297. Replacement

me, so the strength of self-defense is not so sufficient," Qin Cheng thought for a moment and said, "in this way, in case we encounter danger on the road, ask Mr. Mu to help us, and then we will not c...it is probably rare in everyone's life to see such a strong and disabled person, so whether other examinees or invigilators, when they see Qingchen's wheelchair and his weak face, they can't help but look at it.

after Xu Zimo left, Zhou Xuanying also came in. It turned out that he and Qingchen were in the same examination room.

"so you are also in this examination room," Qingchen said with a smile.

before, he deliberately alienated these students, but also worried that the enthusiasm shown by them would lead to the students being poisoned by illusory plumes.

Qingchen was indifferent to Hu Xiaoniu and Wang Yun before, but also because he couldn't accept each other's attitude.

but he is not really that aloof. He has the most basic etiquette of greeting his classmates.

it's just that Zhou Xuanying didn't even look at Qingdun. He looked like a stranger, and seemed to be angry because he was delayed by Qingdun in doing exercises.

may also be due to the deliberate estrangement of Qingchen before, which made him feel no need to continue to communicate with Qingchen.

Qingchen is high achiever, and so is he.

when he won the second grade many times, Qingchen was always the third.

Qingchen looked at Zhou Xuanying's attitude stupefied for a moment, but thought that he had made a mistake first, so he didn't care about the other party's attitude.

he just waited for the exam to begin and did the exercises silently.

start the exam.

because there is still some pain in his left arm, he simply saves the process of checking calculations on paper.

so in the eyes of the invigilator, Qingchen just stared directly at the question, then closed his eyes and filled in the answer after a few seconds. During the

period, he did not have any process of checking calculation.

it's as if Qingchen just sat there quietly praying for a moment, and the answer came out.

this scene is very magical.

before Xu Zimo left, she said that she would not compete with Qingchen this time. Qingchen thought this was a good thing so as not to hit her.

10 Math contest, unlike school math exams, is shortlisted in the top 2.5% of the exams.

so if there is no score reference for the celebration dust this time, if you control the score, you may capsize in the perineal sewer.

moreover, the Los Angeles Foreign language School also promised him that if he entered 1% of the world, won the certificate of outstanding honor and presented it to the school for display, the school would give him an extra 10, 000 yuan.

to tell you the truth, Qingchen is not short of money, but he is still willing to pick up the money.

Zhou Xuanying sat right behind him, occasionally looking up and seeing him doing questions in a 'prayer style'. He said to himself that he must not be a finalist this time. It looked as if he had given up.

there are two invigilators in the examination room. One of the math teachers has been paying attention to Qingchen all the time, and he has been observing Qingchen for more than ten minutes.

he noticed that after the opening exam, Qingchen's papyrus is still blank, but a lot of answers have been filled in.

the math teacher curiously went to Qingchen and stopped, then casually picked a seemingly simple question and calculated it silently in his mind.

meditation is a waste of time, so he spends some time.

A few minutes later, he shook his head and Ching-Chen got the wrong answer.

however, just at this time, Qingchen looked up at him in surprise. The teacher thought something was wrong, and he silently calculated in his mind. Oh, he made a mistake.

when the invigilator recalled the look in Qingchen's eyes just now, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

half an hour before the end of the exam, Qingchen began to close his eyes in a daze.

take advantage of this last leisure time to start practicing anti-equipment sniper rifles again in the mysterious world of "convincing people with virtue".

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in half an hour, he pushed the target from 1350 meters to 1360 meters.

even if he pushed only 10 meters, it was a harvest.

when the bell rang at the end of the exam, Zhou Xuanying got up and packed up and left.

Qingchen sat alone in the classroom until all the candidates had finished, and he asked the invigilator to help him return his cell phone. Then he saw what small group chat ard sent: "Wow, can you believe that Qingchen of the day, not only did not have a good rest after being shot in the abdomen, but also was wheeled by a beautiful woman to participate in the math competition."

Li Si: "Math contest" What a math contest. "

ard: "you don't seem silly. I said yesterday that he originally came to Xiancheng to take part in the math competition. 10, you know "

intruder: "what the ** is 10"

ard: "Don't ask me, my mother won't let me play with illiterates."

the intruder: "you mother**er."

all the messages sent after the intruder are asterisks, and none of them is written by the starting point.

ard: "you have no idea how weak Qingchen looks. Under such circumstances, he has to take the exam. I almost admire him. I feel that the day is full of talents, and I want to join the day."

just then, Qingbao suddenly wondered, "who is the beauty pushing him"

"I don't know," ard said. "I don't care about beauties, but I guess it's his sister or something. Why, if there's a situation, you know Qingchen! "

"No," Qingbao said.

"really I don't believe it." ard's brain circuit jumped so abnormally that it made the whole group have a headache to see this conversation.

it's just that every time this chatter talks about more critical information, it's completely different from the previous one that only provided chicken rib intelligence.

however, the key information provided by the other party also seems to be focused, and only those about daylight will talk more.

at this time, a young man was sitting in the Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup shop of Lao Mi's opposite the examination room, carefully breaking the cake in his hand.

he wore a pair of Bluetooth headphones and said to the Mianyu in the headphones, "Boss, you made a bet with the daytime boss that if he found him, you would be his slave, right"

Mianyu calmly said, "Yes, what's wrong"

"but that's your brother's bet with him. Will you accept it" Ard said curiously.

"of course I admit it," Mianyu said in a flat tone.

"then why don't I report you to daylight, so that you can join the daylight directly, and I will be regarded as a dowry" Ard enthusiastically offered advice: "I am not too shabby."

"get out."

"I'll discuss it with your brother tomorrow," ard said with a smile. "but don't worry, he won't do it if he doesn't agree. You don't have to kill me."

it seems that ard is one of the few people who know the truth about Mianyu. Before that, no one knew what the true identity of Mianyu was.

No one knows the secret of Mianyu either.

Fengyu didn't say anything about silence on the phone, but just said, "go and give Kagoshima's information to daylight in your capacity."

ard wondered: "didn't you say you were going to destroy them yourself"

Mianyu said in a cold voice, "my people have been broken by my brother and you. What else can I do" Can you use your head "

ard thought for a moment, "that's right."

Fengyu said: "since the daylight has killed all my people in Xiancheng, let the daylight take care of it. Moreover, they have a close relationship with Kunlun, and Kunlun will do it." Let them tell Kunlun that the biggest fish has appeared and is ready to close the Internet bar. "ary Your arms are so strong that I can't even break them apart. "Qing Dust continued to climb up without expression, and the elevator under his feet was still on the first floor.he wants Li Changqing...