Chapter 1: The Ugly Woman's Forced Marriage >

nally calmed down from the joy of being reunited with her son, wiping away tears with her hands.The son got into a car accident and had to be fitted with a prosthesis. He was bedridden for over a year...Have you considered it carefully Would you like your grandson Li Ze Yan to marry me

In the ICU, a child put down the silver needle in her hand and turned to smile at Old Lady Li beside her.

The old woman wore a crimson Tang suit. Although she was in her eighties, her spirit was still bright and her bearing was elegant. Her silver hair radiated an aura of authority.

Children are much more different than those elderly ladies who pay attention to their attire.

A black motorcycle jacket, a head full of dirty braids and heavy smoky makeup weren't enough. On his face, there was also a red-brown scar shaped like a centipede, crawling across his entire left cheek!

It's so ugly it's kind of creepy.

Old Mrs. Li hadn't recovered from the shock of her son coming back to life, and the doctors and nurses surrounding her were stunned into silence.

This guy must have taken the wrong medicine Doesn't he know that Li Zehan is the man every girl in the city dreams of marrying Many socialites, wealthy daughters, and famous actresses would break their heads to even get a glimpse of him...

To actually dare to come to the wedding!


Is this ugly thing so recognizable

Well... I guess it's based on skill

After all, the deceased Chairman Li, under the silver needle in his hand, actually breathed again.

The silver needle in the child's hand danced before the old woman's eyes, winking mischievously: "Li, if you nod now, not only will your son be saved, but you'll also have another granddaughter-in-law. It's a good deal, isn't it"

Elder Mrs. Li finally calmed down from the joy of being reunited with her son, wiping away tears with her hands.

The son got into a car accident and had to be fitted with a prosthesis. He was bedridden for over a year. Just now, the doctor announced the end of his life... but suddenly this little girl walked in with silver needles in her hand. With just a few pokes, she brought him back to life!

Not only has breathing returned, but other vital signs are recovering at a visible rate!

What a miracle doctor!

The little divine physician saved half the people and refused to save the rest, demanding that his grandson, Arvan, be married in return for continuing treatment.

"Divine doctor…"

Before the old woman could finish her sentence, the child interrupted with a smile: “I’ll take care of it.”

The smile, radiant like the warmth of a spring day, was bright and beautiful. However, the scars on her face were too prominent, casting a shadow over her radiance. Nevertheless, the confidence shining in her clear eyes was truly dazzling.

As they spoke, a faint and sweet fragrance filled the air.

like orchid, like lotus, seeming to exist yet not to be seen.

This fragrance....

"Hurry, gently!" Old Mrs. Li took a deep breath of incense and urged with loving eyes, "What are you waiting for Quickly save your father-in-law! I'll have that kid, Ar-yan, bring over the household registration book immediately! No no no, it's too late, just move the Civil Affairs Bureau here!"

The old woman was speaking, turning her head to instruct the maid beside her, when a tall man pushed through the door.

With sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, his angular face looked as if it had stepped straight out of a comic. He exuded a powerful aura and an aloof coldness that kept people at bay.

Gao Zhi's height reached 190 centimeters. Two long, straight arms wrapped around his body like those of a young tree, and with each step he took, it felt as if he was stepping on the heart of every person present.

"Li San!"

All the medical staff in the ward greeted them respectfully and hurriedly bowed their heads.

After all, they were unable to save Lei's father.

Gu Qingqing was no exception, and she was also attracted by the kingly aura emanating from the man. A pair of clear spring-like eyes fell on his sharp and cold face.

Exceptionally impressive, radiating an aura of power, and incredibly valuable....

This groom-to-be isn't so bad after all!

Li Ze Yan ignored everyone and walked straight to the bedside. He glanced at the person on the bed before turning to the old lady and asking, "How's my father"

Li, the old woman, red-eyed: “Ah-yan, not only your father is awake! But he's conscious too!!”

A flash of anger crossed the man's handsome and icy features: "Really"

"Thanks to your wife's light touch!"

Elder Mrs. Li glanced at Gu Qingqing and said with a smile, "A-Yan! You must never mistreat Qingqing in the future!"


