Chapter 1897

nd looks scary, but it doesn't hurt."he wants to comfort her.but she doesn't need his false comfort.she poked his wound with her fingers.he was caught off guard, and he gasped with pain."again, does i...Chapter 1897

"if you go to the country with me, would you like to consult your boyfriend first" He tried it out.

Qin Anan: "Why should I consult others about my business" Don't say that he is still my boyfriend, even if he is my husband in the future, he has no right to interfere in my affairs. "

Fu Shiting clenched his teeth.

what she said just now reveals two meanings.

she and Billy, it's true.

secondly, Billy doesn't care about her.

so she should have nothing to lose from her relationship with Billy.

"in that case, pack your bags." If you don't tell your boyfriend, shouldn't you tell rilla " Fu Shiting reminded me.

"I know exactly what to prepare for. Mind your own business! " Qin Anan said here, looked out of the window at the rain, "the rain is getting heavier and heavier, tonight's flight, is it possible to cancel"

Fu Shiting turned on his cell phone and looked at the weather: "it stopped raining at seven o'clock tonight."

"Oh. Are you going You can take the umbrella outside the door. " Qin Anan is going to pack, so there is no time to entertain him.

"are you sure you want me to leave after such a heavy rain"

"I kindly lent you my umbrella, but you said I would kick you out." You can stay here if you like. I don't care about you. " Qin Anan strode back to his room.

Fu Shiting did not follow.

but he didn't leave either.

he called Mrs. Zhang and asked her to help her pack and ask the driver to send her to Qin Anan's house.

by the way, I told Mrs. Zhang that she was going to the country.

Sister Zhang was very happy: "Sir, if you go with an an, you must take advantage of this opportunity. No matter whether Xiaohe can find it or not, you can no longer quarrel with an an." Although Ann has a good temper, she also likes to hear nice things from others. Please don't always say what she doesn't like to hear. "

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"do you think she has a good temper" Fu Shiting whispered.

"Yes, she is the best-tempered woman I have ever met."

"is it not chanting that has the best temper" At least in Fu Shiting's mind, chanting is the most obedient.

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile, "when Yin Yin is stubborn, she won't be reasonable, but an an is different."

"Why do I think Qin Anan is often unreasonable in front of me" Fu Shiting felt that Qin Anan said by sister-in-law Zhang and Qin Anan he knew were two people.

"it is unreasonable for two people to fall in love. Otherwise she won't be reasonable in front of you, won't you let her go " Sister-in-law Zhang.

Fu Shiting: "tell rilla and Ziqiu about my going out." I'll talk to them later. "


in the bedroom, Qin Anan sat by the bed and called her daughter.

"rilla, I don't know when I'll be back, so I may not be able to take you and my brother to my brother." Qin Anan apologized.

rilla turned her head. "I can ask Uncle Ziyi to take us there." Uncle Ziyi went to see Uncle Mike in a few days. "

"is fine. But tell your father first. "

"Why am I telling him Isn't he going to the country with you When he goes to the country, he will have no control over me and my brother. " Rilla turned around when she said, "Mom, are you the only one going with Dad"

Qin Anan was stunned for a moment: "mm-hmm." Baby, what's wrong "

"I'm curious. You two go together and stay in the hotel. Will you two stay in the same room or two rooms Do you have dinner together every day Do you have to talk a lot every day " Rilla is more concerned about whether they will make up or not, so she thinks a little too much.

Qin Anan couldn't help blushing. of other property! ""Yes, he does have a lot of real estate and other investments. In other words, there is a lot of money. But he entrusted all his personal affairs to the lawyer. This means that he...