278. New teaching in the Lecture Martial Hall, Qingchen (req

Laiguo".then he twisted a blue-purple mark on his arm to see what would happen if he returned to Earth with an injury.countdown. world is broken again, and the familiar darknes...A Qingshi servant was somewhat embarrassed and said, "Boss, there are so many bullet marks all over the mountain that it is impossible to tell which one is from him."

"I'm prepared," Qingyi said blandly. "Let Xie Bin take you to find it."

Xie Bin, sniper's name.

"so, boss, you asked me to change his bullet because you wanted to see the distribution of his bullet marks" Asked Xie Bin, the sniper.

just now, Xie Bin shot with a sniper rifle. When he got up, he deliberately left behind a single armour-piercing incendiary bomb.

different bullets have different lines on the front end of the special bullet of the sniper rifle. For example, there is an orange-red circle in front of the armor-piercing incendiary bomb to distinguish the bullet.

however, ordinary people will not use this kind of special bullet in target practice.

now you only need to find these special bullets on the mountain behind the target, and you will know which ones are shot by Qingchen.

sometimes Xie Bin feels that his young boss is really evil and often thinks of the details they ignore when doing things.

he couldn't help thinking, how on earth did this evil come into being

there should be no more evil teenager than Qingyi.

Xie Bin ran behind the target with more than a dozen of Qing's servants, looked for bullet marks on the mountain, and marked them one by one.

Qingchen fired a total of 17 shots, of which one shot on the target grazed the edge of the target paper, and the rest hit the target.

it took more than an hour for Qingyi's servants, led by Xie Bin, to find all these bullet marks.

Qing Yi stood in the distance looking at the bullet marks one by one, but he could not see the connection between them.

"Xie Bin, please take a picture of this place and send it to the think tank around my father for analysis. Is there any connection between the figures made up of these bullet marks" Keiichi said.

"OK," Xie Bin sent the photo.

but half an hour later, Qingyi's father's think tank replied: "there are no obvious rules to find."

means that Qingchen did not secretly leave traces of showing off his skills in the process of hiding his skills when he was shooting.

sniper Xie Bin thought for a moment and said, "Boss, it looks like he's not showing off his skills."

A little bit of celebration: "I overestimate him, and with the crazy spirit of showing off pistols and automatic rifles in front of him, he really doesn't look like a clumsy person."

"Boss, it definitely feels like a gun within 200m," Xie Bin warned.

"well, I know," Qing Xiaotou said, "but it's limited. I'm not afraid of a crazy person. I'm afraid of those who hide in the dark."

however, what he does not know is that Qingchen even faked that madness, just to make his acting flawless.

there has never been more than one hero and evil spirit in this world. Although Qingchen is still a teenager, he seldom has a vain mind.

so to hide clumsiness is to hide clumsiness, and if you secretly show off your skills in the process of hiding clumsiness, that is stupidity.

at this moment, Li Changqing on the floating car said earnestly, "when you practiced your sniper rifle today, when you hit the target of 600 meters for the first time, I was surprised to be able to hit the target, so don't be discouraged. I have explained to the sniper range that if you come here to practice your gun, you can go unimpeded at any time. "

said, Li Changqing took out a card: "scan it with your mobile phone, so that wherever you go, you can verify your identity as long as you take your cell phone with you. You can go to the whole Mid-levels Manor except in a few places under martial law." You can even enter and leave the Mid-levels Manor freely. "

"is this appropriate" Qingchen wondered.

"right now, you are going to be a fighting teacher at Li School, and you have a very high position within Li School," Li Changqing said. "if a student doesn't respect you, you can beat him no matter which room he is, but he can't fight back."

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"Teaching in the school." So high in status " I don't understand the celebratory dust.

"Yes, the younger generation of Li cannot contradict their elders face to face, and no one can contradict the owner of the family. There is only one person in the family who has the final say, and that is the owner of the family," Li Changqing said.

Qingchen understood that this is a very centralized family, and the status of the head of the house is no different from that of the emperor.

he suddenly wondered whether Li was pursuing Confucianism, so he cared so much about the system of "heaven and earth, monarch, parent and teacher".

but the problem is that the place where the owner of the Li family lives is called 'Baopu House', which comes from Taoism. The word 'Baopu' comes from the 19th chapter of Laozi: see Su Baopu, selfless and few desires.

this makes Qingchen feel that Li's ruling ideas here are a little mixed.

at this time, Li Changqing smiled and looked at Qingchen: "in the school, after the opening of the martial arts hall, you only need to take classes two days a week." However, if you want to gain a foothold in Lee School, you have to have real skills. Today, many younger generations have received the news that you are going to open a 'lecture hall', so they are all waiting. "

Qingchen was stupefied for a moment, and suddenly he had a foreboding.

Li Changqing smiled and said, "do you still want to be a teacher"

"Yes," Qingchen nodded.

"Why, you didn't refuse this time," Li Changqing said curiously. "Why"

Qingchen braved his head and said, "you have already put the word out. I now refuse that you have to find someone temporarily, which will be very humiliating."

Li Changqing's eyes lit up and said, "finally you can still think about me."

however, Qingchen is willing to teach in a school because Li Shutong called him before his long trip and said that as a condition for master to leave City 18, Qingchen would choose a disciple from Li to continue as a knight.

just as Li Shutong worshiped his teacher at that time, it was Li Shutong's master who was entrusted by the Li family master, and now the inheritance of this generation has been transferred to him.

this is something Li Changqing doesn't know, but Qingchen can't explain it.

Qingchen was originally thinking about whether to teach Xiao Tongyi, but then he thought about it and always thought that this would make Xiao Tong suffer a lot.

he celebrates that Dust's life has been hard since childhood, so he can bear it.

but he doesn't have to force Xiao Tongyi to suffer so hard. Just be a little rich woman with peace of mind.

Qingchen asked Li Shutong before: "what if Li's generation doesn't even have a heart to care about"

Li Shutong replied: "then wait for the next generation. Anyway, you still have a long life, and there is no problem in surviving them for five or six generations. I didn't promise that there will be inheritance soon. When you get through five or six generations, the people who do business with me are gone, and no one will remember this promise. Remember, it is better to inherit knights than to abuse them. "

Qingchen: "…"

Master is probably trying to say that I really can't find anything to default on.

but not explicitly stated.

maybe this is the knight of justice, and I don't know where it came from.



Li's School is in Zhixin College.

the whole Zhixin hospital is very large, even bigger than Li Changqing's' Feiyun other courtyard 'and Li Yinuo's' Qingshan other courtyard 'combined.

Qingchen is not sure whether the word "know the new" means "reviewing the old and knowing the new".

there are two trees in front of other courtyards, one of which is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree.

at the door, the servants of Li's children were all waiting outside. Some were knocking on melon seeds and some were chatting, waiting for their young masters and ladies to be dismissed from class.'t know what he was doing.this scares Capri so much that he always feels that the person around him is not a normal person.then he began to shout for mercy and was knocked unconscious by Qingchen for...