Chapter 2235

by little.turning on her mobile phone, she saw the missed call from Fu Shiting in the afternoon and the message he sent.his message to her was: come and see me as soon as you see the message! I'll wai...Chapter 2235

Yun Xiaoxiao twisted his eyebrows, took the file and opened it--

"Why is it so troublesome Is it so troublesome for other people to get married " Yun Xiaoxiao looked back and said, "what the heck you have to have a talent show when you pick up" What kind of bad taste is that for your parents Do you think my second brother will show you his talent in public "

Sheng Bei: "this is the wedding my parents planned for us."

"I know. But aren't you ashamed that they let you show your talent "

"No! There's nothing to be ashamed of. Isn't it just singing, dancing and playing games I'm good at playing. "

Yun Xiaoxiao glared at him.

"I just looked at it. When I arrived at the wedding, the bride sang a love song." Sheng Bei took a breath, "not only that, but the bridegroom appeared in a cartoon dinosaur headset, and then he needs his own mother to kiss it before he becomes a bridegroom."

"I'll go! Who designed this So childish! "

"my mom designed it."

"I can't see that your mother is a performer. It's just getting married. It's like acting in a play. " Yun Xiaoxiao slipped the wedding desk to him, "give the wedding to my second brother and an an, certainly not according to your mother's plan."

"has been booked. The lighting, music and staff of the wedding scene have all been booked. " Sheng Bei told her not to worry, "your second brother has never seen a big scene." I'm sure he won't be stumped at that time. "


Fu Jia.

Qin Anan took Fu Shiting home.

at noon, she took him downstairs to the hospital for a walk. Not only was he not tired, but his spirits seemed to be getting better and better.

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so she took him for a check this afternoon.

as he said, he has recovered well from his head injury these days.

so she allowed him to leave the hospital after a short thought.

when the two children came back from school, they danced for joy to see their father at home.

"your father can only rest at home now and can't take you out to play yet." Qin Anan vaccinated the two children. "on weekends, you can have your brother take you out to play."

"as long as my father is healthy, I will be happy!" Rilla said wisely. "even if my father can only stay at home every day, I will be happy."

Fu Shiting: "Baby, you'd better pray that Dad can go out soon!" Dad wants to take you out to play. "

"I think you want to go out and play by yourself" Qin Anan answered, "your injury must be well rested." Otherwise, what if it leaves a sequela "

"Ann is right. Brain injuries are not as easy to recover as injuries elsewhere. " Sister-in-law Zhang answered, "and New Year's Day is coming soon. After New Year's Day, the Spring Festival will be celebrated." Sir, I think it's not too late for you to go to work after the Spring Festival. "

"Sister Zhang is right." Qin Anan agreed.

Fu Shiting glanced at them and said, "I once recovered from injuries at home for half a year." Do you know what people in the company say about me "

"is there anyone else in your company who dares to talk about you"

"of course they dare not say it to my face, they whisper behind my back." Fu Shiting said helplessly, "they said you didn't have a rest for so long."n Anan's face was heavy, "but they were afraid to piss me off, so they allowed me to talk to Yunmo."Mike: "what about the police""I have no reason or position to call the police and let the police int...