109. Autumn Hunt

also faster than Qingdun!Qingchen shot and stopped, but the speed at which his arm turned the muzzle was not as fast as the other side's running speed, so that he could not hit it at all.it's not tha...coming out of Prison 18, Qingchen followed Li Shutong through the long tunnel and through the surveillance area outside the prison all the way to the mountains.

Qingchen once asked: why is there a secret passage in a prison

Li Shutong explained to Qingchen that the No. 18 prison was built by the Li Group.

when Li was building the prison, he left a way to survive to prevent his family from dying in prison one day when his family became a prisoner.

at that time, the consortium did not have so much influence on the Union, and it might be the victim of the struggle at some point.

after that, the workers in charge of building the tunnel all died in landslides on their way to City 10 for another engineering mission.

the secret of the tunnel is known only to a few of Li's people.

later, Li grew up slowly, and did not know when the real engineering drawings preserved in Li were lost, and even Li himself forgot his ancestors and left them a way to live.

because Lee stands in the Union, it seems that this level of retreat is no longer needed.

after Li Shutong came out with Qing Dust, he always let Qing Dust carry a heavy hiking bag. Even if the teenager had an injury on his foot, the two men marched at the speed of a rapid march.

"is there that crackling sound in the bones again" Li Shutong asked.

"No," Qingchen shook his head. "it never showed up again."

like all the knights' predecessors, his genetic lock has not moved since Laojunshan.

Li Shutong smiled and said, "it doesn't matter, there will always be some other gains this time."

"by the way, teacher," Qingchen asked, "the food we brought will be finished in two days. What shall we eat next"

Li Shutong looked at the teenager and said, "how do I know of course this is something you, a student, should consider!"

Qingchen: "…"


Girl Qin got up early in the morning and folded her tent and threw it back to the car.

she looked at the teenager more than ten meters away and was surprised to find that the other party was already cooking for the middle-aged man.

"Brother, does the servant really have no chance to regain his freedom" Qin Yi asked Qin Tong.

"there are basically no servants who can regain their freedom," Qin said. "servants are the people closest to the bigwigs, so they know a lot of secrets, so even if they are disabled, the company will not let them go, it is more likely to kill them directly."

Qin Yi sighed that he was such a good boy that he had become a servant.

I don't know what kind of family would sell their children to the company.

although the Qin family had a hard time and had many children, they never saw Qincheng plan to sell their children.

thinking that last night, the child did not change his color to put medicine on his feet, Qin Yi thought to himself, this teenager must have experienced a lot of hardships, so he can be so calm in the face of pain.

just then, the north of the woods suddenly came out with the sound of engines and loud music.

the rhythm of the music is so enthusiastic that it seems to shock people at a distance.

before the northern convoy arrived, Qincheng saw more than a dozen drones passing overhead in the sky.

"is Chen's Border-011 UAV, armed! Come on, put our own drones away! " Qincheng shouted loudly.

however, it was too late to speak.

the sudden arrival of drones has surrounded the camp, and more than a dozen drones with weapons have directly shot down their drones in Qincheng.

& am;nbs; Qin felt distressed that they finally got it with their prey. With so many drones in hand, everyone can get a good night's sleep when they go out looking for prey.

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Qincheng took a deep breath and said, "hands up, don't try to resist." It's the autumn convoy of the Li and Chen families. We can't get away. "

everyone in the camp dared not move, and the more than a dozen Border-011s prowled around everyone, like an outpost of the convoy.

and Qin Cheng and others, like lambs to be slaughtered, raised their hands to be slaughtered.

in the blink of an eye, the northern motorcade came at full speed, and the huge tires of the motorcade rolled up dust on the ground.

Qingchen and Li Shutong pulled up the collar of the stormsuit and watched silently.

Li Shutong whispered, "Don't reveal your identity for the time being. I don't want to kill them yet."

Qingchen looked at his teacher blankly: "…"

the fleet consists of more than 30 vehicles, 29 SUVs with oversized wheels and 7 pickups as supply vehicles, which is very large.

the exhaust vents of off-road vehicles are not at the back of the vehicle, but on both sides of the body.

amid the deafening music, someone stepped on the throttle and cheered, and the exhaust pipes on both sides suddenly burst into flames.

Qingchen feels a little strange. Jiang Xue told him before that because it is impossible to build a "cloud tower" in a large area on the wilderness, most of the cars going to the wilderness use diesel engines.

now Qingchen suddenly realizes that the diesel engine Jiang Xue is talking about. It seems to be a little different from the diesel engine I thought.

in the lead vehicle, a man sits in the passenger seat wearing a mechanical blindfold, and more than a dozen drones are controlled by neurons alone.

generally speaking, this kind of person is called "first mate" in the motorcade, who is responsible for all the reconnaissance and guard work, camping security work, and can be regarded as the deputy manager of the motorcade.

in a car behind, a young man jumped down and walked slowly to the camp, but when he saw two pick-up trucks in Qincheng, he shouted bad luck.

someone in the car asked, "what's the matter"

the young man replied in a loud voice, "this is a licensed wilderness hunter in City 18, a legal citizen, and cannot be killed."

the pickup truck is painted with a wolf's head mark and a serial number, which is the identity number of the Qincheng family who left the city legally.

someone in the motorcade suddenly said, "it should be all right, too. I don't think their hunting recorders are on, and the data recording center in the rear will not know." Kill it, it's a flag sacrifice for Qiu Kui first. "

is at this point.

the voice of a woman in the car said, "it's really useless for you to bully such ordinary people when you come out to hunt."

as he said, the window rolled down to reveal a tall, stocky woman in the driver's seat of an SUV.

the young man under the car whistled and laughed: "Eno has a point. Let's go!"

"wait a minute," said the sturdy Li Yinuo, "lose the money that destroyed other people's drones."

"all right!"

the young man took two wads of money out of his pocket and threw them on the ground, and everyone turned and got into the car.

the huge convoy hit the road again, leaving only the dilapidated and dusty camp, in which everyone looked a little embarrassed.

everyone in the camp breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Tong sat feebly on the ground, and the young woman beside him was cooped up in his arms, sobbing.

ordinary people are so powerless when they meet big people.

Qin Yi looked back and found that middle-aged people and teenagers were always standing behind tree trunks, easily blocking the view of others.pull the trigger, they felt numb in their arms and had no strength to hold the pistol with blood on their wrists.Song Niaoyao looked at the teenager and suddenly thought that he had interrupted. It's...