Chapter 1227

ion.Qin Anan's face was hot, his heart was beating wildly, and his fingers were shaking on the keyboard and tapped out the reply: brother, your picture skills are pretty good, but you dare too much! W...Chapter 1227

the chanting burst into tears.

"I know it's hard for you to accept this result, but you don't have to worry. Fu Shiting loves you even if you are not his own sister. His feelings for you have not changed since he found out about it. " Wei Zhen took a tissue and wiped her tears.

"Yin, don't cry!" Even if you are not my own aunt, I still like you! " Rilla was very distressed to see her cry. "you see, my brother said he let you out of the hospital and moved to our house." We all like you! "

listening to rilla's tender and loud voice, tears stopped: "I like you, too." But I still care about Fu Shiting very much. He never came to see me. "

" he's gone! " Rilla replied, "he doesn't know you're here. Because his cell phone can't get through long ago. "

tears fall again when I hear my words.

"Yin, didn't you say you were afraid to let him see you the way you are It just so happens that you have a good recovery now. When you get better, Ann will bring him to see you. " Wei Zhen wiped her tears again.

"Why did he disappear Will he be in danger " Yin Yin was very worried, "Why is this happening" He's not a child anymore. how could he be gone "

"he quarreled with my mother, so he got angry!" Rilla explained the reason with her own understanding. "Don't be sad, I'm not sad!" He used to say he loved me most every day, but now he doesn't know where to hide, huh! "

Yin looked at rilla's angry look and wanted to cry but could not cry.

on her way to the hospital, Qin Anan saw a message from Mike.

Mike said he had arrived at the hospital.

she parked her car in the hospital parking lot and immediately pushed open the door to get off.

just got out of the car, a figure immediately blocked in front of her.

"Qin Anan, why didn't I find you so sinister and vicious before" Fu Yechen didn't sleep all night.

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in order not to go to prison, he can only admit against his will that he poisoned himself.

after he admitted poisoning, the police immediately asked him to sign a no-contact order.

from the time he signed the no-contact order, he will not be able to get close to Yun Mo in country B.

once he gets close to Yunmo, he will be arrested by the police.

he didn't expect such a consequence after admitting to poisoning. But he had already signed it, and it was too late to regret it!

"Fu Yechen, in terms of treachery and malice, I'm afraid I'm not as good as you by 1/10000." Qin Anan pushed his body away. "you can't touch Yun Mo now. If you violate the ban three times, you will be formally arrested." You haven't spent all the money you need to sell your old house, have you You can't have fun in prison. "

"Don't ** here. My heart! Unless you can keep Yunmo hiding in country b for the rest of your life! Otherwise, I still have a chance! " Fu Yechen didn't want to throw in the towel. "I heard that Fu Shiting is gone. Maybe he has died in some corner now!" After all, if he loses st Group, he will lose everything! "

when Qin Anan heard him say the word 'death', his reason collapsed instantly.

she raised her hand and slapped Fu Yechen in the face!

"get out of here!"

"Oh, ho! I'm not getting out. I can't go near Yunmo. I'll disgust you right in front of you! " Fu Yechen looked like a scoundrel.

"OK, I'm going to find Fu Shiting right away. You can come with me." Qin Anan grabbed him by the wrist and tried to pull him into the car.

he felt as if she was crazy and his back broke into a cold sweat.

he shook her off and cursed, "go and find him!" Better die outside with him! When you all die, the st Group will be mine! "

after Fu Yechen left, Qin Anan held the car door and gasped for breath.he watched her take the baby away."Qin Anan!"not far away, someone shouted her name.she looked at the sound source and saw Fu Shiting running towards her anxiously.he came to her and clasped her arm t...