Chapter 1260

when you landed yesterday I find that you don't like to get in touch with me more and more. Do you have a problem with me "Qin Anan didn't want to make him sad, so he said, "my mobile phone has radiat...Chapter 1260

she was going to say, I'm fine, I'm fine.

but the blood in the corners of her mouth made her unable to speak.

the bodyguard is as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

"Boss, shall I take you to the hospital Or should I call an emergency call for an ambulance " In a panic, the bodyguard pulled a few pieces of paper into her hand. "Why don't I get you a basin of water first"

"Don't panic." Qin Anan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a tissue and gasped for breath. "my friend will be here soon." Wait for him to come. "

" wait for him! Waiting for him again! Maybe when he comes, you'll be dead! " The bodyguard wanted to send her to the hospital immediately. "you've coughed up blood, so you can't wait any longer!"

Qin Anan sat down in a chair and calmed himself down: "my disease, if I have an operation, is to drain the congestion from the brain." Maybe the blood I'm coughing up now is the congestion in my brain. "

even if the bodyguard doesn't know anything about medicine, he knows she's talking nonsense: "then keep coughing!" Cough up all the bruised blood. "

Qin Anan: "go and fetch me a basin of water!" I want warm water. "

bodyguard: "Oh."

the bodyguard went to fetch a basin of warm water and put it in front of her.

she glanced into the water. "where are the towels"

"you didn't ask me to take a towel!" There are several towels in the bathroom. Which one do you want " Asked the bodyguard.

"the pink one."

"Oh. Boss, will your excellent classmate be able to operate on you immediately when he comes " The bodyguard brought the pink towel and threw it into the basin.

"No. There are several important tests that need to be done before the operation. " She twisted up the towel and wiped her face.

the bodyguard looked at her calmly, as if it was someone else who coughed up blood just now.

"can't you go and have the test done now"

"I talked to the doctor here, and he said that I would not die for this disease, and told me to wait for my friend to come." Qin Anan said, "he said his teacher knew me, and his teacher told him not to do anything."

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bodyguard: ""

"are you relieved now I won't die for a while. " She washed her face and felt much refreshed, but there was still a strong smell of blood in her mouth.

"what can I rest assured of I can rest assured when you get better. " The bodyguard took the basin away. "when will your classmates arrive"


"what are you going to do today"

"stay at the hotel and rest." She got up from the sofa and was going to lie down on the bed.

now she feels very weak and unable to lift herself up.

there may be a reason for her illness, or it may be that Fu Shiting's news has hit her too hard.

the bodyguard told her that Fu Shiting and Jin Kaili's daughter were married.

the bodyguard put away the basin, came out of the bathroom and saw her lying in bed sick and sick. He couldn't bear to leave her alone.

"Boss, Fu Shiting must have taken a fancy to Jin Kai Li's money." The bodyguard advised her, "he lost power in country a, so now he's targeting the Kim family."

"Don't persuade me." Qin Anan's voice came coldly, "I know what kind of person he is." I'm sure he's not who you say he is. "

"then why did he marry Miss Kim Is it because of love " Seeing that she was deceiving herself, the bodyguard could not help refuting her.

"can't it be forced He can't fall in love with another woman so soon! He can't betray himself for money! " Qin Anan's deep eyes seemed to hide a sharp sword, which was very sharp.

bodyguard: "all right, he was forced." Kim Kai Li must have put a knife to his neck and forced him. Then why are you in bed Why don't you save him "

Qin Anan: "I'm thinking of something."


Qin Anan: "if the two of us break in, we will only be thrown out. Go and find out where he lives now. I'd like to see him. "

the bodyguard looked embarrassed.

Kim Kai Li's door is full of bodyguards. Where can he get such detailed informationem here. "Zhuang Xu accompanied her to the emergency room.if the injured person arrives, he will take the emergency channel.the two sat down in the emergency waiting hall.Qin Anan's body is tight and...