have to wait until we get married." Yun Xiaoxiao analyzed, "my mother-in-law said that she had to stay away from tobacco, alcohol and medicine for three months."

", how many couples can abide by such a requirement in real life" Li Xiaotian joked, "he is addicted to smoking and must smoke every day." Aren't I pregnant, too You relax and don't be so nervous. "

when Li Xiaotian said this, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Sheng Bei coming towards them.

"your old baby is here." Li Xiaotian reminded her and walked away immediately. wouldn't have given it."Dad, don't be angry. The Internet is full of keyboards. " Fu Ziqiu glanced at his father's mobile phone screen and then advised, "as long as Jin Si-nian is kind to her sister,...