Chapter 2206

a wedding datecousin Tang Qian: anyway, my cousin's family has already started to prepare for the wedding. According to my mother, the marriage news will be announced in a few days! The whole Tang fa...Chapter 2206

after hearing what his mother said, it was as if an electric current hit Tian Ling Gai.

"where is the New year" Easy to find staring at the front of the stage, can not see the figure of punk.

"on the stage! The one who sings on the stage. That's Xiao Nian! " Mother Yi can't wait to fly to the scene from the screen.

"Mom, there is no new year on the stage!" The one on the stage is Jin Si-nien! "

"A small year is Jin Si year, and Jin Si year is a small year!" Oh, My God! I said that the last time I saw Xiao Nian, I looked so familiar! It turns out that he is the superstar Jin Sinian! " After Yi mother said this sentence, her blood pressure jumped up, "I can't do it!" I feel so dizzy. I have to go lie down. "

video hang up.

easy to find and easy to find looked at each other in shock.

"Sister, what's going on!"

"how do I know what's going on!" Isn't it the New year you went to see " Easy to find also fainted.

"Yes! The Xiao Nian I saw was the slightly fat guy! I was just playing games with him! It's not Jin Si Nian at all! If Xiao Nian is Jin Si year, how can I not know " At this point, the dynamic music on the stage came to an abrupt end.

on the stage, as soon as Jin Sinian finished his song, another singer stepped onto the stage and put his arm around Jin Sinian's shoulder.

"I just learned that my good friend Si Nian also came to the scene. So I specially invited him to sing this song for everyone! Is everyone happy! " The singer said, raising the microphone and facing off the stage.

"have fun!" There was a lot of noise off the stage.

"Si Nian, why didn't you come and tell me in advance Who did you come with today " The singer chatted with Jin Si-nien in front of everyone.

"Uh. I'm here with my assistant. " Jin Si-nien suddenly said, "but there are so many people here that my assistant is separated."

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"Boss, I'm here!" Off the stage, the assistant waved fiercely on the stage.

not far away, it is easy to find and look stunned.

his younger brother turned out to be Jin Sinian's assistant!

"Sister, Jin Si-nien's assistant, is the Xiao Nian I saw!" Yi Xun took her sister's arm and opened her mouth excitedly.

the ringtone of the easy-to-find cell phone rings again. It's my mother.

pick up the phone.

"search, I just called Xiao Nian's mother and asked Xiao Nian's full name. Xiao Nian's mother told me that Xiao Nian is Jin Si Nian! Aah! aah! Search! Aah! I think I might be going crazy! "

Mother's cry made Yishou realize how ridiculous the whole thing was.

on the last blind date, she asked her brother to come forward, and Jin Si-nien asked his assistant to come forward, so that the two of them never really met.

"Sister, is Jin Si-nien your blind date" Yi Xin heard what his mother said just now and burst out laughing. "if I tell anyone about this, people will think I'm out of my mind." How could our family have anything to do with a big star like Jin Sinian "

"Xiao Xing, it's impossible for me to be with him."

"I know. No matter how good he is, it's no use if you don't like him. "

"No. People don't like me at all. " Easy to find awkwardly patted his brother on the head, "how could I not like Jin Sinian" There's no one in the world who doesn't like him, right Let's go home! Stop daydreaming! "

"Sister! Do you feel inferior " Yi Xin looked at the uncomfortable expression on her sister's face and ridiculed, "I haven't seen you feel inferior yet!"

"you brat! Don't tease me! If you were asked to go on a blind date with Hepburn, would you feel inferior "

"me. I don't feel inferior! If what you say is true, I want to be happy to death! "s Weibo post was posted by Tang Qiaosen's private account and read: Fu Shiting is mentally just seven words, but it is appalling. Although the Weibo account posted byis Tang's private account,...