Chapter 2296

der, she immediately answered the phone: "Brother Wei Zhen, are you at the airport"Wei Zhen: "well, where are you now" I'll come to you. ""I'm not busy right now. I'll pick you up. "half an hour later...Chapter 2296

"it should be Qin Anan." The mother-in-law said, "you should have lived a rich life, but someone personally ruined it."

Crispy eyes whirling, suddenly shook his head: "Grandma, are you wrong" Aunt Qin seems to be a good person. If she is not a good person, how could the teacher let her bring the small leaves down the mountain "

mother-in-law: "do you think your mother-in-law will lie to you" Crispy, if you can live a normal life like other children, how can your mother-in-law take you to hide All your family has been killed by the bad guys. "

Crispy began to cry with a 'woo'.

"if the young lady hadn't bought you, you'd be dead already. Crispy, we must listen to the young lady. Only in this way can we live. " The mother-in-law took the little guy in her arms and reached out to wipe the tears from her face.

"who is Miss"

"she is a very simple and silly woman. Originally she had nothing to do with all this, but she had to come to the country to check the clues of the murder for the man she liked. She thinks it was Qin Anan who caused the killing. She is collecting evidence of Qin Anan's crime.

my mother-in-law's words are too complicated for Crispy to understand.

but Crispy can feel it is very scary.

all a child can do is listen to her mother-in-law and grow up obediently.

on the other side, Qin Anan came to the hospital with small leaves.

Wei Zhen and Yin Yin saw the small leaves.

Yin gave the little leaf a welcome gift he had prepared for him.

"Hello, little leaf!" My name is Yin Yin. This little princess, like you, has white hair. I think you're cool. " The chanting to the little leaf is the image of a princess by hand.

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the princess has silver hair.

Yin saw the picture of the little leaf yesterday, and the image of the princess first came to mind.

Little Leaf liked the gift so much that she immediately forgot the distress caused by her illness, but followed the chanting words and thought she was cool.

"Thank you, Aunt Yin."

"you're welcome. Shall I accompany you in the examination today " Yin Yin smiled and took her hand. "I like you very much."

chanting and speaking are more direct and directly poke into people's hearts.

the little leaf agreed to chant without thinking.

"I called in a dermatologist. But I talked to a dermatologist last night, and he said there was no effective treatment for albinism. You can only pay attention to sunscreen at ordinary times, and then do corresponding treatment when you have an illness. "

"I looked it up on the Internet. I want to see how sick the little leaf is. "

"mm-hmm. Yin likes small leaves very much. They all told me before they went to bed last night that they wanted to adopt little leaves. " Wei Zhen whispered, "originally she didn't have this idea at first, because I told her that Xiaoye was abandoned by her biological parents. She thought Xiaoye was too pitiful, so she wanted to take care of her."

"in fact, Xiaoye has a good life on the mountain. She has good friends in the mountain, and the teachers take good care of these children." However, the small leaves are relatively special, so it is better to have someone to take care of them. That's what the host thought. So I said to take the small leaves down the mountain, she was very supportive. If you and Yin Yin want to adopt little leaves, then you can go up the mountain and talk to the host again. " Qin Anan whispered, "I think the little leaf likes to chant, and the little leaf should say yes."ld a lie to bring the topic over."Xiaohe, I don't think you even take part in school activities. Is it because you don't want to or your family won't let you" The neighborhood next to our school is no...