Chapter 1: Crushed

phone call disconnected, a message came in: I'm not going back for dinner tonight. 。He is Gushao Ting, and he has been married for three years. 。Shu Pan ignoredWalking home, all I want is to be alone...When you least expect it, autumn arrives suddenly. Yesterday was still a brilliant summer, but today the autumn chill has arrived, with fallen leaves scattered everywhere. The coastal city of Bin Cheng is even more so, turning into a desolate scene.

In the hospital, the smell of disinfectant hung in the air. Shu Pan could even smell it with her mask on. 。My nose felt sour and congested, but I didn't have the mind to think about anything else. Just finished, my face was a little pale, leaning against the bench. 。After waiting for about two and a half hours, I finally got the test results. 。Having hung a specialist's shingle, Shu Pan thought that specialists were authorities and that her own estimates weren't trivial matters. 。Entering the consultation room, the male doctor inside was wearing a white coat and had an elegant demeanor. 。Shu Pan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and it was even difficult to bring it up. But then she thought that the doctor faced this every day, and she was also a married woman for three years. There wasn't anything shameful about it. 。"Doctor, can I have a baby" Shu Pan asked, her face flushed. 。"Are you married" the doctor asked as he looked at the results. 。"

It's over, three years. I really like children, but I can't get pregnant.

" 。Shu Pan quickly replied. 。The male doctor handed the results back to Shu Pan, "You're very healthy and have no illnesses. But if you want to get pregnant, relax your mind, and also consider stopping birth control for a while before trying again." 。"Doctor, are you mistaken I haven't been taking birth control." 。"Shu Pan excitedly said" 。"Your test results show, there's no mistake" 。"The doctor said flatly, 'Don't you know if you like it or not' "

Shu Pan suddenly remembered something and froze. 。Every time they had sex, Gu Shaoting would not take any protection measures, but he would always make her take a vitamin. 。Could that be birth control I often discussed having a child with him, and he always agreed. So why is he making me take birth control now

Walking out of the examination room, I saw pregnant women coming and going in the hallway. They were so happy, with their big bellies, being supported by their husbands as they came for checkups. 。He was incredibly envious. 。

He walked out of the hospital, lost and disoriented.

Right now, I don't want to go back to the studio, and I definitely don't want to go home.

A person wandered aimlessly down the street, oblivious to those who bumped into them.

Shu Pan racked her brain, utterly puzzled why her husband, whom she had a loving relationship with, didn't want children. She knew how much he loved kids and that at 26 years old, she was mentally prepared to be a mother. To her, a child would complete their family. 。

Why did he....

Actually, he didn't dare to think too deeply. The person who hurts you the deepest is often the one you care about most.

Shu Pan walked slowly home, not knowing how long she had been walking, the pain was so intense that she couldn't feel anything anymore.

The tears on her face were like beads that had been severed from their thread, falling one by one. 。The phone rang, the ringtone was Sun Yanzi's Encounter 。She glanced at it, pressed mute, and didn't want to answer. 。After the phone call disconnected, a message came in: I'm not going back for dinner tonight. 。He is Gushao Ting, and he has been married for three years. 。

Shu Pan ignored

Walking home, all I want is to be alone and quiet. 。In the evening, the setting sun bathed the entire city in a golden glow, serene like a painting. 。Shu Pan and Gu Shao Ting live in the Shui Mu Qing Hua district, a newly developed residential area. 。The developer got hold of dozens of centuries-old trees from somewhere. 。

There were many trees planted, the oldest of which was a jasmine tree. Every time it bloomed, the neighborhood would be filled with the scent of jasmine, which was very fragrant.

In the center of the community, they dug a large pond and planted many water lilies in it. 。to add to the neighborhood. 。Every time they had sex, Gu Shaoting would not take any protection measures, but he would always make her take a vitamin. 。Could that be birth control I often discussed having a child with him, and...