chapter 152

ut she didn't expect him to be so angry."Fu Shiting, I'm sorry." She was so nervous that she had a pain in her throat. "my computer broke down this morning, so I took the liberty of using your compute...Chapter 152

Qin Anan instantly woke up.

she has a strong sixth sense.

the person Fu Shiting wants to save should be the woman he has in mind.

it is impossible for her to bless him and them.

put the car on the road, turn on the air conditioner and blow the air conditioner.

Qin Anan decided to go home and take her two children out to play.

after returning to China, I haven't taken them out for shopping yet.


"Mom, where do you want to take my brother and me to play" Rilla and Lesser Cold are sitting in the child safety seat respectively.

two children, sitting cleverly in the back.

Qin Anan doesn't know where to take them to play.

her two children are precocious compared with other children of the same age.

"do you want to go to an amusement park There is a huge amusement park in the city center, like a castle. " Qin Anan is passionate about Amway.

rilla exhaled and said in a milk voice, "Mom, it's so hot!" Shall we find a cool place to stay "

Qin Anan: "how about we go to the water park to play in the water"

rilla frowned. "I don't like so many people soaking in the same pool." It's filthy! Mom, why don't we go get some ice cream! "

Qin Anan: ".

what a snack.

rilla, seeing her mother frowning, immediately warmed her heart and said, "Mom, just show us around in the car!" Take us to delicious food later, and we'll go home when we're full! "

Lesser Cold, who cherishes his words like gold: "good."

this is to agree with my sister's idea.

Qin Anan was defeated.

two children, like social phobias, do not like to go to crowded places.

even if other children find something interesting and interesting, they will only feel childish and bored.

Qin Anan drove around the city with her children.

more than two hours just went by.

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at 04:30 in the afternoon, Qin Anan drove to the city, found a parking space, parked the car, and took the two children into the nearby restaurant.

this is a high-end restaurant with high per capita consumption, so there are not many guests.

Qin Anan chose the window seat to sit down.

rilla and Lesser Cold are sitting opposite her.

the brother and sister are on good terms with each other. Although they quarrel occasionally, rilla always compromises voluntarily.

Qin Anan glanced at the menu, and each dish was accompanied by a picture, so she handed the menu to the two children and asked them to order.

"Mom, if I eat obediently, can you buy me an ice cream" Rilla negotiated with her mother before she ordered. "Brother, too."

Lesser Cold refused: "Brother, don't."

Qin Anan smiled softly and said, "rilla, will you eat obediently first" Mom will buy you ice cream after dinner. "

rilla nodded happily.


Fu Yechen and his father personally went to Zhang's house last night to apologize and explain.

in view of the sincerity of their father and son, Zhang Quan decided to give Fu Yechen a chance.

Today, Fu Yechen invited Zhang Quan out to dinner.

"Quan Quan, I'm really sorry about yesterday. Although the little girl had the wrong person, but there were so many men in the restaurant at that time, the little girl came to me. Maybe it's my bad luck. I got you into trouble and made you so humiliated yesterday. I've been thinking about it all night. I'm out of luck, probably because all my good luck has been used to get to know you. "

Fu Yechen is elegant and elegant, and he keeps a good figure. In addition, he is good at dressing up, so he looks more outstanding.

with a good skin and a mouth smeared with honey, Zhang Quan smiled like a flower.

"this is a gift I chose specially for you. I hope you can accept it." It is not only a gift, but also my sincerity. "

A red gift box was pushed in front of Zhang Quan.f his eyes. "his heart is harder than stone."Zhang Yun helped Qin Anan out of the hospital.Mother and daughter stopped a taxi on the side of the road.after they left, Fu Shiting's car sped away from t...