Li Ze leaned his brow, following the old woman's gaze, only then did he notice the figure beside them that stood out jarringly from its surroundings.

Meeting the man's intense gaze, Gu Qingqing curved her lips into a smile, revealing a row of neat and white teeth: "San, your father waking up doesn't mean he's cured. Please, San, first free up time for me and come with me to get a marriage certificate. I'll continue his treatment when we return."

"What do you mean!" The surprise on Li Ze's handsome face receded inch by inch, replaced by a chilling coldness in his deep eyes. A veil of gloom crept up over them.

He turned his head to look at the doctor, and all the medical staff bowed their heads in unison.

"Well, well!" The old woman held her grandson's hand. "I'm so forgetful. I forgot to tell you. I found a wife for you, the one who cured your father - Gu Qingqing."

Li Ze's eyes narrowed, and his brows furrowed.

His gaze finally shifted from the old woman's awkward smile to Gu Qingqing's face, his voice cold as he said, "So, the condition you agreed to save my father is to marry me"

Gu Qingqing blinked her clear eyes, her slender and fair neck stretched out, and nodded: "Yes."

Marriage is serious, and it is also very sincere!

Li Ze-yan: "..."

Nowadays, kids' faces are so thick-skinned

"Grandma, seeing her grandson's gloomy face, quickly tried to smooth things over: “A-Yan! One can’t judge a person by their looks! Our little Qinglei might not be conventionally beautiful, but she’s intelligent and has a warm smile…”

Everyone gasped in shock.

Is this normal

Doesn't just an average person look better

"!" Li Ze Yan endured the old lady's interruption and said in a deep voice, "I don't judge people by their appearance. I also appreciate the help my father received, but there are many ways to repay him. I can't marry someone I just met for the first time."

"Well then, I won't keep you any longer. Goodbye!"

He spoke, waved his hand, and was about to leave.

"Little Light!"

The old woman hurriedly grabbed her: "Girl, wait a minute, I promise you things will never go back on my word!"

"Upon hearing this, the old woman turned and grabbed the dragon staff leaning beside the bed, pointing it at Li Ze Yan fiercely. "Li Ze Yan, you truly don't want your father to come back to life"

Li Ze Yan clenched his hand hanging by his side: "I've been looking for the Golden and Silver God Doctor. As long as the Gold God Doctor agrees to take the job, my dad will be fine."

Hearing this, Gu Qingqing scoffed disdainfully.

Don't I stand right before you You truly have eyes but fail to recognize this divine physician!

Unfortunately, the money you offered this Divine Physician is beneath him. He's only interested in you!

"Damn it!"

The old woman anxiously reddened her eyes again and said, “You know… You don’t know, your father just passed away! If it wasn’t for my light intervention, you could only see him in the morgue!”

Li Ze's deep eyes suddenly reddened.

Damn person!

Clutching his fists, the man glared at Gu Qingqing with disdain: “They say doctors have a kind heart. Miss Gu, you saved people using such despicable threats, aren't you afraid of ruining your reputation”

"Thank you for thinking of me, husband! What's fame compared to marrying you! From now on, I am your wife, so who dares disrespect me" Gu Qingqing winked playfully at him.

Li Ze's knuckles were white as his fist clenched, the disgust on his face reaching a new level.

Everyone held their breath!

The entire ward was eerily quiet, with only the rhythmic beeping of the machines at the head of each bed.

Suddenly, Li Ze's eyes curved slightly, but danger overflowed in his deep gaze: "Miss Gu, you don't know me well. Are you sure you want to marry me No regrets"

Gu Qingqing raised an eyebrow, meeting his gaze with a smile: "Regret is not in my dictionary!"

Li Ze Yan's sharp gaze swept over the face, a chilling voice came out: "Good! Then I'll give you everything!"

He will let you know how to write the word "regret"!dly grabbed her: "Girl, wait a minute, I promise you things will never go back on my word!""Upon hearing this, the old woman turned and grabbed the dragon staff leaning beside the bed, pointing it at...