Chapter 1856

or Qin Anan, but for chanting." Shengbei hit the nail on the head, "Qin Anan still doesn't know the relationship between you and Yin, so it's easy to understand her anger."Fu Shiting's deep eyes moved...Chapter 1856

when Qin Anan got home, he first called his daughter to tell her she was safe.

then she went to the bathroom to run hot water and was going to take a bath.

I spent a day at Fu Shiting's house today, but my mood has always been tense. Because Fu Shiting was there, he always felt that everything he said and did was under his nose.

she put her phone on the nightstand and went to the wardrobe to get her pajamas.

automatically play back what happened during the day in my mind.

Today is generally happy.

because I am with rilla and Ziqiu today, I feel that the feelings I have lost in the past two years have been greatly satisfied.

then she remembered that at the dinner table today, Ziqiu called her mother sweetly and asked her to stay at Fu's house for the night.

she actually thought of saying yes to Ziqiu.

she wants to sleep with Ziqiu and rilla and have a heart-to-heart talk with the two children.

she feels happy every minute she spends with her children. This kind of happiness comes naturally from the bottom of my heart.

there is no news except Xiaohe yet, and everything else seems to be happening in a comfortable state.

is it true that this is the dark willow and bright flowers, or not

the other side.

the bodyguard sent Sheng Bei and Yun Xiaoxiao to Sheng Bei's house first.

Shengbei drank a lot of wine tonight.

because he drinks well, although he drinks a lot, he is not really very drunk.

but when he got out of the car, he grabbed Yun Xiaoxiao's arm as if he could not walk.

"Xiaoxiao, I. I feel dizzy. " After Shengbei pulled Yun Xiaoxiao out of the car, he winked at the bodyguard behind him.

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the bodyguard caught his look and slipped away.

"I feel sick." Shengbei returned home with the help of Yun Xiaoxiao.

when Yun Xiaoxiao heard that he wanted to puke, he immediately helped him to the bathroom.

"Xiaoxiao, I am so thirsty. Could you get me a glass of water " Because Sheng Bei could not spit it out, he stood at the door of the bathroom and asked her with a haggard face.

when Yun Xiaoxiao looked at his scarlet face, he would not suspect that he was pretending to be drunk.

"you said you earned a lot of money, so why did you hire a live-in babysitter or bodyguard" Yun Xiaoxiao loosened him and went to pour him water. "I say something ugly, in case something happens to you at home one day, no one will find you." The last time I saw the news, a man died in a rented house and the body was found to be rotten and smelly. "

Sheng Bei went to the bathroom, turned on the tap and washed his face with cold water.

"Xiaoxiao, thank you for caring so much about me. I don't find a live-in babysitter and bodyguard because I used to prefer to be alone and don't like anyone else at home. But now I'm going to listen to you and get a live-in babysitter and bodyguard. " Sheng Bei came out of the bathroom.

"since you like being alone, you'd better not look for it." Yun Xiaoxiao handed the water cup into his hand. "it's not too late to look for it when you're sixty."

Sheng Bei took the water cup and drank it up: "I don't like being alone so much now. I seem to like lively things more and more." Maybe I'm really old! "

he handed her the empty water cup.

she took the cup and looked at his bewildered face. "would you stop staring at me like that" I know you want me to stay and be a free babysitter.and twice. Do you think it will be successful the third time ".by the time Zhou Ziyi came, Nuo had already been beaten black and blue.when she saw Zhou Zi Yi, she immediately began to cry loudly: "Ass...