01, Immortal

home.Tu Shanjun looked around.Every household in the village came, not a single person was absent. It has to be said, the old village head's influence is still quite impressive.Of course, the small st...Tu Shanjun stood blankly on the open ground at the head of the village.

He had just crossed over and hadn't even given his previous body's injuries time to heal before he was driven like a duck to the village head.

During the Dog Days of summer, even gold melts and stones crack.

After standing for a while, I felt my body was weak and could hardly hold on.

In the midst of swaying, perspiration flowed like rain.

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After all, it was because the original body was injured that it implicated Tushan Jun.

Touching his wound on his head, Tu Shan Jun couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The rider galloped away, and no one could be found. All that was left was to rely on their family fortune to weather the storm.

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Growing up, I was raised on food from various households, with no savings. Now, unable to hold down a steady job, I survive through the kindness of my neighbors.

Let me know if you have other text you'd like me to translate!

According to the village head, there's something important to announce today, and even the wounded are to come.

Tushan Jun came to the head of the village at the invitation of a bowl of thick porridge and half a loaf of white steamed bread.

Anyway, what big deal could there be in ancient times, just make up the numbers.

Things like sacrifices, conscription, and taxation... are all still far away.

Now I need to think about how I'm going to live my life.

As the saying goes, children drain their parents' resources.

Relying solely on handouts from neighbors, it's estimated that it won't be long before they start resenting us.

They were all farmers who made a living by tilling the soil. None of them had much surplus grain at home.

Tu Shanjun looked around.

Every household in the village came, not a single person was absent. It has to be said, the old village head's influence is still quite impressive.

Of course, the small steamed bun, about the size of a child's fist, played a big role.

"Ahem, today I've called everyone to the village square because there's a momentous event I need to announce." The village head cleared his throat, and finally began speaking.

At the entrance of the village, Lai Han tucked his sleeves and looked curiously at the scene. What on earth was happening that every household received a white steamed bun

"Elder Village Head, don't beat around the bush. Since you're here, why not let everyone hear what important matter it is"

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"Yeah, yeah."

What knowledge can villagers possibly have, huddled together like a swarm of ants.

It's quite lively.

The gossiping women gathered together, while the farmers greeted each other.

Even the couch potatoes have gotten off the sofa.

It's finally good to have a lead, if I could take this opportunity to get a wife, that would be perfect.

“A celestial master has come to our village and settled down. It was the old master himself who asked me to gather everyone here.” The village elder finally revealed the secret, his gaze shifting to the old locust tree behind him.

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Under the old village head's guidance, the villagers only then noticed a dark shadow under the tree.

Originally, he had deliberately ignored the other person, not paying any attention to their presence at all.

Tushan Jun's expression showed surprise, her wandering gaze becoming a touch more sharp.

The limp body involuntarily straightened.


'Fairy Master!'


This indicates that this world could possibly be a cultivation world, one that possesses extraordinary powers.

He is very likely to have traveled to a world where cultivators exist.


'Cultivation, longevity, and the Dao.'

Then came a wave of bewilderment, surprise, joy, and a tremor hidden deep within.

Tushan Jun's frail body trembled slightly.

Under the scorching sun of the Three Futian period, cold sweat trickled down my spine, soaking my short shirt.

He wasn't sure if it was really true, if this place was truly a world of cultivators.

Even in his heart, he was truly afraid.

Just think about the law of the jungle, and you'll understand that cultivating immortals is essentially 'eating people'!

Could someone who wasn't even a top-tier figure in their past life truly walk this seemingly straightforward yet thorny path

"Can I really do this"

Here is the content translated to English:

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Can changing to a new world and restarting your life really make you one of the top performers

Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

I can!

Tushan Jun gave himself a firm pep talk, as if afraid that he would give in and retreat, so he used words to hold himself back.

He had never craved anything so intensely, like a starving beast longing for food, pure and primal.

When one's life is not in their own hands, fear will arise.

Fear is the most primal emotion of humankind, and it can also drive people to greatness.

No matter what kind of society, becoming stronger is always a good thing.

The panel was not open. Tu Shan Jun stared in astonishment at the light blue interface that appeared before him, locked by chains.

It looks like the panels in a game, but they're all showing "locked".


Tu Shanjun was overjoyed. As expected, ninety-nine percent of transmigration involved cheats.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Since there was a [hanging], Tu Shan Jun's eyes held a bit less hope, and his expression became more composed.

He did not rashly approach the fairy master who looked intimidating.

The person on the other end doesn't look like a good guy.

The immortal who emerged from the shadows was about five feet eight inches tall, with a face as pale as gold paper and sunken cheeks.

The fierce eyes dimmed.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

There is injury.

Seriously injured!

The black robe was tattered and still bore the marks of fresh blood.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he grinned.

Tu Shanjun shivered, his wandering gaze focused, revealing a hint of light and alertness.

