Chapter 1671

o the hotel." Come back when he can be discharged from the hospital in a week. "Fu Yechen is unwilling to bear hardships and take care of Yunmo. But seeing that Qin Anan wanted to let himself go so mu...Chapter 1671

this is his duty as a father to protect and protect his children.


the painful night passed, and the next morning, Qin Anan woke up and opened her eyes.

her mind was so chaotic that she couldn't remember what had happened for a moment, only that it was painful.

until she saw everything in the ward, she was stunned.

she saw everything in the ward and saw it clearly!

she reached out her hand and shook it in front of her eyes. It's true! She can really see.

she immediately lifted the quilt and hurried out of bed. Next to

, Mike woke up immediately when he heard something.

he woke up at six o'clock this morning. After waking up, he played with his cell phone for a while and simply slept on the table next to her hospital bed.

so he woke up as soon as she moved.

"Ann, why are you out of bed" When Mike saw her get out of bed, he immediately reached out to hold her.

"Mike! I can see things now! I can see it! " Qin Anan's cheeks flushed with excitement. "I thought I was completely blind."

"Great! But you suddenly couldn't see yesterday, which means you're seriously ill, too. After you slept last night, I went to Wei Zhen. Wei Zhen said that your illness was very complicated and that you might have to go abroad for treatment. " Mike pressed her shoulder and sat her down. "I can go abroad with you at any time."

Qin Anan looks complicated.

it never occurred to her that her eyes would be invisible and visible.

although she can see now, her illness must not be delayed.

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she can't do what she did last time, and this time she wants to put herself first.

"I have to wait for Fu Shiting to come back first. When he comes back, I will divorce him first. " She expressed her plan. "he said he would be back in a week or so."

"Oh, did you tell him about the divorce on the phone How did he react " Mike supported her divorce.

Jin Jung-er and Xiaohe have always made him feel the diaphragm.

under the terms of Qin Anan, why should he suffer such grievances

"No. Tell him when he comes back. " She didn't think too much about whether to do it or not, because she already had a definite answer in her heart.

"what if he refuses to divorce you" Mike asked.

"as long as I insist on divorcing him, he will have to divorce if he doesn't want to." Qin Anan knows Fu Shiting too well.

although Fu Shiting is overbearing, he has high self-esteem.

as long as she speaks ill of him, he will definitely divorce her.

"Mike, why do you think he won't divorce me I called him yesterday and he didn't care about me anymore. Believe it or not, when he comes back, I will ask him for a divorce. He certainly doesn't care about me divorcing him. What he cares about must be the custody of his three children and the management of my company. "

Mike is creepy: "as for" Did you two end up like this " "

" he said that if I asked for a divorce, I wouldn't want custody of the child. He will settle with me in all respects! " Qin Anan is prepared for the worst. an excuse, "Let's go in and sit down!"he put away his umbrella and pulled her into the airport hall.she was puzzled and wondered, "have you found the whereabouts of Shi Ting" You take me to him! Even...