255. Level of Time Traveler

is head and dodged while shooting, and the muzzle suddenly deviated.the gangster leader's ears went numb, as if something had pierced there, and he could even smell his hair scorched by bullets.midnig...since the beginning of the time travel incident, Xinglong District has become the busiest place in Los Angeles.

just because Liu Dezhu lives here.

first the paparazzi dialed, and then there was a fire in the building.

as soon as the fire finally stopped, many households began to renovate their houses, resulting in a series of luxury cars.

McLaren, Porsche 918, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz 63

I'm afraid the local luxury cars in Los Angeles are not enough for Liu Dezhu's downstairs.

Liu Dezhu stood at the door of his home, looking at more than a dozen classmates in Wuyang, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

an aunt went downstairs to buy vegetables. When she saw this group of people almost frightened, she calmed down and looked at a dude: "what is it, young man, so happy early in the morning"

the dude said happily, "Auntie, we're going to jail!"

Auntie was stupefied for a few seconds: ". Psychopath. "

she walked through the group of dudes with an unlucky look on her face, and said to herself, were all these kids stupid by the engine of the luxury car

No one is so happy before they go to prison!

to tell you the truth, Liu Dezhu thought the same thing at this time.

he knew that after this group of people entered the inner world, several of them had become addicted to dopamine chips, doing nothing every day and thinking about how to gain a foothold there, just thinking about bringing the gold bars of the watch world into the inner world, and then squandering it.

however, the amount of gold carried by these people is limited, and at the rate at which these people squander their money, a few gold bars are not even enough for them to spend in a week.

A dude looked at Liu Dezhu and said, "Brother Liu, tell us in advance about the situation in No. 10 prison. What's the environment like inside"

Liu Dezhu thought for a moment and said: "that is the federal place where big shots are specially held. The food is very good and the environment is beautiful."

A group of dudes glanced at each other: "Brother Liu lives in a prison that is really different."

just then, someone at the back went up the stairs with some boxes in his hand.

"what is this" Liu Dezhu asked.

saw a dandy open his suitcase one by one, revealing the cash inside. The stacks of red banknotes stood neatly.

all of a sudden, Liu Dezhu's eyes were straight.

A dude named Wang Zi said: "Brother Liu, the total is 3 million, which is the money advanced by more than a dozen of us. I hope you will take good care of us when you go to prison No. 10 in the future. Don't forget us if there is anything good."

Liu Dezhu hesitated for a long time. He put himself in the shoes of this question: if the boss were here, would he let him take the money

probably not.

but he can't make his own decisions about such a big thing.

Liu Dezhu said, "just a moment, I'll go to the bathroom."

when Liu Dezhu went to the toilet, Liu Dezhu sent a message to Qingchen: "Boss, those dudes actually committed crimes in the inner world in order to find me in prison. They still have to give me 3 million yuan as protection money. Can they collect it"

"No," Qingchen replied simply.

Qingchen is also very attracted to the money, but the sequelae are too big.

accepting this sum of money is tantamount to answering the demands of those dudes, but Liu Dezhu has been released from prison, how to take care of them

when these dudes find out that he has been released from prison, they will probably hold a grudge because of the money.

Liu Dezhu was instructed to walk out of the toilet again and said: "…" We are all classmates, it is right to help each other, how can we collect money You go to school first, and we'll talk about it when we get to school. "

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"No, you must take the money. It's a token of our gratitude," Wang Zi said.

Liu Dezhu said sadly, "who do you think I am" Take it all back and go to school! "

he really has a little heartache, but the boss has already said that he can't accept it, so he absolutely can't take it.

the dudes looked at Liu Dezhu's heartbroken face and looked at each other.

at this moment, they are still a little moved. They didn't expect Liu Dezhu to be so loyal and willing to take care of them for no money.

what a noble character it is.

"Brother Liu, go to school with us in our car," said a dude. "Today, a friend just transferred to another school. He also wants to meet you in the inner world. Brother Liu, you can meet him in advance."

"who is it" Liu Dezhu wondered.

Wang Zi explained: "Jiang Yizheng, the traffic star who was rumored to be transferred to Los Angeles, used to be all right to play racing with us, but then he became friends. He was originally a student in the capital and was busy filming. Later, when he heard that we got to know you, he was going to transfer to another school to death. "

Liu Dezhu was stupefied for a moment. Jiang Yizheng knew that now the well-known fresh meat in China has been rumored constantly.

he didn't expect that even such people would join in the excitement of the world.

Liu Dezhu asked, "is there no famous time traveler in the capital why do you want to run to Los Angeles"

"it is said that it is the 18th city corresponding to Los Angeles, and there is a shadow struggle going on at this time. Even some time walkers have come to the capital, not only the capital, but also many time walkers are said to be on their way," Wang Zi said.

"what are you doing here" Liu Dezhu said curiously, "even if he comes to Los Angeles in the watch world, isn't the world still in his original place"

Liu Dezhu certainly knows about the shadow battle, but he doesn't know what the time travelers are doing here.

"Brother Liu, you are not as well informed as we are," Wang Zi said. "it is said that someone organized in he's small chat group to intercept shadow candidates and compete for taboos."

"well, then what"

"many time travelers in the inner world cannot cross the vast wilderness and taboo places, so they will not be able to participate in this looting in a short period of time," Wang Zi explained. "however, if there is no shadow candidate, you can rob those time walkers who have successfully grabbed taboos!"

Liu Dezhu frowned. He didn't expect that there would be such a bad follow-up in this matter.

you have to tell the boss.

Wang Zi said: "of course, the people who come are not all people who want to rob others, and some are just here to take part in the fun, just like car friends. Time travelers from all over the world come to Los Angeles to see what other time walkers are like. Anyway, they have their own minds."

Liu Dezhu thought about it and said, "my father has just made breakfast. I have to eat before I go to school. Go ahead."

the dude went downstairs.

when the group went down, Liu Dezhu immediately went into the toilet and sent a message to Qingchen with a communicator: "Boss, they are about to go to prison. What should I do"

Qingchen replied: "you deserved it. Did you say you were out of prison"

Liu Dezhu scratched his head and said, "what you told me, boss, I didn't say …" But now they are pestering me to ask about prison No. 10, and you know that they are still a group of students. If they really want to go in, won't they spend their whole life in prison "

Qingchen replied: "this is a good thing for them."

"Huh" Liu Dezhu is stupid.

Qingchen explained: "with the character of these people, how long do you think they can live if they hang out in the society of the inner world"ly. In fact, she lied. There is no unique smell on this bed. It is just a dry smell that is often dried after washing.but when she lies in this bed, she does have a wonderful sense of security.this se...