Chapter 1343

ately opened her mouth to smooth things over,"Anan is not in a good mood today, so I accompanied her to relax outside. Now she's okay. Let me get you a glass of water!"Qin Anan: "Mom!"Fu Shiting: "No...Chapter 1343

"my son is talking fast." Fu Shiting did not know Lesser Cold's plan, but felt that Lesser Cold should be fully sure, "No more than the day after tomorrow at the latest." As soon as Jincheng dies, the Jin family will be in chaos. I want to take advantage of that time to send Qin Anan and my son away. "

Feitian sighed again and again, "your son is not ten years old, is he" Do you believe what he says "

"Why don't you believe"

"wait until Jincheng is dead!" Fei Tianqi sneered, "if Jin Kai hadn't protected him, he wouldn't have known how many times he would have died!" By the way, would you like to go back to country a with Qin Anan "

"I can't go." Fu Shiting said calmly, "now I have too much connection with the Jin family. Even if I go back to a country, Jin Kai Li will go to a country to find trouble with me." What happened here ends here. "

Feitian laughed and said, "good, it's time to reshuffle the cards a long time ago!"


7: 00 in the morning.

when Qin Anan woke up, he was thinking about Lesser Cold.

so she hesitated and then called Lesser Cold for a video call.

"Lesser Cold, are you used to living there Did Jin Ronger embarrass you When your father

saw her son's face, she immediately threw out a series of questions.

"Mom, Fu Shiting doesn't remember you." Lesser Cold took the mobile phone and sat up.

he was woken up by the ringtone of his cell phone, so his hair was in a mess. But luckily, I have a clear head.

he remembers all what Fu Shiting said to him last night.

"did he tell you that" Qin Anan's willow eyebrows frowned.


Qin Anan was not surprised by the result.

if Fu Shiting remembered her, he could not hide his inner feelings.

"Mom, when Jincheng dies, you will come home with me." Lesser Cold remembered what Fu Shiting taught him last night and asked him to act coquettish with Qin Anan.

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he knows how to act coquetry. After all, rilla likes it very much.

but he can't spill it.

"what else did he tell you last night" Qin Anan was very curious about the conversation between father and son. "you didn't talk to him before, so why did you talk to him last night"

Lesser Cold's cheeks flushed slightly: "didn't you say he lost his memory" I didn't take him as the Fu Shiting before. "

"he just forgot about me. He didn't forget you and your brother and sister."

"mm-hmm. I scolded him. I thought he would be angry, but he didn't. " Small cold way, "really boring."

"how did he react when you scolded him" Qin Anan asked curiously.

"he didn't respond. When he asked me to return home, he would take you back to China with him. " At this point, he spoke a little slowly. "Mom, come back with me then. He said he would come back to you when his business was done."

Qin Anan hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "OK, Mom will come back with you."

during this period of time, she tried every means to make Fu Shiting remember her.

she stays here for nothing but torture.

the time flashed, and it was evening.

Jincheng hasn't been out for two days.

there is still a countdown to death on his new phone screen.

there are still eight hours left before he dies.

everything is fine inside and outside the villa.

he would like to see who will take his life tonight!

"Dad! Drink water! " A cute little girl, carrying a glass of water, waddled to Jincheng.

Jincheng looked at her daughter's lovely little face and immediately took the water cup.will be angry, and it will take a long time to coax her. Moreover, Qin Anan is also angry. "Fu Shiting's fundus flashed a chill.Jin Si-nien, a defeated general, dare to provoke him!if Jin Si-nien had...