He always felt something was off, the Immortal's gaze upon them like that of prey.

When the other party's gaze swept over, Tu Shanjun's eyelids twitched incessantly, which made him even more terrified.

Where can one find such a dignified appearance among immortals

Shouldn't he be a fairy-like figure with an ethereal bearing and the elegance of a crane, with youthful features Even if not, he should at least be refined and courteous.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

If this person before us is truly a so-called immortal, then the other party is definitely not a righteous cultivator.

Cultivators and demon cultivators are no different, they are all scoundrels.

“May the Three Pure Ones and Bodhisattvas protect me, keeping me safe and sound.”

Tushan Junqiang held back the fear in his heart, took several deep breaths to calm himself down, and not scare himself.


He has begun to lose heart.

One shouldn't risk contact with cultivators if they have a protective charm, and if they must interact, they should seek out righteous immortals. This person before them clearly isn't a good one.

Tu Shanjun's face grew solemn, and he quietly retreated to behind the crowd.

Keeping his head bowed, he glanced at the black-robed Immortal Master out of the corner of his eye.

It's also good to have a buffer in case something happens, so you can buy yourself some time.

Of course, the first thing is to figure out what this seemingly unwholesome sorcerer wants.

"It's actually a fairy master, I didn't expect a fairy master to come to our village."

"The legendary immortal..."

“Indeed a great event this is, if one were to obtain the favor of immortals...”

The villagers were stunned and overjoyed, with expressions of disbelief.

After all, I've only heard rumors and never truly seen a fairy master.

The youngsters who went in and out of the village, they would boast about having seen immortals in the big city. Everyone just laughed it off as tall tales.

If you are truly a fairy master, could you please help us clean up the chaotic graveyard

Because it has been a long time, the mass grave has produced filth.

"You've worked hard."

The master with triangular eyes patted the elder village head's shoulder, a cruel smile on his face as he addressed the villagers: "You've all worked hard."

“Allow me, esteemed guests, to bestow upon you a grand transformation.”

Tu Shanjun clearly saw that the village elder was like being immobilized by a spell, standing still in place.

His eyes were vacant, his thin frame like withered wood.


Tushan Jun's expression changed drastically. Without hesitation, he turned and ran.


With a loud thud, he bumped into something, causing him to see stars and feel dizzy.

Though there was nothing in front of him, Tu Shanjun felt as if he had bumped into an impenetrable copper wall.

“A formation.”


The demonic cultivator with triangular eyes glanced at him.

With a flick of his sleeve, a black pole with red edges flew out from his cuff.

Bathed in the wind, it grew to a towering height, stretching across a vast expanse above everyone's heads. The transparent walls on all sides gradually turned gray as they were engulfed by black smoke.

The demon cultivator waved the long sword in his hand, and as soon as it left its sheath, blood appeared.

The old village head's head detached from his stooped body, soaring high before rolling down, a spurt of blood reaching several feet, the metallic and sweet scent filling the air.


A terrified scream jolted the villagers from their stupor.

"He killed someone!"

The village head was killed.

The villagers were astonished, in a state of panic and commotion. They jostled each other, moving around like startled poultry, like flies without a head.

Hurried and jostled, pressing and piling up.

It's a pity, there's no escape.

Tushan Jun had already scouted the area for them, and transparent walls sealed off everyone's path.

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The black flags above everyone's heads whirled, and gray shadows surged from the corpses into them suddenly.

Then came a one-sided massacre.


The sword-wielding demonic cultivator slaughtered the villagers within the formation as easily as killing chickens.

For a while, the fresh blood formed a streamlet, a river of crimson. The corpses piled up into small hills.

Nearly 200 villagers, they couldn't even hold a stick of incense.

The countenance of the cultivator became increasingly ferocious, blood splattering on his face, revealing a sickly madness.

Tushan Jun leaned against the transparent wall in terror, his chestnut eyes shrinking involuntarily.

He curled up, his brain racing to find a way to defeat the demon cultivator.

"System, is there a new player gift pack!"

“The kind that quickly improves your skills.”

How about a start-up draw

"What about a magic pill that can solve all the problems directly"

"Damn system, I'm going to die!"


Even countless calls failed to activate the light blue panel.

While Tu Shan Jun was racking his brains for a solution, the cultivators of the Demon Dao had slaughtered all the villagers and stood before him.

Shadows enveloped, towering above, revealing a face of madness.

Ferocious and terrifying.

It's your turn.

"You're rather special."

“Just so, this soul banner of mine is still missing a primary spirit.”

“You're so quick-witted, I hope you can hold on.” The demonic cultivator grinned cruelly, raising his long sword.

Here is the translation:

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!o an impenetrable copper wall.“A formation.”"Rise!"The demonic cultivator with triangular eyes glanced at him.With a flick of his sleeve, a black pole with red edges flew out from his cuff.Bathed in t...