Chapter 1350

black car driver's seat!around, screams broke out one after another, and the crowd dispersed like birds and beasts.Qin Anan's body temperature has become cold.Fu Shiting held her face in his hands, lo...Chapter 1350

it is not just Fu Shiting's verbal promise that he wants Fu Shiting to stay in country y.

Kim Kai Li is not only selfish, but also defensive.

the way to turn Fu Shiting into a man of his own, in addition to making him his own son-in-law, it is best to keep his roots here. The

root is his descendant.

if Fu Shiting had children in country y, he wouldn't want to go back to country a.

"after the Jincheng funeral, let's go outside and talk." The fourth looked around and whispered, "in short, your son has done what none of us have been able to do, and your son will have a great future!"

"Jincheng asked for it." Fu Shiting shook the cigarette ash off the ashtray. "if he hadn't bullied Qin Anan, this wouldn't have happened at all."

"that's still something for your son. My son is five years older than yours, and now he only plays games every day. I have a headache when I see it. How did your son educate so well " The topic of

suddenly becomes the exchange of parenting experience.

"I thought you knew that I didn't bring up Lesser Cold." Fu Shiting only witnessed the birth of Ziqiu.

I don't know if Ziqiu can solve the problem here on his first birthday.

"didn't he come back to you at the age of four or five"

"he has been living with Qin Anan. I seldom care about him. " Fu Shiting said, "Mike cares more about him."

"Gee, you remember everything!"

"I remember everyone except Qin Anan." His thin lips gently opened, "because of this, I don't think Qin Anan is the bad woman Jin Kai Li said."

"Ha ha! If Qin Anan was a bad woman, you wouldn't have had her first child and then a second child. You're not a fool! " The second brother laughed. "but you did spoil Qin Anan too much before, and you seem a little brainless!" It's just a woman, and there's no need to set up your own career! "

"mm-hmm." Fu Shiting felt a lot when he came to country y this time, and the lesson was profound.

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in a moment of emotion, you may be able to vent your unhappiness, but after being wayward, life should go on.

only when you have absolute power and wealth can you protect yourself and your loved ones.

in the afternoon, Qin Anan went out for a walk with Zhuangxu.

Lesser Cold has safely left country y, which can be regarded as putting an end to her worries.

"I dream every night these days that Lesser Cold was captured by Jincheng." She smiled bitterly. "it's a good thing there's no danger."

"your son refreshed my understanding of children." Zhuang Xu sincerely praised, "he is still so young, he has such great ability." In the future, even if you don't have to find a husband, you can rely on your son to lie down for the rest of your life. "

"I'm a little worried about him going astray in the future." She frowned. "his personality is too much like Fu Shiting. When things happen, they are more radical. If Fu Shiting hadn't been here, he wouldn't have been able to leave country y smoothly. "

this time Lesser Cold came secretly from everyone.

he is so young that he already has his own ideas and has the ability to implement plans independently.

but his age is here after all, and his mind is not mature enough.

"hasn't Fu Shiting answered your message yet"

"No. He probably won't reply to me before the funeral. " Qin Anan said, "Jin Kai Li has been staring at him, now Jincheng is dead, Jin Kai Li must keep an eye on him even more closely."

"Don't think so much and wait for him to contact you." Zhuang Xu comforted, "I really can't. I can do the operation for you first."

Qin Anan shook his head: "Jin Kai Li will not let Lesser Cold leave country y so easily. He must have made unreasonable demands on Shi Ting." That's what I'm most afraid of. Often, whatever you are most afraid of, you will come. "

"at least your son is safe now, no matter what Fu Shiting agrees to Jin Kai Li." This is the best result. " Zhuang Xu continued to comfort, "otherwise you wouldn't be in the mood to ask me out for a walk."

his comfort worked.r a moment.but soon she saw the shadowy red candlelight a red candle!beside the candlestick, there are waking red wine and refreshments.and next to the chair, there is a bouquet of red roses...