Chapter 1: Wounded

se. If it were a school nearby, it would be fine. But if it was too far away, little Yue wouldn't have anyone to look after her. Besides, she's so inconsiderate. I really wouldn't feel comfortable wit...During the autumn harvest moon festival of my senior year, the weather had already turned a bit cool. 。It so happened that Wei Qingfeng's uncle and second uncle came to visit, bringing with them twenty or so people from our family to gather at his house for a reunion dinner. 。

A few drinks in, the atmosphere became even more lively.

That day, because there were many people, the men sat at one table and drank together. People sat together chatting and were very happy. 。

As we were talking, I don't know how the topic somehow shifted to Wei Qifeng and me. Everyone brainstormed and chatted happily.

This kind of situation happens almost every time we have a meal together. At first, it was indeed a little embarrassing to say it, but I couldn't help but keep saying it again and again, so I just got used to it. 。

Just say what you want, I don't care who.

Aunt Wei peeled shrimp shells while saying, "Time flies. Our child is all grown up now. Next year after the college entrance exam, he'll be leaving us. Thinking about it, life really goes by fast." 。"That's not the case. If it were a school nearby, it would be fine. But if it was too far away, little Yue wouldn't have anyone to look after her. Besides, she's so inconsiderate. I really wouldn't feel comfortable with that." 。Isn't that easy Just let Xiaoyue and Qingfeng take the college entrance exam to the same university in the future, you still worry about Qingfeng not taking good care of Xiaoyue. 。"

In a few simple sentences, the two mothers have already set my university applications for me.

" 。Nobody asked for my opinion, even though I was present, I was ignored. 。Uncle Wei has two sons. The elder son, Wei Qingchen, is 24 years old and studying for his master's degree in painting at Lin Da Guo University. He doesn't come back home once a year. I have always treated him as my older brother >>> 。

My youngest son, Wei Qingfeng, is one year older than me.

I've known him since we were little, and I have a very good relationship with him. 。

From the moment I could walk, he was my shadow. From the moment I could speak, the words "Qing Feng" were uttered from my lips more frequently than any other. From the moment I had a nascent understanding of the world, he was like a seed planted in my heart, sprouting and growing into a towering tree.

I like him, deeply. 。Regarding the fact that we're studying at the same university, I hadn't really thought about it seriously before. 。I learned Chinese painting since I was young. As long as the major aligns with my professional goals, any school will do. My parents' happiness is the most important thing to me. 。As for my feelings towards him, an ancient poem says it well: If two people are meant to be together for a long time, they don't need to see each other every day.I admit I like him, liking him so much that several times in the nights when I thought of him, I swore that this life, Lan Yue would marry Wei Qingfeng. Liking him to the point where I always feel he will be with me for my whole life. 。I sat beside Aunt Wei, while Wei Qingfeng was at the table with the men. He was sitting behind me, so I could hear everything being said here clearly. 。I gave him a few glances, he kept a stoic face and didn't seem very happy. 。I don't understand why he acts this way, and I haven't really taken it to heart. After all, he's never been very smiley anyway. Indifference is his norm. 。"As for getting married first or after establishing a career, let them finish university first. Then we'll choose a suitable city together. I'll pay for the house and they can get married. It'll be better to focus on their careers." 。If we have children first, the two of us will go and take care of them together. 。"Auntie, don't say 。"I'm only eighteen, and hearing both of you talk about giving birth makes me feel like I want to crawl into a hole." 。

Auntie placed the just-peeled shrimp into my bowl and lightly patted my cheek, scolding me, “What, isn’t this something that should be done early or late”

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess I better start preparing my dowry, huh"

Oh my, when you put it like that, it feels so close at hand. I really need to get things organized! 。"Mom acts like she’s always worried, if it weren't for the crowd of people around her now, she might have just left to go check our savings and discuss house renovations with Dad. Then we could figure out what kind of car would be better suited for me." 。My mother is from the South, but she has the mannerisms of a northerner. She is decisive and broad-minded. 。That uncle at that table, with a flushed red face, laughed heartily and chimed in, "Isn't that right We all let our children chase us to old age!" 。So, you're asking about when the wedding is, right Just remember to invite us when the two of you get things going! Let's celebrate together and have a good time. 。"That's right, I forgot who else forgot you." 。You are the uncle of Qingfeng, you should be seated at the table. 。The topic quickly shifted from which university to apply to, to the division of labor and cooperation at the wedding. It seemed like the wedding was tomorrow, everyone present enthusiastically participated, even the little kids who weren't knee-high were clamoring to be flower girls, all buzzing with excitement. 。

As for our outlandish conversations these days, I've long learned that I can't refute or stop them. So I just pretend not to listen and that's it.

So, while everyone was debating hotly, I was focused only on dealing with the mountain of large prawns in my bowl. 。In my heart, liking Wei Qingfeng is one thing, but marriage is something very distant. It's too early to discuss this now. 。Besides, our wedding should be something we do ourselves, shouldn't it We can't have everything handled for us, right I need some autonomy too. 。

That thought of marrying Wei Qingfeng wasn't said in jest. My wedding to him has to be planned with our thoughts and feelings in mind.

However, this is just my own opinion. 。Back then, I was young and never thought that it was a matter of two people, otherwise, how could they be attracted to each other 。When I realized, it was already wounded. That sincere heart from my youthful years had wounds crisscrossed and bleeding deeply. 。That day, Wei Qingfeng surprised me greatly. I was extremely shocked. 。He used his wounds and my giving up on him. 。He was eating when he suddenly and without warning stood up, pushing himself too hard. The chair tipped over with a loud crash, leaving a long scratch on the floor. The noise was so jarring it made your teeth ache. 。I was eating intently when he suddenly scared me. I instinctively turned my head to look at him, and I still had half a shrimp in my mouth. 。I've never seen Wei Qingfeng like that. 。He stood there, face contorted with rage, his lean frame trembling slightly. His eyes blazed with fury, as if he'd been wronged beyond measure. 。It's always you, following me around all day. You can't even say anything nice or scold me properly. You're just being a pain! 。I'm telling you, stay away from me in the future. Don't follow me anymore. 。I never would have imagined he'd say that. I was completely dumbfounded, my mind blank. A shrimp, half cooked, slipped from my hand and landed silently on the floor. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness surged through me, my ears buzzing loudly. My face felt as if it were on fire. 。He's being very harsh, it's no different than accusing me publicly of being a shameless dog. 。Tears welled up suddenly, my throat felt like it was choked by something, a searing pain. 。

Qing Feng, what did I do wrong that you would humiliate me in front of so many people I just like you and want to be with you. Is liking you my sin Or is it that being liked by me is actually a shame to you

You can dislike me, ignore me, but you should have told me clearly at the right time instead of encouraging my delusions while also putting me down like I'm nothing.

I'm not being that clingy or needy, I just like you.

Qingfeng, is this your way of making me give up on you You're so cruel!rtant thing to me. 。As for my feelings towards him, an ancient poem says it well: If two people are meant to be together for a long time, they don't need to see each other every day.I admit I like hi...