133. Time Walker in the Autumn Hunt Team

tic arms …"Zhang Zongyu explained: "this is now the most high-end product on the market, not only contains high-energy weapons, but also has a strong battery life, and the neuron connection synchroniz..."Shadow struggle is a system in which nine people stand on the same starting line and compete fairly," Li Shutong said with a laugh at the campfire. "but how can there be absolute fairness in this world Behind each shadow candidate stands a different family faction, who will do everything they can to help the one they support in this competition. "

"the one who supports the celebration is Fang Fang. What about the other candidates who is supporting it" Qingchen said curiously.

"it is not only the fourth room that supports Qinghuai, but also the third room that you have replaced, and even some of Li's bystanders are supporting it. It can be said that they have been given high hopes," Li Shutong said with a smile. "when the teacher kills Qinhuai for you, these people have no place to cry."

Qingchen felt a little strange: "I can understand that celebrating in the future will benefit the third room if it can become a shadow, but what does Li have to do with this"

"because Qinghuai's grandmother is Li's," Li Shutong said with a smile. "these big consortia have long been intertwined, such as the marriage that the Shendai family is trying to promote. For example, when God marries you, you become a shadow again. In the first generation, you may still be able to control and prevent the family from affecting Qingshi. But for future generations, will the son of God marry you and be a little better to the family This kind of influence is long-term and imperceptible. "

"would you please don't take me and God as examples" Qingchen thinks it's a little strange.

Li Shutong said with a smile, "Why should you be shy you should like her. Before the teacher gets down to business, he will do this for you in advance. There is no need to wait for a three-year appointment."

"stop and stop talking." Qingchen quickly changed the subject. "therefore, the owner of the Qingshi family was also worried about the sequelae of the marriage, so he arranged for the most marginal son to marry in order not to affect the Qingshi of later generations."

"I don't know," Li Shutong said meaningfully. "Qingshi is an extremely mysterious person who rarely appears in the public eye, makes few decisions directly, and few people can guess what he thinks."

Qingchen murmured, "isn't it a waste of talent that the drama of Qingshi's generation of nine sons fighting each other has made us kill each other"

"not really," Li Shutong said with a smile. "in the middle of the shadow battle, some candidates who know they can't win will choose to retreat. For example, Qinghuai has a huge advantage, and many people feel that they may die if they continue to fight, then these people will give up their ambitions in mind and support Qinghuai instead. "

is like a real drama of seizing the emperor. On the way to seizing the emperor, there are princelings, fourth masters, eight men, and so on.

however, for some weak people, choosing a strong one to follow is indeed the best solution.

Qingchen asked, "now, is Qinghuai the best candidate"

"for the time being, I can't see that no one can tell this kind of thing at first," Li Shutong explained with a smile. "however, after graduating from the Fire Academy, Ching Huai was directly given the rank of lieutenant, and now holds a real position in the Federal second Group Army, which is better than many shadow candidates."

"what is the level of his strength" Qingchen asked.

"Don't think about it for the time being," Li Shutong said. "you don't have to work hard on a dead man."

Qingchen: "…"

just then, two men emerged from a tent in the Qiuyi camp not far away.

the two men danced and giggled. Li Shutong sighed: "there are two more addicted to dopamine chips, and there are too many things that the consortium has failed in recent years."

however, when he saw the two men slowly approaching the bonfire, one of them suddenly stared at Li Shutong and Qingchen and giggled: "you two servants hurry up to add some firewood to our bonfire, and you will know that you are gluttonous and lazy day by day!" Can't you see that the bonfire on our side is going out "

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as soon as Qingchen felt tight, Li Shutong picked his eyebrows and was ready to get up.

he hurriedly pressed the teacher's arm and said, "I'll add firewood."

said, Qingchen quickly made the bonfire of the autumn camp exuberant.

the two dudes went back to their tent with a smirk.

Qingchen looked at his Li Shutong and said, "were you going to do it just now" It's really unnecessary. I'll just do this kind of thing. You mustn't do it. I'm afraid you'll kill them all. "

Li Shutong sighed, "Xiao Dust, the teacher is really under a lot of pressure to keep them alive."

Qingchen: "…"

in all walks of life, you are the strongest, and you are right about everything you say.

he glanced down at the countdown on his arm.

Countdown to regression: 166 45 21. < 7 > another seven days.

"I'm going to bed," Li Shutong said. "Don't you sleep so that the tent is ready for you"

"teacher, can you stop gossiping" Qingchen is not laughing or crying: "go to bed. I'm going to watch here for a while."

Qingchen didn't say what he wanted to observe.


early the next morning, Shendai took the lead in packing up the camp and getting ready to set out.

Li Yinuo took the dudes who were still sleeping in out of the tent one by one and threw them into the car.

these people have unawakened hangovers, while others are addicted to dopamine chips.

there are nearly a hundred people in the whole autumn procession, and more than half of them are like a pile of mud that can't be supported on the wall.

Qingchen whispered to Li Shutong: "No wonder the consortium does not let such people have real power. If they had taken power, I am afraid the building would have collapsed long ago."

Li Shutong nodded: "every generation of young people in the consortium is a little polarized. the smart ones are very smart and the stupid ones are stupid."

at this moment, only Nan Gengchen sat silently by the bonfire, holding his knees and watching Li Yinuo throw those people into the car one by one.

Qing Dust can detect that the other party can't help but want to glance at him, and he tries his best to hold back again and again.

"there's quite a lot of progress," Qingchen sighed secretly. He couldn't help it if he wanted to put it before.

and so on, Qingchen suddenly felt that something was wrong.

he relived the memory in his mind and was surprised to find that the memory of the famous dude was completely different from his memory.

yesterday, when the dude first came here to camp, he was still cheerful and playful.

Today, the man not only woke up drunk, stopped playing with his companions, but also looked around cautiously.

the other person is alienated from the crowd, not because he is a loner, but more like he is familiar with a new and unfamiliar environment.

Qingchen looked at Li Yinuo, and the sturdy girl, though pretending to be careless, glanced at the dude who was still wary of his surroundings three times in a minute.

the other party also found this time traveler.

however, what the other party does not know is that there is more than one time traveler to the camp this time.

on the other side, a young man is playing with other dudes.

is like a superb performance.

Qingchen thought it was interesting.

this time there is a high-end player.

but no matter how the other party performs, he can't hide it from the celebrating dust, not only because his behavior is inconsistent with his memory, but also.

Qingchen saw the other person poking his head out of the tent last night.

every time traveler finds himself in a tent after passing through, he can't help but want to see the outside world.

this is what he told Li Shutong to observe for a while.nts Sea, either when a captain has slept with another captain's wife, or when the port crab catcher force is ready to reshuffle.Qingchen looked out at the edge of the distant sea: "go to your destinat...