149. Mimosa

ile. "Why do you think so much every day I just want to know, what on earth did Boss Li go out last night"Lin Xiaoxiao looked at him with a smile: "would you believe me if I told you that he just want...Qinghuai analyzed: "when our first soldier died, it was 19 minutes ago. During this period, the other side did not even have time to dig the third hole, indicating that the other side's strength and physical strength are not strong. "

"and I'm afraid this method is also the other party's impromptu idea. Otherwise, after he finds the landfill pit, he should not be a wake-up call. Dig up all the landfill pits first, and then quickly cut all the sealed bags. In that way, I'm afraid we'll all be killed by the rules within a minute without knowing it. "

"maybe the other party is not sure whether this method is feasible, it's just an attempt," Qinghuai said his own conclusion.

Cao Wei glanced at the son of the consortium and said, "the officer's analysis is very reasonable."

"We can't waste time now. We'll talk about it later if you have any analysis." Qinghuai said, "Brother Cao Wei, take three combat teams back to our landfill position and dig out all the sealed bags. Then, I need you to find a place to set up a minefield."

soon, Cao Wei came back with people to rendezvous. He patted his luggage and said, "Officer Qinghuai, your sealed bags are in my bag. I'll take care of them myself."

however, Qinghuai shook his head and took out the sealed bag from the other party's bag: "Brother Cao Wei, how can I let you do such a thing as a back urine bag I respect you like a brother, this kind of thing is not allowed."

with that, he stuffed two sealed bags into his luggage.

Cao Wei's face was moved and said, "Sir, you are too much of an outsider."

however, Qing Huai asked, "Brother Cao Wei, what is your analysis of this man" "the level of

" may not be high, but it should be more familiar with the rules here than we are, "Cao Wei thought for a moment and said," could someone who knows the rules here so well be a knight It is also wrong, if it is a knight, I am a class, you are a class, the other party can even kill us without rules. "

"I don't know," Qinghuai thought for a moment. "at least I don't rule out this conjecture, as far as I know. It's possible that the knight doesn't want to do it directly. "

Ching Huai wanted to say that taboos can't be used in taboo places, but he held back.

Cao Wei took a look at Qinghuai: "is this person, could he be another competitor within Qingshi, invited to interfere with your task" Who do you think might have invited it "

"every candidate in the shadow battle may want to kill me," Qinghuai said. "the only one who can rule out the suspect is the loser in prison 18. Brother Cao Wei, the shadow struggle is so cruel. "

at this time, the field company, which was still 152 elite at the time, now has only 104 left.

the 48 soldiers who died didn't even have a chance to fight back.

this is the terrible thing about the taboo rules. If you master the rules, even ants can kill elephants.

just then, a nearby soldier controlling the mechanical hound with holograms said, "Sir, a suspicious target heat source has been spotted at 3 o'clock, and the other side is quietly approaching."

Qinghuai calmly asked, "are there any other suspicious heat sources"

"report, sir, no," replied the soldier.

Qinghuai looked at Cao Wei and said, "Kill him and we'll move on."

Cao Wei said, "Please decide carefully. In fact, it's not too late for us to quit now."

Qinghuai shook his head: "as far as I know, the other rooms who want to interfere with me are already on their way. If they withdraw at this time, they will never have a chance to finish this task within 3 months."

it is right to guess that the team in Huotang that specially came to kill him has entered the taboo place.

in fact, they predicted that someone might interfere with the task before they came. After all, this is the usual practice in the shadow battle, but they just didn't expect each other to come so soon.

there is no turning back in the shadow struggle. When you step on it, you have to put your life aside, and the shadow position you are about to gain is the most important.

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the soldiers of the field company all ran, and the four mechanical hounds went into the woods like runaway dogs, locking on the heat source!

it's just that as soon as they started, the heat source began to escape into the distance.

and extremely fast.


Qingchen wanders through the woods, and unlike others, his every step is not aimless.

all he has taken is the road he has taken.

ordinary people trekking in the mountains need to be careful of tripping over branches under their feet, stones covered by rotten leaves, and uneven soil.

so ordinary people trek in the mountains and can't do their best at all.

but Qing Dust is different. as long as it is the road he has taken, it is all in his mind.

every leaf on the ground, every stone under his feet, as if he had grown up here, this is his home.

he can walk as if he had closed his eyes.

as if walking on the ground.

I don't know why Qingchen actually likes it here. Although the woods are dark, I don't know why he always feels that he has some kind eyes and is watching him.

there is no hostility, just watching quietly, and even smiling.

watch him use the rules, watch him get rid of his enemies.

is like the teacher named Li Shutong, who brought him here not only to celebrate and open the genetic lock, but also to show his ancestors the successors of the knights.

how ferocious and intelligent.

what no one knows is that all the beasts and insects in this battlefield have quietly left, leaving the battlefield to the teenagers.

is like preparing a stage for him. The enemy behind

is getting closer and closer, the tracking efficiency of the four mechanical hounds is too high, and the mechanical legs of the soldiers of the field company are too fast and too strong. Rao can't smooth this huge power gap no matter how flat the dust is.

he is not a real knight yet.

gradually, Qingchen could hear the gasping sound of the enemy behind him, just tens of meters away.

but he didn't look back because he had his own plan.

everything is still under control.

just as the enemy is about to approach behind Ching Dust, the teenager suddenly speeds up.



50 meters.


Celebration Dust passed through a bush.

the next moment.

Cao Wei and Qinghuai both feel that something is wrong at the same time. Why did the teenager come here with great pains

"stop." Cao Wei didn't finish what he said.

dozens of chasing soldiers have crept into the bushes.

all of a sudden, they felt their bodies leaping to their feet.

when the air turned over, the soldiers could still see their lower bodies lying on the ground, while the leaves of the bushes were covered with drops of blood.

just in the blink of an eye, four mechanical hounds, with the bodies of eight soldiers, were walking through the bush.

is instantly fragmented.

there were more than 20 chasing soldiers in the rear who, unable to stop, crashed into the bushes one by one, and the same was the case.

Cao Wei squinted at the inconspicuous shrub in front of her. Obviously, it was just a piece of mimosa. Why did it suddenly become a sharp weapon!

he looked up ahead and was surprised to find that the boy had stopped and looked at himself coldly and cut his throat again.

at this moment, Cao Wei is convinced that the other party has much more rules than he does.


Chapter 2, ask for guaranteed monthly ticketsnthly change of 300000 words is the highest in a single month since I joined the profession. The newspaper seller joked with me that at this rate, I would soon be finished.but tired is also really tir...