chapter 1225

le | | []) .ush ({});"where is he now""at the hotel!" He said he wouldn't go to the office tomorrow. "Shengbei suddenly breathed heavily, "what's going on" They were all fine yesterday. Didn't Qin Ana...Chapter 1225

after lunch, Yun Xiaoxiao sent a message to Qin Anan: Shengbei has a suspect. It's just that he won't say who it is. But it doesn't matter. I found out that he called Zhou Ziyi about it. Go and ask Zhou Ziyi.

at that time, when buying millet pepper, Yun Xiaoxiao falsely claimed that he didn't bring a cell phone and asked Shengbei to pay.

Sheng Bei took out his mobile phone and unlocked it, and she took it away immediately.

she pretended to click on his phone records accidentally and saw that the last phone call was to Zhou Ziyi.

despite the image of Sheng Bei as a mature elite outside, in the eyes of Yun Xiaoxiao, he is just an old man.

there are plenty of ways for her to deal with Shengbei.

No, she got the first-hand news just a few days after she moved here.

in country b, Qin Anan's mobile phone received a message and the screen lit up, reflecting her sleeping face.

she didn't wake up.

she came back late at night and had no time to exercise, so she took half a sleeping pill before going to bed.

if she doesn't take sleeping pills, she can't sleep.

No matter how much truth she knows in her heart and how relieved she is, as long as she doesn't have Fu Shiting's whereabouts for a day, her heart seems to be missing a big piece.

when she woke up in the morning, she lifted the quilt out of bed, found the water cup, took a large glass of water and drank it.

my throat seems to be dry and burning. After drinking the water, it will feel better.

she went back to her bedroom, picked up her phone and first saw the message from Mike that Lesser Cold was on holiday. I'll take them both to see Yin later.

she immediately replied: OK. Be safe on the road.

after replying to the message, she casually clicked on the message from Kaiyun Xiaoxiao.

after reading the content clearly, her body suddenly froze.

without any thought, she immediately quit Wechat, found Zhou Ziyi's number and dialed.

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the phone is dialed and rang for a while before it is answered.

"Ann, I just didn't get a signal in the company's underground parking lot. I just saw your call when I came up." Zhou Ziyi drove into the main road in front of the company building and put on a Bluetooth headset.

"did you just get off work"

"mm-hmm. If you call me, is something wrong with Mike " Zhou Ziyi was suddenly nervous.

"he's fine." She immediately explained, "Brother Zhou, have you heard from Fu Shiting"

"No! If I heard from him, I would certainly tell you, don't worry. "

"but I heard that Shengbei has a suspect." She spoke her mind bluntly.

Zhou Ziyi said'ah', then smiled and asked, "who told you that" Brother Bei did call me about this this morning. "

"who does he suspect" She asked, "you have to work, so you don't have time to find him." I'll be free soon. I'll find him. "

Zhou Zi was embarrassed and said, "Brother Bei is just suspicious and not sure that the boss is on that person's side." And brother Bei and I don't know exactly where that person is. "

"who is that person!" Her heart went up to her throat. "what is the basis for Sheng Bei to suspect this man" He can't casually doubt it, can he "

"this person and the boss have known each other for many years, usually only when something big happens." So Brother Bei and I haven't seen this person in total, let alone contact him at ordinary times. But this man called Brother Bei a few days ago and talked about my boss and you. "

when Zhou Ziyi said this, he remembered something.

"by the way, you've seen this man." He continued, "his name is Kim Kaili, and he was here before you got married."ge difference. ""I understand what you're saying. That's how your second brother and I came along. When we get along for a long time, we will have a good run-in. ""what are you two doing at home every...