Chapter 1724

Si Nian, I'm so sleepy!" I want to go to bed. "Jin Si-nien beat her up and held her up and said, "go to sleep!" When you wake up, you can go to the country to reunite with your mother. "rilla had a t...Chapter 1724

he did not want to bring down Qin Anan's technology.

but he seems to be doing so.

he hired Jiang Ning and acquiesced in Jiang Ning's huge goal.

whether Jiang Ning can achieve this goal or not, Qin Anan must know about it by now.

the funny thing is that even if she knew about it, she didn't come to him.

when Sheng Bei saw that the phone was hung up, he didn't even think about it and dialed his number again.

but there is a system tone that his phone has been turned off.

"what the heck!" Sheng Bei unbelievably looked at the call that was automatically hung up by the system. "I haven't said a word I want to say!"

I would not have mentioned Jiang Ning if I had known about it.

Sheng Bei had severe chest tightness, so he came out of the cafe.

he went to the door of the hospital and called Yun Xiaoxiao.

in the ward, Qin Anan heard Yun Xiaoxiao answer the phone from Shengbei and immediately said to Yun Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, go and accompany him!" I happen to be a little sleepy and ready to go to bed. "

Yun Xiaoxiao knows she's lying.

she has just finished the operation, and the effect of the anesthetic will soon be over.

it hurts so much, how can she sleep

"Xiaoxiao, go!" When she's asleep, I'll take a nap, too. " Mike spoke, too.

"all right! Then I'll go. I'll come back to see you tonight. " Yun Xiaoxiao left the ward.

Mike went to the bedside and tucked Qin Anan in.

"Mike, I'm not cold." It is summer now, and although the air conditioner is turned on in the ward, she is still a little hot.

Mike pulls the quilt down a little bit.

"after a week, your eyes will gradually see things." Looking forward to it " Mike couldn't hide his excitement when he said this.

Qin Anan raised the corners of her mouth: "look forward to it. I hope everything goes smoothly."

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"definitely will. The doctor said that your illness is not a serious one. "

"I know." Qin Anan always knew that his illness was not serious, but it would affect his daily life. "I feel much better now."

"well, the professor I told you about earlier, I called him and got in touch with him. He heard about your operation today, so he planned to come and see you tonight. I know you really want to talk to that professor about Lesser Cold, so I said yes. " McDowell.

Qin Anan hesitated for a moment and then answered.


Yun Xiaoxiao came out of the inpatient department and saw Shengbei waiting at the door of the inpatient department at a glance.

didn't I tell you not to come to the hospital Yun Xiaoxiao complained about the strange way.

"I didn't go in!" I was calling you outside the hospital gate, and I heard Qin Anan ask you to accompany me, so I walked in. " Shengbei heard Qin Anan's voice just now, and his heart was very complicated.

her voice is as gentle, quiet and tough as ever.

the shock of divorce, the blow of illness, didn't seem to break her.

"all because you called me. If you don't call me, she won't kick me out. " Yun Xiaoxiao glared at him and said, "just send me a message if there's anything."

"I called your second brother and he hung up on me. Not only did he hang up on me, but he also turned off his phone. So I'm upset. " Sheng Bei explained to her, "I wanted to tell him about Qin Anan's operation today, but after the phone got through, we talked about another woman, so we were done."

"another woman" Yun Xiaoxiao wondered.

"the new vice president of Qin Group is a very capable woman. This woman is not only capable, but also very young. " As Sheng Bei spoke, his tone was a little sour. "I have to take it. Now some young people are getting stronger and stronger."sts on custody of his child, give him his younger brother." After meditating, Lesser Cold made the decision, "when I am better than him, I will get my brother back.""Woo-woo. I don't want to give him...