Chapter 1573

you don't have to say this in front of Qin Anan and the children.""are you ashamed, too" Li Xiaotian always has a personality of what to say and what to say."what does this have to do with losing fac...Chapter 1573

Mike: she came to China to look for Fu Shiting. And Fu Shiting, a scum man, went so far as to secretly go to see her! I'll ask you, never! Scum is not scum!

Zhou Ziyi:. Scum!

Mike: ha!

Zhou Ziyi: how could my boss do that Is he worthy of Ann like this Is it worthy of three children

Zhou Ziyi is a little sad.

Mike: when he's smart, he's smart, but when he's stupid, he's really stupid. He was deceived by Jin Ronger!

Zhou Ziyi cheered up: has my boss been cheated Oh my God! Jin Ronger lied to my boss's body!

because Qin Anan has run away from home, Zhou Ziyi thinks about this matter more seriously.

Mike: poof! If your boss slept with Kim Jung-er, I wouldn't say he was cheated. I'll just say he cheated, okay!

Zhou Ziyi: Oh, how did you get cheated You're in the middle of a **ing conversation, and it makes me sick to death! I really want to kill you!

Mike: Jin Ronger said that the baby in her belly looked like rilla, and your boss believed it. Do you think it's funny I'm so happy!

Zhou Ziyi: what's so happy about this It's weird that you're laughing!

Mike: you idiot! Rilla is like Qin Anan, but Jin Ronger lied to Fu Shiting, saying that their children are like Qin Anan. Do you think this is not funny

Zhou Ziyi:. WTF! Is Kim Jung-er out of his mind If you lie like this, you can cheat for a while, but not for a lifetime!

in the guest room.

Qin Anan sat down by the bed, while Fu Shiting crouched in front of her, looking at her piously.

"Last night Jin Jung-er came to see me and said that he would see me for the last time and would never come to China again, so I went." He explained to her what happened last night.

"Why do you believe her After she gives birth to the baby, she comes to you with the baby, and you still go to see her. " Qin Anan firmly said, "Shi Ting, I underestimated Jin Ronger's threat to our relationship."

"Ann, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to see her. I shouldn't have believed her. She said the child looked like rilla. I went to see her out of curiosity. " He cut open his heart and showed her, "I have absolutely no personal affection for Jin Jung-er."

"I know. I believe you have no feelings for Kim Yung-er. But I also believe that you have feelings for your children. " Qin Anan held his face in his hands. "you can't care about your children." Just like you used to hate children so much, but when you see Lesser Cold and rilla, you naturally take on the responsibility of being a father. "

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he lowered his eyes and dared not promise her that he would never see the child again.

if Jin Ronger comes to his door with his children later, how can he turn a blind eye to it

he thinks Jin Ronger can definitely do such a thing.

just like Jin Ronger has been deceiving him with fake color ultrasound photos! Jin Ronger is capable of anything!

"Ann, I will not divorce you, nor will I give up our children." After meditating for a moment, he said his determination, "you're not going to be separated from me, and you're not going to take the baby away."

"are you here to fight with me" She withdrew her hand, trembling with anger.

"No." He got up and took her in his arms again, choking slightly in his voice. "I don't want to make you angry. I don't want to see you sad." I'm just afraid you'll make up your mind to leave me in silence. "

"Shi Ting, you leave me alone. I want to be quiet. " Her eyes were red and tears swirled in her eyes.

"No. I can't leave you alone. " He knew her character so well that if she was left alone, she would definitely be paranoid and would definitely take the edge of the sword.

"what do you want me to do" She cried, swinging her fist and slamming it on his shoulder. "do you want me to bear it" For the rest of your life You want the child of you and Kim Jung-er. "

" I don't want it! Ann, I don't want that baby. " He clasped her angry little face in his hands and pressed his forehead against her forehead. "I swear, I will never see Jin Ronger again, but if that child comes to me, I can't promise you not to see her."

"you met the kid, and then what" Qin Anan looked at him with fierce eyes. "if that child wants to recognize you, if she cries and begs you, get down on her knees and beg you" Fu Shiting, how dare you tell me you don't want it! You promise me now that you will coax me so that when that child is born and you recognize her, what can I do to you "

Fu Shiting was too tight to speak.

"the least valuable thing in the world is commitment!" She clasped his wrist with both hands, trying to pull his hand away.end a huge amount of medical expenses to treat Yun Mo, but then abused him What do they want to do when they let Yunmo listen to themat night, Qin Anan had insomnia.she thought of many possibilities o...