Chapter 1315

high-end restaurant."Sweets, remember that friend I told you about last time" He Junzhi held Li Xiaotian's hand and didn't want to be separated from her for a second. "it's the friend who suddenly ha...Chapter 1315

Kim Kai Li came to visit his daughter after breakfast.

Jin Ronger is in good spirits.

because Fu Shiting is always by her side, she thinks it's all worth it.

"Dad, I want to go home and recuperate." Jin Ronger sajiao, "I don't want Shi Ting to suffer with me in the hospital."

"Yes. I sent the paramedics home to take care of you. "

"thanks, Dad." Jin Jung-er smiled, but her eyes were a little nervous. "Dad, where's Big Brother" Did you punish him "

"shouldn't I punish him You just married Shi Ting, but he wants to kill Shi Ting. "

" Big Brother is just on the spur of the moment. Please talk to him carefully and don't punish him. I don't want him to become an enemy with Shi Ting. Otherwise, I will be very sad. " Jin Ronger begged.

"my silly daughter! Don't worry about it! " Jin Kai Li said, giving Fu Shiting a look and let him out.

the two men came out of the ward, and Jin Kai-li patted Fu Shiting on the shoulder.

"I gave you a little punishment last night for fear that you might make the same mistake again! You haven't taken back a single thing you lost in country a. I don't want to see you fall on Qin Anan twice. "

"mm-hmm." Fu Shiting's attitude was more indifferent than that of Jin Kaili, as if nothing had happened last night. "I'm going to negotiate with the second brother and the fourth brother soon. are you sure you'll come with me"

"you mean you're going alone" Kim Kaili hesitated. "I was thinking about this last night. If I go over there, I'm afraid they won't be able to calm down and negotiate with you."

"Let me go alone first!" If I can't talk about it, you'll come forward. "

"OK. I'll give you a few more bodyguards. No matter whether you can reach an agreement or not, you must pay attention to your safety. "

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"did you not sleep last night" Jin Kai Li looked at the red blood in his eyes and said, "go back and have a rest first!" I will probably send Rong er home to recuperate in the afternoon. "


a country.

Lesser Cold showed up at the Capital Airport wearing a cap and carrying a schoolbag.

in an hour, he will board a flight to country y.

he is going to find his mother. If he can, he wants to take her home.

he watched the news about country y for a few days and thought that country y was too dangerous and he couldn't let his mother stay there.

if his mother refuses to go home with him, he stays in country y to protect his mother.

this plan is known only to him and rilla.

an hour later, he passed the security check smoothly.

the plane takes off on time.

after a flight of more than ten hours, the plane arrived in country y.

Lesser Cold came out of the airport, stopped a taxi by the side of the road and gave the name of the hotel he had booked in advance.

half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the gate of the hotel.

Lesser Cold got out of the car, lowered the brim of his hat and strode into the hotel.

he plans to stay first, find out what's going on here, and then contact his mother.

otherwise he rashly appeared in front of his mother and asked his mother to go with him, his mother would not have agreed.

after picking up his room card at the front desk, he went to the elevator.

Unfortunately, the elevator just went down to the first floor.

with a sound of 'Ding', the elevator door slowly opened-

Fu Shiting's cold face appeared impressively in Lesser Cold's eyes!evitable that you will continue to contact the Jiang family. A bodyguard is not enough to keep you safe. "Qin Anan went to the wardrobe and took a set of pajamas out of it."I see, go out! I want to re...