chapter 920

Ye Chen said disdainfully, "you really know how to pass the buck!"one word, let Liu Yuesheng tremble instantly!Ye Chen snapped: "I ask you, surnamed Liu!" My brother invested 100,000 yuan in your hote...!

Chapter 920

Mrs. Xiao said coldly, "you have the nerve to ask me, what have you done wrong" I'm telling you, as long as people like you are alive, as long as they can breathe, it's wrong. The only right choice for you is to die as soon as possible, and don't waste air in this world! "

Ma Lan felt as if her ears were about to be torn off, and the pain pierced her heart, but she didn't dare to disobey at all, so she could only swallow the bitter water into her stomach, thinking that she would stick to it and then she would be able to go out.

after waiting for herself to go out, this bad old woman will be released in less than ten days. At that time, this bad old woman will have no place to live, no place to eat, no place to drink, and may have to die in the street. At that time, she may have a chance to avenge her!

doesn't this bad old woman feel like she's going to be locked up in there for more than ten years

she also wants to take her own handwritten letter to live in her own Tomson Yipin villa, which is a pipe dream!

she certainly had no idea that she could not have been locked up here for more than ten years, and it would not be long before she would be released!

the moment when the prison guard came to let him go, I believe that the bad wife would be stunned and dumbfounded, and even his heart would be very painful, very depressed, very angry!

it is possible to die of anger here on the spot.

Mrs. Xiao really didn't think that Ma Lan might be released. She just thought that Ma Lan might be in prison for the rest of her life.

that's why she has always regarded Ma Lan's letter as a treasure, because with this letter in hand, she only has to wait for more than ten days to be released before she can go to live in Tomson's mansion.

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Oh, my God, Tomson Yipin, how dare I think!

after living in Tomson Yipin this time, he said that nothing could be moved out, and he would die in a mansion like Tomson Yipin.

she is more feudal and superstitious. She feels that only when she dies in this kind of mansion can she join a richer family and enjoy a lifetime of prosperity in her next life.

at this time, the prison guard in the detention center stepped forward.

it was only then that Mrs. Xiao reluctantly let go of Ma Lan's ear. She had just used all her strength to make Ma Lan's ear so red and swollen that there was even some tearing and bleeding at the base of the ear.

Ma Lan burst into tears with pain, but she was almost crazy with excitement at the sight of the prison guard.

here comes the prison guard, and the prison guard has come to release himself!

I'm finally going to be free!

I can finally go back to Tomson's mansion, have a full meal, and then have a good sleep!

for more than two days, apart from licking two mouthfuls of porridge on the ground, I didn't eat anything, I didn't sleep well, and I had a fever. This feeling is simply too painful.

so Ma Lan can't wait to get out of here, get out of here forever.

the prison guard strode to the cell, opened the door and said, "it's time for the lookout. Everyone line up to the playground!"


Ma Lan, an extremely excited heart, suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley.

are the prison guards here to take everyone to the lookout Isn't she going to let herself out Haven't those police officers discussed whether or not to let themselves outo kill the fat man. He knelt on the ground and said, "Miss, spare my life, for the sake of my conscientiousness and being in the Song family for so many years, please forgive me this time.(adsbygoogle...