187. The Tradition of Knights

ople cannot understand a mother's feeling of protecting her daughter.Jiang Xue at the moment has a different kind of charm, a little hard core.Jiang Xue looked at Qingchen, then looked at the engineer...outside the locker room, there were cheers, shouts, and the unique sound of horns in the ring.

beside the ring stood two rows of trumpeters, each carrying a huge horn, and when the fight was about to begin, they would slowly blow the horn.

the melodious voice of vicissitudes of life from low to bright, accompanied by the delivery of oxygen in the ventilation ducts, pulled the mood of all the audience from the bottom of the valley to the sky.

the whole shiny venue smells of tobacco, sweat and hormones.

A host in a dress stood in an octagonal cage with a microphone and looked around with a smile: "Gentlemen, ladies!"

"after a lapse of four months and 10 days, a new fighter is about to be ushered in in the octagonal cage in the fourth district of the 18th city. Tonight, he will climb the ladder all the way up the ladder from the junior level."

"do you remember that a year ago, boxing champion Avan fought a bloody battle in the star anise cage on such a night"

"of course, four months ago, the same talented newcomer died in an octagonal cage."

"every time newcomers show up, their performance is worth expecting."

in the narrow dressing room, Qingchen looked at Li Shutong and said, "Master, you only said to bring me to have a look, but you didn't say you wanted me to go up and get beaten before you came here. Isn't that a little hasty"

ordinary boxers can only use simple dressing rooms, and only when they are above the tiger level can they have their own dressing rooms.

but in fact, the dressing room doesn't mean much to Qingchen, because he really doesn't even bring clothes that he can change.

it's too hasty.

Li Shutong said slowly: "when I was in the ring, I was not prepared, and your uncle and I both had such a process of being beaten, it's normal!" The knight is to be fearless in the face of any difficulty! "

Qingchen looked at Li Shutong suspiciously, "Master, you can't do it yourself, so you want to see someone beat me"

Li Shutong thought, "what's wrong with thinking that way when your second master took me to the ring, he thought the same way!"

"I see that this is still the tradition of knights," Qingchen said.

it seems that the one who sent Li Shutong to the ring is the one who has just been laid to rest in the taboo place of 002 and has not yet formed the rules.

the other party should be bored with Li Shutong and Chen Jiazhang, so they were sent up to be beaten.

Qingchen knows very well how many pounds he is, not to mention that he does not have much actual combat experience, just talking about the ability of the extraordinary, the Cavaliers suffer very much in the ring.

you can't use an autumn leaf knife!

and Qingchen also knows the rules. On the first night of the qualifying match, he has to fight all the way from the embryonic level to the tiger level, tired half to the tiger level, and have to face the real master.

how is this possible without being beaten

Li Shutong asked, "apart from the boxing ring, is there any place in the world where you can cultivate practical combat experience without scruples" Even the intensity of the training in the federal army is not as strong as here. "

Qingchen is also thinking that a real battle requires a wealth of experience, and a sense of distance and rhythm are intuition that can only be mastered through long-term training.

when he saw that his apprentice was moved, he continued, "think about it, the superhuman is not Chinese cabbage. It is the captain in the federal army who is qualified to apply for this level of genetic medicine, and not everyone is willing to inject it." If you want to practice at the same level, if you are willing to fight with others, they may not be willing to fight with you. "

"and if you think about it, you have to spend money to hire others to practice outside, and you can make money here! Above the middleweight, there will be a pool bonus for every fight, regardless of whether you win or lose! And the appearance fee! " Li Shutong said.

"OK, I'll call," Qingchen said.

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Li Shutong sighed, "I wish I had known to withdraw money, and I wouldn't have to talk nonsense to you."

"by the way," Qingchen said curiously, "Master, aren't you going to buy some bets on me to win"

"No," Li Shutong said with a smile.

Qingchen is all bad: "Master, you are sure that I can't win tonight, so you don't want to lose money, do you" You sent me up to get beat up, right "

Li Shutong said patiently, "I don't think so. I just don't think gambling is good."

as he said, Li Shutong took off his coat and put it back on. The dress was worn in one and two, and it was no longer pure white, but pure gray.

"Master, why are you wearing your clothes in reverse" I don't understand.

"you'll see in a minute."

"do you think I can win tonight, Master" Qingchen asked.

Li Shutong thought: "in fact, when it comes to the tiger level, your opponent is already a real genetic warrior, so it's not easy to win after several wars." If you want to win, you still need a chance. "

Ching Dust has a dark complexion and is missing another opportunity.

the last time Master said that she was short of an opportunity, she specially created conditions for a master to hunt down and kill herself.

"but Master, shouldn't I be wearing braces or something And where are my gloves " Qingchen asked.

"the rules of black fist have been changed a long time ago. No braces, no gloves, this is more exciting," Li Shutong said.

the cheers outside the dressing room grew louder and louder, and someone clapped at the door outside the alloy gate: "boxers, please come to the stage."

at this time, however, Li Shutong's cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and took a look at it and said, "after we left, the young girl returned to the Luoshen Mansion. It seems that she is going to live opposite."

"is this gossiping with you again" Qingchen wondered.

"Hmm," Li Shutong nodded.

Qingchen was fascinated at that time, so real artificial intelligence will be as gossipy as humans, right

"Don't really think too much, there's really nothing between us," he explained calmly. "this Yangyang was very sudden when she came to Los Angeles, so I always wanted to know what she was going to do, but I had so little information that I could only observe quietly."

"do you know now" Li Shutong asked.

Qingchen nodded and smiled and said, "pretty much, I've caught her flaw."

he already knows what Yangyang wants to do.

Li Shutong sighed: "are young people so complicated now at that time, 17-year-old girls didn't use such intrigue."

the staff outside the door thought that Qingchu was afraid when they saw that Qingchen had not come out for a long time.

he said urgently: "you have signed tonight's contract, if you are afraid to fight, you will have to pay damages for breach of contract in the ring!"

Qingchen said with a smile, "Master, everything will wait until I finish this game."

as he said, he pressed the alloy gate of the locker room and walked out silently.

the door opened and the staff outside waited.

Li Shutong smiled behind Qingchen. He suddenly realized that his uncle had sent him and his brother to the boxing ring. He was worried and looked forward to it.

instead of waiting in the dressing room, he slipped into the crowd.

I will only accompany you on a journey of thousands of miles, and I will no longer ask about the snowy and sunny days.

but I still sneak a peek.



in the private room, Li Yinuo stood quietly in front of the glass window, watching the young man in snow-white tracksuit coming out of the boxer's aisle.ked by the patience of the other party.he reluctantly changed five tickets and patted them in Qingchen's hand: "I'm really impressed. This is the first time I've seen someone as careful as you."Qing D...