chapter 683

million is really too wasteful. It can be said to be a misdemeanor!"Xiao Yiqian gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, I'll call him for another round. I can't wait for this health problem any longer!"...!

Chapter 683

Wu Donghai and Wu Xin, father and son, left the Song villa with great indignation.

Wu Xin clutched his severed hand and said with tears in his eyes, "Dad! I told you not to ask that Ye suspender, you must not listen! Now that my hand is broken, and you have been humiliated by him in public, you have lost all your face! "

Wu Donghai said with a black face, "since the surname Ye wants to die, don't blame me for being rude!" Don't worry, Dad will avenge you! "

Wu Xin blurted out, "then let's kill Ye Chen tonight!"

"No!" Wu Donghai said in a cold voice, "according to the original plan, kill Hong Wu first!" Pulling out the firepower point of Hong Wu, whether it is killing Ye Chen or the Song family, will be easy! "

Wu Xin hurriedly asked, "Dad, what exactly are your plans"

Wu Donghai said, "I'll cure your hand first, and we'll take a long-term view of the rest!"

the two men said that they had already walked out of the Song family compound.

Liu Guang, who had been driven out and had been waiting here before, hurriedly covered his red and swollen face and greeted him quickly.

"Boss Wu, Young Master." Liu Guanggang ran up to him and was about to ask them what had happened to Ye Chen's trash. Did you avenge yourself

but suddenly he saw Wu Xin's face pale, his left hand grabbing his shrugged right wrist, and his heart thumped, and he couldn't help feeling that something was wrong.

so Liu Guang hurriedly asked, "Wu Shao, what happened to your hand"

Wu Xin snorted in a cold sweat and scolded, "it's Ye Chen who dared to waste my hand in public. I must have no place to bury him!"

originally, after Wu Xin discovered that Ye Chen was the man Song Wanting liked, he wanted to use this birthday party to trample Ye Chen under his feet, so that Song Wanting could recognize the reality, then change her mind and choose to be with her.

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who would have thought that instead of trampling on Ye Chen, he was teased by Ye Chen with his father!

just now, my father and I took turns kowtowing and apologizing to Ye Chen. This is simply the second biggest shame after Wu's younger brother Wu Qi turned into a **-eater!

and this son of a bitch, not only let himself in full view of the public, lose face! And he broke his wrist!

after today, I am afraid the whole of Jinling will remember that the young man of the first family in the south of the Yangtze River was severely beaten in the face by Ye Chen, a nobody, and became the laughingstock of everyone!

Liu Guang was appalled when he heard Wu Xin's words.

he didn't expect that Ye Chen, a loser, even Wu Shao dared to beat him!

so he couldn't help provoking Wu Xin and said, "Wu Shao, that punk Ye Chen dares to do this to you. You must not let him go!"

Wu Donghai said in a cold voice: "Don't worry, this Ye Chen won't live much longer!"

as he said, Wu Donghai told Liu Guang, "Liu Guang, you are a native and you are familiar with the local area. I will give you an assignment."

Liu Guang hurriedly said, "Boss Wu, please do as you please!"

Wu Donghai said, "first take the young master to the best orthopedic hospital and cure the young master's hand. You must not make any mistakes!"

Liu Guang suddenly felt that Wu Xin's hand was interrupted by Ye Chen and hurriedly said, "Boss Wu is at ease!" I'll take the young master to the best orthopedic hospital! "n Zekai to climb the ladder.but Ye Chen is in Jinling now, and this is his best chance to climb! If Ye Chen can be appreciated, then one day Ye Chen will return to Yanjing and inherit the family, and...