Chapter 1547

g to come back! If you don't come back, I'll consider breaking up with you! "they have met twice in the past four years.on both occasions, Li Xiaotian went abroad to look for her.Qin Anan picked up th...Chapter 1547

Yun Xiaoxiao received a call from Sheng Bei.

she has taken a shower and is lying in bed, taking a short video to decompress.

Shengbei's incoming call suddenly popped up and she sat up abruptly.

she answered the phone, and Sheng Bei's voice came intermittently: "Xiaoxiao." I... I drank too much. Can you, can you. Come to pick me up "

accompanied by this sentence came a wine hiccup.

Yun Xiaoxiao smelled the pungent smell of alcohol as if he were following the airwaves.

"it's so cold outside, I'm not going to pick you up!" Without thinking, Yun Xiaoxiao refused his request. after refusing it, he had a bad conscience and added, "go and find a hotel nearby!" What are you doing back to me so late It's not necessary. "

Sheng Bei was cold in her heart when she answered mercilessly.

"Don't you drink with my second brother Where's my second brother Are you drunk too " Seeing Shengbei silent, Yun Xiaoxiao asked.

Sheng Bei sighed: "your second brother wants to take me back to his house." But isn't his leg good for someone who weighs more than 100 jin, how can I let him help me "

"then go by yourself!"

"I'm drunk!"

"Oh." After thinking about it, Yun Xiaoxiao still didn't want to run dozens of kilometers away to pick him up on a cold day. "then let my second brother put you in a taxi. I won't lock the door and wait for you to come back, all right"

that's the best she can do for him.

she has to train tomorrow. It's kind enough to stay up late and wait for him to come back.

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Sheng Bei was a little discouraged, but when he heard her words, he immediately beat the chicken blood and said, "OK, I'll be right back!"

Fu Shiting put Shengbei on the bus and walked back to the villa.

it's ten o'clock in the evening, and the cold wind roars past my ears. The cold air hits my skin, and I feel the pain of a knife.

it was a ten-minute walk, but he got home in five minutes.

when the bedroom light was on, he opened the door and saw her leaning against the head of the bed, looking through the materials she had brought back from the Zhuangxu study.

"what are you doing up" He took off his coat and sat down by the bed.

she smelled the faint smell of alcohol on him and suddenly became hungry.

"didn't you say bring me midnight snacks" She put down the information and rubbed her stomach. "have you forgotten"

the expression on his face was stunned.

he forgot.

because he talked to Sheng Bei about that child in the country, he had a lot on his mind, so he forgot to bring her midnight snacks.

"I'll buy it for you now." He immediately got up and picked up his coat. "what would you like to eat"

"forget it. I'll just drink some water." She lifted the quilt and got out of bed. "it's too cold outside." The climate here, no matter how many years I stay, is not used to it. "

looking at her slim back, his Adam's apple rolled: "what do you want to eat I'll buy it." I'm not cold. "

"Shi Ting, I don't blame you for forgetting to bring me midnight snacks." She picked up the cup and took a sip. "I just slept and had a nightmare, so I woke up." I haven't been waiting for you. "arcastic voice came, "even if he doesn't die now, I'll kill him!""Shi Ting!" Qin Anan seemed to be strangled and exclaimed, "I know you are talking angrily!" It's my fault! I should have called you ea...